Chapter 95

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"Mo--" I stopped myself as Cynthia was calling me, "Cynthia?" After the first past there was a little hesitation on the other line.

"Morgan, I'm at the airport now, but I just wanted to tell you one more thing before I left back to Maryland," she told me. I had to prepare myself for this one. The uneasiness in her voice worried me, and I knew there had to be more to the story then just the black and white she was giving me. "Morgan, you have a sister." The line went cold. My end of the line went cold. I have a sister? I have a sister. I swallowed hard and took a deep, reassuring breath. What's so bad about a sister I never knew about, right? Completely normal family things.

"H-How old is she?" I stuttered into the phone.

"She's nine," Cynthia said into the phone and mumbled something else, "she doesn't know about you. She's the same age as Hannah."

"Don't talk about Hannah," I snapped, checking behind me to make sure Blake was still at the grocery store and not anywhere around me.

"Morgan," Now it was her time to snap, "how have you not told Blake you had a baby at sixteen?"

"Because I haven't and I won't," I said abruptly, wanting to change the topic. Hannah was gone, out of my life. For good, and I just found out I had a sister that I never knew about and she wants to change the subject to my daughter who has been dead to me for nine years?

"You should tell Blake, Morgan, before something happens, and he might find out. Just talk," she said and I shook my head.

"Do you not know what 'I won't' means?" I snapped, angrily. There was no way Blake could know. Especially now. And he wasn't going to know. Right?

"But why, Morgan, why?" She pried again, as I took a deep breath. "Why can't you tell him? Is it that hard?" I knew it wasn't that hard. It was in the past and over. But I did not want to talk about Hannah. Ever again. It was long ago, and she was long gone.

"She's just... in the past," I sighed into the phone. There was some scuffle on the other end of the line.

"I've got to go my plane is boarding," she said into the phone as I nodded. "Think about it." With that, she hung up the phone. I dropped the phone to my side and took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair, exhausted.

"Hey, baby," Blake said from the entrance of the kitchen, scaring the shit out of me as I jumped. "Little scared?" He laughed and grabbed me by my waist and I jumped as he spun me around to face him. He hugged me and I squealed.

"Ew, you're so sweaty," I complained, laughing into his chest.

"Why are you so jumpy?" He asked me, after he released our hug.

"No reason," I answered a little too quickly. He raised his eyebrows, suspicion covering his face. "Nothing." He rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself a little. He grabbed both of my cheeks and kissed me, walking past me and into the kitchen. He poured a glass of water for himself as I watched him.

"God, I love you so much, I fell too hard for you, missy," he said, as I blushed a little, and couldn't help but smile. Guilt poured all through me as my stomach flip flopped uncomfortably. He took a sip of his water and I bit my lip.

"Blake," I said, as he looked over to me. There was a long pause before I spoke again, "Are you afraid of heights?" Blake made a strange look at me. I coaxed him on.

"Actually, yeah, I am," he said, nodding his head, "I could never go up on that Ferris wheel with DJ and CP on Santa Monica Pier." I nodded, knowing what he was talking about. "Why?"

"I love you too," I said, "When a guy says I love you for the first time or whenever... ask him if he's afraid of heights... if he says yes, then despite his fear he still fell for you. And fear is always stronger than love." Blake thought about it for a moment.

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