Chapter 107

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"So she's living with us now?" I couldn't even look Blake in the eyes. He seemed to be noticing it but I couldn't tell.

"I don't know, Blake," I answered in a whisper. Hannah was upstairs sleeping in what would be her room if she moved in. "I don't know what's happening," I ran my hand over my face and took a deep breath. Blake walked over and comforted me before I pushed him off involuntarily. "Please don't touch me." Blake looked taken aback by my words and moved away from me.

"Why would you say that? Did I do something to you?" Blake asked me, shaking his head. I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it searching for the right excuse. Now really was not the time to get into an argument with Blake, let alone about Russell and I's fling. I gulped and took a calming breath.

"I'm just stressed right now, Blake, okay?" I snapped a little too quickly, before averting my eyesight and placing my hands on both cheeks and leaning forward. Blake was silent for a few moments before speaking up.

"Don't you think I'm stressed out?" Blake asked me, a little sassily. I didn't blame him, I was acting weird.

"I'm just... I'm sorry, Blake," I told him, my eyes streaked with red from tears. "I wasn't expecting to be put in this position, alright? I didn't think she would show up at my door. I don't know what to do, Blake. I just was not expecting this."

"It's okay, I understand," Blake comforted me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "Baby, I know you weren't asking for this, but everything happens for a reason. This is happening to us for a reason. And if we are meant to keep Hannah, then it is meant to be." My stomach churned with guilt, my finger intertwined with Blake's, aching to leave his grip.

"Blake, we have to keep her, she has nowhere to go," I defended her.

"Morgan, there's a lot more to this than just a couple pieces of paperwork. He might come back and get her," Blake tried to reassure me. But somehow I wasn't reassured. I did want to keep Hannah here, I did. Blake was just listing all the things that could go wrong at this point. "She might have designated godparents. Child protective services might come here and take her away. The agency might because we are not fit to be parents." I wanted to keep Hannah, the only thing that was worrying me was that I wouldn't be able to provide her with the best life. With what Hannah deserved.

"We are fit to be parents," I argued, shaking my head. "I don't know we just need to talk about this."

"That's what we are doing right now. Talking," Blake told me, taking a calming breath. I could tell he was getting aggravated with me, but this time, between the two of us, I was going to hold my patience. Patience was a virtue that I truly did need right now. "How are we, Blake and Morgan, going to take care of a kid? Let alone a cancer infected one?"

"Cancer infected!" I shouted, rolling my eyes. Patience, Morgan, patience. "She's not infected, Blake, she has cancer not Ebola. Her cancer is also gone." I snapped.

"I just... I really want this, baby, I do," he reassured me, placing his hands on my shoulders and giving me a soft massage. "But right now really isn't a good time. We are both professional basketball players, away from home, trying to get married, the whole world watching us while we are doing it. Sometimes we have people show up outside of our house, our house, Morgan, asking for an autograph or a picture. This isn't a good life for us, not for anybody. Now you want to bring a kid into the mix? How do you think everyone is going to react knowing you had a baby as a teen? I can promise you won't be teenage girls' role model anymore." Blake had a way with words. He was always right, which I had learned to get used to, but he was just so blunt sometimes his words hurt.

"How would they find out we are holding a kid here?" I asked him. Blake stared at me blankly. "Okay, that was dumb. Why don't we just say she was adopted?" Blake was quiet for a few moments, juggling the idea in his head before he seemed to accept it.

"We could do that," Blake admitted, "but most of all right now, we need to protect her from the press. I'm gonna treat her like my kid and I don't want her to be blasted on magazines and the Internet. I'm going to be her father and I'm going to protect her from anything. Even if I have to smash a camera in. That is my daughter." I couldn't help but stop the smile that spread on my face when Blake said that. Finally he was taking some responsibility. Maybe Blake would be able to handle this the right way. Now I just had to grow up and tell Blake the truth about what I had told Russell tonight. I debated in my head whether I should save it for another night or get it over with now. Because chances were, a screaming match was going to ensue and it would scare Hannah shitless. Blake moved around the table and sat across from me, grabbing both of my hands and interlacing our fingers. He must have noticed I dropped my eyesight from his and my breathing past quickened. I cleared my throat, as Blake dropped my hands. "Something happened today," he offered. He cleared his throat to indicate he was ready to listen.

"I talked to Russell when I was at the hospital, I saw him in the parking garage after checking on Chris," I said slowly. I didn't want Blake to jump to conclusions but I know in his head, he was. That was just a Blake thing to do.

"Why is he still here?" Blake asked me, hurt already in his voice. Sometimes, I really wished Blake would just let me talk.

"They can't get ahold of Serge's parents to tell whether he wants to be buried or cremated," I explained innocently. I was going to make this easy on Blake. "So we were talking in the parking lot and... he was talking about things and how he loves me or whatever." I trailed off as Blake sat there in silence. My teeth brushed over my lower lip over and over again. I knew this was killing Blake just sitting there not knowing what I was going to say. "And I don't know what to do Blake. I can't stay away from him. Because... I don't know." I didn't know how to word this without Blake screaming or walking out.

"Because you love him," Blake finished for me, his voice was deep and flat. I gasped at his word choice and quickly closed my lips. "But I'm right, aren't I?" I was caught in something I couldn't get out of. Blake could always tell when I was lying, and to be honest, I didn't want to. I had to be honest with Blake, and I was scared as hell for what was going to happen, what he was going to say. "What did I do? To deserve this? I love you."

"And I love you too!" I burst before I could control myself. I remembered I needed to stay calm and collected. I sat back in my seat and swallowed the lump in my throat. I was not going to cry. I was not going to shout. "I will always love you, Blake Griffin, always. I love you more than anyone on this planet."

"Did you kiss him?" Blake asked me, flatly. I opened my mouth and said Blake, before he cut me off again, anger overcoming his voice. "Did you kiss him!" I sat back down at Blake's loud voice, as tears blurred my vision. I was not going to cry.

"No," I wailed, putting both of my hands on the table and dropping my head to look at my feet. The doorbell rang and Blake stood up to get it, slamming the chair into the table hard. I got myself together while Blake was gone, so I wouldn't cry. Blake and I would get through this. I walked over to the foyer to see a lady showing Blake the papers that were signed Hannah over to her.

"I'm her godmother," she explained as Hannah was walking down the steps with her luggage. Everything was going by so fast. She hugged me goodbye before disappearing with her godmother. What the hell was happening? I felt like everything was spinning. Hannah was gone so soon?Blake grabbed both of my hands and made me look him straight in the eyes.

"Did you kiss him!" His voice boomed through the whole level of the house. I just stared back into his eyes. It only took me a few moments before I fell into a fit of tears as my head dropped away from his gaze, him holding both of my hands. "No, no, no, no, no!" Blake yelled as I dropped to the ground. "You didn't do it, Morgan, you didn't cheat on me!" Blake yelled, refusing to believe it. He bent down, grabbed my hand and took the ring off my finger, as I was screaming at Blake to give it back. He opened up the door and chucked it into the yard. "Me and you... this is fucking over."

And just like that... he was gone.

When the ground gives way, and your world collapses, maybe you just need to have faith. And trust that you will survive this. Maybe you just need to hold on tight. And no matter what, don't let go•

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