Chapter 94

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"Look, Blake," Cynthia said on the way out of the door. Neither of them knew I was eavesdropping from the foyer. I didn't want my mother to tell Blake anything else he wasn't aware about. Such as me giving birth at sixteen. I peeped my eye around the corner, so none of them could see me, and saw she was halfway out of the storm door, Blake towering over her. "Morgan has had her troubles. A hell of a lot of them. She's had a huge fear of abandonment since she was little... even before everything happened. Morgan is a good girl, she is. She may do bad things, but she's learning. She'll get better. It's all my fault and I know it. I heard about the whole cheating thing... and... I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Blake muttered, cutting her off, "it was all my fault. I abandoned her. That was on me." Cynthia shook her head, and looked up to Blake.

"She really loves you, I can just tell," she said, smiling, "normally, Morgan would run away... she loves to run away from her problems, but with you... Gosh, I've never in my life seen her this happy." She dried her eyes, as a few tears welled up in the corner or her eye. "Thank you, thank you so much, for giving her your love because that's all she needs. You can take better care of her than I ever have and will be able too. I know she can be a handful sometimes, but..."

Blake cut her off, "She's worth it. She's tough. She's difficult, sometimes it's hard to talk with her, communicate with her. But she's worth it. She's always going to be worth it. She's worth the effort." Cynthia smiled and I couldn't help but smile, and hide my face in my hands. Blake always knew what to say and that's what I adored about him. That was so beautiful. My heart felt warm. That was my Blake.

"Thank you," Cynthia said, pursing her lips.

"Mrs. Rowland, I love your daughter with all my heart and only her," Blake reassured her, "there is no need to thank me. I should thank God for bringing her into my life. She keeps me grounded."

"As I'm sure you do to her," Cynthia nodded, a small smile pressed against her old, fragile face.

"There's just one thing that bothers me," Blake asked her, as she raised her drawn-on eyebrows. "Why didn't she tell me? About the bipolar and... the drinking?" Cynthia sighed and looked to her black church shoes.

"That's true love right there," she said, "but like you said, Morgan has a difficult time communicating. She hates telling people about her past and her childhood and what she has been through. You can't blame her. I would just talk to her about it and get her some medication." Blake nodded and bit his lower lip. Cynthia turned to leave as Blake closed the storm door. "Oh, and Blake!" She called, as Blake looked back outside. "Congratulations," she added with a small smile. Blake raised his eyebrows as she rolled her eyes. Typical Morgan habit. "You're getting married, right?" Blake smiled and nodded looking at his feet. "Congratulations." I heard her say. I turned around and sped through the living room and through the dark corridor and into the kitchen, leaning against the island counter. I heard Blake's heavy feet coming into the kitchen, as I sipped on a glass of water. I swallowed when Blake came in and added a smile. I knew what he wanted to talk about first.

"Uh," Blake said, throwing up his hands and then putting them on his hips. "Why didn't you tell me?" I grimaced and walked up to him giving him a big hug to make up for it. "You have to do more than that to make up for it," Blake scolded, grabbing me. I let go of him, and leaned back against the counter.

"I couldn't tell you," I told him, "I just... I don't know. It never came up."

"So you've had bipolar disorder this whole time..." Blake trailed off, narrowing his eyes, "And you haven't taken anything?" I shook my head.

"I might not have it anymore," I added, cheerfully and Blake shook his head.

"You don't just grow out of these things, Morgan, you need to go to the doctor," I rolled my eyes and nodded to Blake's request. "And the drinking? What's up with that?"

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