Chapter 65

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We went to a Japanese restaurant, my favorite place, Sakura, where they cooked the food in front of you. I was happy at least we were going to my favorite place, just not with my favorite person. Blake and I walked into the restaurant, and Blake sent me a look as we found DJ and Maya, hiding in the back of the dining room. Blake shot me a glare.

"Behave," he instructed me. I tossed my signature move, an eye roll, in his direction, but he just smirked and reprimanded me again. DJ smiled to us when we approached, but Maya kept busy with the menu. Which wasn't very long. "Hey, guys," Blake chirped, seating me and then sitting down himself. Maya looked up and smiled for what was a split second, before meeting the menu again. When DJ saw Maya wasn't going to talk, he spoke up.

"Hey guys, what's up? Glad you could join us!" DJ said a little too enthusiastically. I already knew what I wanted, and after the drinks were brought out and they warmed up the stove in front of us we ordered. Maya and I used to come here with Candace and Skylar. But that seemed like a distant memory. Really distant. Our chef put all our food on the stove and we watched in awe, him cook it, but Maya kept looking at her menu, which she refused to give up. The chef served us all our food and we sat chatting, everyone except Maya. I noticed Blake and DJ stand up.

"We are just going to the bathroom real quick," Blake told me and I latched my fingers onto his pants.

"Blake, please," I asked him, but I eventually unlatched myself and let them go. I played with my food, as Maya was still gazing at the menu. This was very awkward. Horribly awkward. Eventually Maya put her menu down and looked up to me. I didn't look up to her and kept my eyes on my shrimp.

"Remember when we used to come here all the time?" Maya piped up and asked me. I looked up to her and a small smile played on my lips.

"Yeah," I answered, my smile fading. "Feels like a brick."

"Skylar and Candace say hey," she said quietly and I nodded, smiling a little, hesitating to answer.

"Tell them I say hello," I answered back and she nodded.

"I, uh saw the pictures," she said referring to Russell and I's sex photos. I nodded, my smile completely gone.

"Yeah, you and the whole world," I commented and she nodded quietly.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, everything you had to go through," she said and I snorted. I didn't need her sympathy.

"Yeah, well, I don't need your sympathy about that," I snapped, irritated with her a little bit.

"Morgan, why can't you just accept people's apologies? Honestly. Get over it, okay. We all make mistakes, obviously. You and Blake are fine, I just let it slip. Okay? I'm sorry." She fessed up. I rolled my eyes. I knew this was a bad idea.

"Only it wasn't a fucking accident. You didn't just 'let it slip,' you tried to break us the fuck up. Fuck you." I didn't want to start a scene at all, because I knew someone would get it on camera, and I couldn't take that risk to embarrass Blake again.

"Fuck you? Really, Morgan? Grow the fuck up, fuck you!" Blake and DJ came back just in time to get in the middle of this. "This was a bad idea." Maya got up and left the restaurant, DJ running behind her. The bill was already paid, I should've just got up and left when I could have. I looked up to Blake, who was looking at me intensely. That look he gave me when I was in trouble. When I did something bad.

"Come on," Blake told me, dragging me out of the restaurant, walking fast pace. We both got into the car and he sped home, faster than he ever had. The car ride was quiet and I felt like asking him several times what he wanted to talk about, but I kept quiet.


"Do you need help, Morgan?" Blake asked me, grabbing both of my hands in his. I raised my eyebrows, wondering what he was talking about. "DJ told me."

"About what?" I asked him. Maya, now DJ. Great. Blake flipped my arms over and tried to roll up my sleeves. I grabbed his hand to stop him, "please don't."

"I just want to see them, please," he told me. "I need to see what I did to you."

"You didn't do this to me, I did this to me," I said, yanking my arm from his grasp. "Don't think for a second that this was your fault." I felt one tear drop down my face. He reached back out for my arm. He took off my sweatshirt slowly, as I just sat there in my bra. He looked at all the scars that were past my elbow, tons of them. Blake ran his fingers over them, just staring at them. He bit his lower lip, as tears welled in his eyes. "Blake, you didn't do this." He got up from the couch, pushing my arms away.

"I fucking hate myself." Blake said, pacing around the room. "GOD DAMMIT!" Blake punched the wall, and I winced at the blood instantly forming at his knuckles, and the dent in the wall. "I am such a fucking dick, I did that to you." Two tears escaped his eyes. I jumped up and hugged him, not wanting to let him go. He cried into my shoulder, as I held him.

"Blake, this was me. All me. I did this to myself. It was because of me, my actions. Don't think for a fucking second, this was you. It wasn't! I promise." Blake turned around, as I let him go. He cuffed my face and kissed me multiple times.

"I love you. No mater what. You can tell me anything. I will always love you." He kept my face cupped in his hands and I nodded. "Morgan, I am so so sorry I made this happen to you." I pushed Blake away, and got his hands off my face.

I took a couple deep breaths, "Blake, get this through your head, you did not do this to me, this was because of other reasons, okay? It was because of me, because of other reasons. I love you, I always will love you." Blake shook his head, more tears coming from his eyes.

"You told me that day... that you were depressed, but I just brushed it off, I didn't do anything," he said, beating himself up. I felt horrible. Why did I do this? Why did I choose to be selfish, I should have thought about Blake. The only person I was thinking about was myself. "I hurt you when we got in that huge fight about the pills, but that was for anxiety, I was basically making fun of you for having anxiety problems. I am such a fucking dick, I am so so so sorry to you, Morgan." He wrapped me in a hug, and I held him there as tight as possible.

I leaned up as far as I could and whispered in his ear, "this is not your fault, baby," and kissed his jawbone lightly.

"I just... I just want to hold on to you forever and ever," he told me, lovingly.

"Then never let go."

I found this chapter dramatic, emotional, sad, hateful and loving at the same time like woah my feels have been destroyed.

•She's tough, but she tries to hide it. She's difficult. But if you make an effort, she's worth it. She's worth the effort.•

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