Chapter 59

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"Hey!" Paige squealed, welcoming me into her new farmhouse in southern South Carolina. I dropped my bags and gave her a huge hug, almost lifting her off her feet. "God damn, all that basketball is really treating you well." I put her down, laughing. I missed Paige a lot since I had moved from the east coast.

"Where's Regan?" I asked her, looking past Paige and into the warm-looking living room, the TV on. Regan was my other cousin, Paige's sister. They owned their farm together since Paige was only 19 and Regan, 22.

"Regan had to go get some hay for the horses," Paige said, bringing my luggage into the living room. "You haven't talked to us in awhile."

"I know, I'm so sorry," I told her, pursing my lips. "With basketball and everything I've just been so busy." She nodded and motioned me forward.

"C'mon, do you want a tour?" I nodded and followed her. The house was small, tiny compared to Blake and I's. It was cozy and warm though, I loved it. I had adapted to the Los Angeles weather, it was freezing cold in South Carolina in January, which I had seemed to have forgotten. "This is the living room," she had a fire going on in the fireplace. "We have a loft, that's where you will be staying. Kitchen is over here," the kitchen was small and cute. She showed me their bedrooms, the sun room, hot tub, huge lake they had in the backyard. They had a huge barn, with stalls for their fifteen horses, but all the horses were out in the fields. "Do you still remember how to ride or are you a full out urbanite now?" She joked and I smiled.

"Of course I still remember, I spent my whole childhood with my ass in a saddle," I reminded her and she smiled.

"I miss the old days. I never get to see you anymore," Paige pouted, giving me yet another hug. We were sitting on their deck, looking over the lake and the horses.

I smirked and stared out onto the lake at the boats they had. There were so many Palm trees that covered the land. "I have missed the east, man. Can't believe I'm actually back."

"I never thought you would be back," Paige admitted to me. Our eyes connected for a second and I smiled. There was an awkward silence and I knew what she wanted to bring up. "Your parents miss you like crazy. They haven't heard from you in years." I bit my lower lip, and took a deep breath.

"This is especially not the time to talk to them. I'm going through a lot right now." Paige nodded and pursed her lips together.

"So when am I going to get to meet the famous Blake? You guys have been dating for almost ten months. You moved in with him. Looks like you guys are getting serious. Your own closest relative/best friend doesn't get to meet him?" I laughed and nodded.

"We are going through a lot right now. He hasn't even texted me to see if I had a safe flight. He didn't say I love you back, and he's been avoiding me," I said, shaking my head, watching the horses eat the grass. It was so peaceful here. It was so unstressful.

"Well, I did see the pictures," she told me and I put my face in my hands and groaned. "Sorry... Can I ask what happened?"

"I got pregnant," I told her and Paige gasped. "I was so freaked out I swallowed abortion pills, without telling Blake I was even pregnant. I felt so guilty, so I told him. He left me for days, and Russell, my best friend, the one I cheated on Blake with, was there for me everyday. I was just so vulnerable and I...yeah. We also have this person that takes pictures of us in our own house, and I should've thought it through better. Blake blamed me cheating on him, on himself before, but we almost got in a physical fight last night. I've been feeling weird lately, I don't know."

"Well, I hope everything works out for you in the end," Paige said, smiling. "You always have me." I smiled at her. I heard a huge roar from the side of the house and looked over to see Regan driving her truck into the field, to drop off the hay. She jumped out of the truck and yelled "what's up!" I waved to her and smiled. Regan emptied all the hay, drove the truck out of the field, and then parked the truck in the driveway, closing the gate. She ran up to me, hay in her hair, mud on her pants and jumped into my arms.

"Oh! Wow," I hesitated but then put my arms around her. She really smelled like horse shit. She brushed her jeans a little and looked at her jeans.

"I'm sorry, I know you've been away for awhile, LA really is different, isn't it?" She asked me and I nodded, smiling really big at her. I couldn't believe I was finally seeing them again. "Everyone here misses you."

"I missed you too," I told her and she grabbed my shoulders.

"How's little DJ? Feels like I haven't seen him in forever, I can't believe you guys ended up in the same place," she gushed and I smiled.

"Well, little DJ isn't so little anymore. He's an inch off seven feet. He's doing great though, typical, Deej. Him and Chris have been there for me through all this and they're my closest friends," I told them, smiling at thinking about DJ and Chris.

"Chris Paul," Regan said, shaking her head admiring me, "Hangin' with the big leagues now, aren't you?" I chuckled and snapped my fingers together.

"When are you about to let Paige and I fly out and meet Blake and everyone and see the new house?" I smiled.

"Whenever!" I said a tad bit too excitedly.

Paige turned to Regan, "we would have trouble finding someone to take care of the farm. Maybe Mom would."

"Just give us a date whenever Blake is ready to meet us," Regan chimed, "just know if he ever hurts you, he won't know what's coming to him." I rubbed the back of my neck and chuckled nervously.

"I think you should be the one coming at me," I answered, being honest.

"Yeah," Regan answered, slowly. "Turns out the media keeps us more updated than you do." I stuck out my lower lip.

"I'm sorry, I promise I will stay in touch," I answered and smiled.

"That's not what matters," Paige said breaking the tension. "What matters is that you're hear now. With us."

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