Chapter 144

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I bounced Marcus up and down on my hip, as he cooed to me and I smiled. I hummed to him as he was cooing, loving the bouncing on my hip. I soon stopped in fear of doing it too long, but he was already fast asleep. I placed him softly in his crib, and smiled, holding his little hand. I made sure he didn't need his diaper changed before leaving the room. I looked up and down the hallway to make sure Blake was nowhere in sight. I ran across the hall to our room and grabbed my basketball duffel bag, and slung it over my shoulder, running down the stairs as quietly as possible. I spotted Blake in the hot tub outside with his eyes closed. I walked as fast and as quietly as I could past him and made a mad dash to my car. I ran through the garage and to my car and made it to safety. Blake would kill me if he knew I was going to practice, but I had to go just this once. I backed out of the driveway in victory. I was mentally cheering myself on, I was finally going to make it to practice.


"Well, well, well," Maya said, wrapping her arm around me as I dropped my bag down on the floor as the other teammates ran up and gave me hugs. "Look who the hell decided to show up." We all exchanged hugs, except Candace, who continued to work on her free throws at the other end of the gym. However, I wasn't going to let her ruin the reunited moment. "Blake let you out of the house?"

"I, um, kind of snuck out without telling him," I admitted, grimacing. I knew if Blake found out where I was he would be upset. But through everything that had been going on I felt this would be the least of our worries.

"So when he comes in here all angry and shit, foaming at the mouth, I will definitely point him your way," Maya joked, shaking her head.

"I could be anywhere else, I could be at the grocery store... Or...." I trailed off, thinking a little bit harder. Now that I thought about it, Blake went to the grocery store more than I did.

"He's gonna see your gym bag is gone and he's gonna kill you," Maya said, knitting her eyebrows together with concern. As if on cue, my phone began to vibrate.

"Shit," I mumbled. I pressed a smile onto my face when I answered the phone.

"Hey," I said, as Maya covered her mouth to conceal her laughter.

"Morgan, where the hell are you?" Blake barked into the phone. I knew he was simply just worried about me and my whereabouts and my conditions after having a child. Most of all he was worried because our relationship was on the rocks and he was doing everything he could to help it.

"I, um, just went to the grocery store to get some stuff, I'll be home soon," I assured him, looking away from Maya, trying not to laugh.

"Do I have stupid written on my forehead?" He asked, "I know you're at the damn practice center, I hear the balls dribbling in the background."

"Oh," I mumbled, "Surprise."


"Blake, I feel like I'm really ready," I told him, sitting down on the bench. "Trust me with this one, alright? I promise I won't push myself." There was a silence over the line before Blake sighed.

"You're really something, Morgan, you know that?" He chuckled into the phone, which made me smile. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. Please take it easy, baby, you scare me sometimes. I love you."

"I love you too, I promise I will," I hung up the phone in excitement before Blake could say anything else. I looked back up to Maya, who was watching the other girls scrimmage at the other end of the practice center. "So what's been new here? Anything?" Monica kept her eyes on our teammates as she shook her head.

"Nothing really drastic," She said, sitting down on the bench next to me. "I think... I think we are going to be trading Candace, though."

"Bullshit," I called, shaking my head at Maya. "No way. Why?"

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