Chapter 75

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"I told you I was sick but yet you still came over," I joked as I lead Amber into the backyard. All the boys were out getting last minute shopping in before AllStar Weekend.

"I had too, before you left for New York," she told me, raising her sunglasses. "Besides, you don't look too sick."

"Thanks, means a lot," I joked, I was feeling a lot better. We went out onto the pool deck. "I think I just ate something bad. Blake offered to stay with me today, but I said I was okay. I am feeling a lot better."

"Glad to hear it," Amber said, "so... how is Mlake? As in all the fanpages on Instagram, that is you guys' ship name." I laughed and shrugged, lifting up my fingers. Amber looked, and then gasped. "OH MY GOD!!!" She shrieked, grabbing my hand. "That is a big ass rock, girl! It's gorgeous... when did this happen?"

"A few nights ago," I answered, "thanks."

"I know that night was pretty eventful," she winked at me, laughing. I shrugged.

"It was eventful not in the way you're thinking, no sex, nothing like that at all," I answered back, pouting, "but let's not talk about that."

"What time are you guys leaving tonight?" She asked me.

"At seven, our flight is boarding at 9:30, so they all need to hurry their asses back home," I giggled, checking the time, just a few hours off seven. "What big news did you have that you couldn't tell me on the phone the other day?"

"It has to wait. I promise I will tell you, though. Well, I'm gonna go then, leave you to get everything organized," she smiled as we both exchanged a hug. "And congratulations, Blake is a great guy, I hope to be an auntie soon," she added a laugh, "and take care of DJ up in New York, alright?"

I nodded and then gasped. "You still have feelings for DJ?"

Amber shrugged and then bit her lower lip. I gasped again. "I don't think I still have feelings for him, but, you know when you love someone, even if you're not together you'll forever care for them? I care about DJ. A lot."


"Five and a half fucking hours?" DJ questioned after the stewardess made the message over the PA system. Chris hushed DJ, who had cursed very loudly. Chris and Matt sat together in front of Blake and I, and then DJ and Maya in the seats next to us. Of course, both Maya and I sat in the two window seats, as far away as possible. Maya had both of her earbuds in, blocking out everything. It was tense, everyone could feel it. The plane was leveling out in the air, and I took a deep breath. Matt and Chris broke into conversation, and DJ closed his eyes.

"You okay, babe?" Blake asked me, turning to me. I nodded and smiled, just tired. "You don't feel sick at all?"

"I'm fine, baby," I rested my hand on his arm, yawning a little, and resting back into the seat.

"You positive?" Blake asked me again, and I rolled my eyes.

"Blake, I'm fine. I must have just eaten something bad," I told him, reassuring him with a smile.

"Have you gotten your-" he pointed to my groin area, "you know what lately?"

"Yes, Blake," I told him, smiling. He nodded twice in reassurance. He kissed my forehead lightly and smiled to me. I smiled back.


"What was the point of coming for All-Star weekend, a weekend early?" I joked, as Blake and I lied in our hotel, in the dark. It was eight in the morning in New York, and everyone was exhausted. Blake and I were dozing on and off, but we still managed to stay awake and talk about things.

"New York is a beautiful city," Blake said, exhaustion in his raspy voice. "Filled with even more beautiful things." He kissed the top of my ear, as I smiled and giggled to myself.

"I'm gonna do lots and lots of shopping today," I said, stretching and smiling big. Blake looked down to me, twirling my ring around my finger.

"You're so beautiful and I love you," Blake reminded me, kissing my forehead lightly. I looked up in his arms, and kissed his lips lightly.

"You're so handsome and I love you," I smiled again, standing up out of the bed to go get ready and take a shower. Blake groaned when I left the bed and I smiled, getting my clothes out to start the day.

"You're going to take a shower?" Blake asked, and I nodded, as he jumped out of the bed, following me into the bathroom. I giggled when he followed me in, as he set the water temperature just right and we stripped. Blake grabbed me from behind in the shower, and started kissing me and tracing his tongue up and down my neck. My stomach grumbled and turned as Blake pulled me closer, and squeezed my stomach. He pushed my hair aside, as he tried to meet my lips but I shook my head.

"I don't feel good at all, Blake," I told him, shaking my head and moving to step out of the shower. He grabbed me and kissed me some more but I pushed him away. "I seriously..." I couldn't finish before I jumped out of the shower, and ran to the toilet, leaning over and vomiting. Blake grabbed my hair and held it back as I heaved into the toilet. Really?

but the good times couldn't last forever •

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