Chapter 80

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I had woken up to the absence of Blake anywhere in the hotel. It felt wrong sleeping alone, but I couldn't have kept him in the bedroom acting like that. I took a shower, and got ready for the day, dressed in jeans, a sweater, scarf and boots. I did my hair, makeup and painted my nails, Blake still wasn't here.

"Good morning, Miss Rowland," I was greeted by one of our personal assistants, which I had to just meet, Marjorie. I nodded a hello and I searched for my phone. "Today you have an interview with NBA and the All-star committee in preparation for the All-Star weekend festivities." She handed me my phone and keys, which I had no idea how she got. I was overall confused. Did Blake or someone hire her just now? How did she get my phone and keys?

"Oh, yes," I said, nodding, acting like I was going along with what was happening, "what time do I have to show up?"

"You will have to come here, an hour and a half before six, the rest of the day is to your leisure," Marjorie said, not even cracking a smile. Everything was business. She was young, blonde, and she was dressed and acted so professionally, it astounded me. I wasn't sure if I could trust her around Blake, though. "You will be dressed, and your makeup will be done by yours truly, and you will be transported there by you and Mister Griffin's personal driver, Jorge." I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't find any words. I just nodded. "This..." She eyed me up and down, "has to go for your interview. No offense, Miss Rowland." I was taken aback by a little, but pushed it aside.

"You can call me Morgan," I said, nodding to her and she shook her head.

"No," she snapped, pulling her iPad from her messenger bag, typing something into it furiously. "That wouldn't be professional. You and Mister Griffin, this will be your last day to be free and on your own. Thursday and Friday will be very busy, and then weekend festivities begin Friday night."

"Uh," I interrupted her, "where is... Blake?" I asked her, looking around.

"Mister Griffin had a rough start this morning, under the intoxication of alcoholic beverages, but he was woken, and driven to the set of his photoshoot for Men's Health Magazine this morning. He will not return until noon."

I slapped my hand on my forehead. "Of course, I forgot, thank you."

"My number is under Marjorie, in your contacts," she informed me. I once again, opened my mouth, but shut it. I felt as though I was being reprimanded by a mother figure. For the thousandth time, may I add. How did she get into my phone? How did she know my passcode? "Please call me if you need anything at all, and I will be right to your assistance. Again, please arrive at 4:30 PM, eastern time." I smiled again, nodding. This lady had an effect on me, that I felt as though I had to obey everything or else I would be in big trouble. As if I once again...was a kid. She nodded curtly back at me, and spun on her heels, finding her way out of the suite. I decided to move down the hall and to DJ and Maya's room to see if DJ wanted to get some breakfast while Maya was out at a Foot Locker signing with Kevin Love, James Harden and Carmelo Anthony. I grabbed my wallet, the one thing Marjorie hadn't handed me. I moved a couple doors down, and knocked on the door. It felt weird, normally when I went over to DJ's house or Chris's, I just walked in. It felt... different. DJ's door flew open, and he had a huge smile laid on his face.

"Good morning, Morgan!" DJ's voice boomed, and I shushed him.

"Morning, DJ," I smiled and said, forcing my hands into the pack pockets of my jeans. "Do you want to go grab some breakfast... Where's Chris?"

"Chris is at the Men's Health shoot too, with Blake," DJ reminded me, chuckling too himself about me forgetting about it. "But, Matt is here, we can all go grab something to eat."

"Sounds perfect," I said, seeing Matt step out from behind DJ. "Do you guys want to go to Junior's down the street?"

DJ nodded and Matt added a "yes!" I nodded and smiled. Matt pulled on his shoes, and so did DJ as they followed me down the hall to the elevators. Once in the elevator, I turned around to them.

"Did you guys get those creepy, young, professional assistants too?" I asked them, crinkling my eyebrows.

"Yeah," DJ said and Matt nodded too. "They are a little... interesting."

"May be interesting, but I'd bone the shit out of mine," Matt commented, looking down at his hands. I burst into laughter and DJ gasped.

DJ pat Matt on the shoulder, "you have a wife, don't get any ideas, mister." Matt shrugged and I chuckled, shaking my head. The elevator dinged on the bottom floor, as all of us stepped out, walking to Junior's just a block away. We tried to walk into the restaurant low key and walked to the woman that was taking the tables. As soon as she lifted her head she let a gasp escape.

"Oh my god, it's... You guys, oh wow, I'll get you a table, as soon as possible," the woman scurried, looking on the chart for an open table, and grabbed three menus.

"It's fine," DJ began, seeing she was struggling, "we can wait--"

She interrupted him, bubbling with delight, "No! No way! Right this way, an open table!" All three of us heard people groaning behind us, still waiting and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Being famous had some benefits. She pushed us into the back of the restaurant, where it was a little more quiet. It was a small booth, as I sat on one side alone. Matt stood up to use the bathroom, which left DJ and I in the booth.

"So..." DJ said, looking over the menu as if he didn't know what he was going to get. "What's new?"

"Nothing," I said a little to excitedly. DJ was acting weird.

"Morgan," DJ began, smirking at me creepily, "I know you... c'mon now." I slimmed my eyes down to slits and raised my eyebrows. If DJ knew, I was screwed. "Can I just ask you something?"

"Shoot," I said as I gulped nervously.

"Are you in love with Russell?" The question hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt as though it was physically there and it hit me in the chest. I felt my cheeks grow hot, and I took a gulp of spit. Was I in love with Russell? No, no, I was in love with Blake. Blake only.

"DJ, how can you come out of nowhere and ask me that?" I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. I hated how close DJ and I were and how he knew everything. Sure, I really, really appreciated our friendship, but it felt like I had no privacy.

"Morgan, because I know you," DJ said, taking a deep breath. "And I also know," the waiter set down our glasses, "that something happened between you two last night."

"No," I refused, shaking my head, taking a slow sip of my drink.

"But are you in love with him?"

"No, DJ, I'm not," I spat as soon as he said it.

"Can you please just think about it?" He asked me.

"Why do you want me to think about it?" I spit, a little nastily, "I love Blake and you know that. Why do you want me to do this? Why do you want me to love Russell?"

"I don't want you too, Morgan, I just have this gut feeling," DJ said, throwing his hands up.

"Well, your gut is wrong. I love Blake, you know that," I told him and he nodded as he saw Matt approaching the table.

"What did I miss?" Matt asked, plopping down next to DJ.

"Just small talk," I answered, peeping at DJ over my menu as he was doing the same.

there's a storm in my heart•

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