Chapter 2

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Last night was a blur, and I didn't even have anything to drink. I was dizzy and stayed up way too late. I couldn't even open my eyes this morning when I got up for practice. This is why I didn't party. Thank God I took Blake's advice and didn't drink that Red Bull Vodka. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and grabbed my duffel bag, and went down the steps to my car. It was an hour and a half before practice, but I always came early, so I got even more practice in than everyone else did. Maybe Maya was right, maybe I did practice way too much. I opened the gates that gaurded my house, and left for the Clippers practice arena. It was pretty close, and I jammed out to We The Kings on my way to the arena. it was pretty hot outside for this early in the morning so I let the top of my car down.

I finally arrived to the arena, through a bit of traffic, and only three cars were parked in the parking lot. One was an expensive Mercedes-Benz, an owner must be there. I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door, using my etrance card I was given. I made my way to the gym, hearing somebody practicing there. I didn't want to ruin their practice, but I opened the door anyway. I shut the door quietly behind me, and set my bag next to the wall on the floor. "Morgan?" I heard a deep voice say behind me. I spun around to see Blake with a ball in his hand. "Hey," he said smiling when I spun around. I smiled back.

"Oh, hey!" I exclaimed. This couldn't be more perfect, or embarrasing, wasn't sure which one came first.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, playfully. "Don't get me wrong I love that you're here."

"We have practice at ten, here." I said, walking over to him, as he handed me another ball off the rack. He looked over to the clock, and turned to look at me raising an eyebrow. "Practice makes perfect," I said, shooting a free throw, nothing but net.

"Oh, look here, Miss Hot Shot." Blake said, retrieving the ball for me, and I nodded my head thanking him. "Maybe you can teach me your tricks, my free throws need work." I agreed, and he smiled with excitement. I would die for that smile.

"What about you, why are you here so early?" I asked, working around the three point line.

"As you said, practice makes perfect. I like coming here early when no one is here to get in extra practice. Usually someone is here with me, but after last nights party, I think everyone is a bit hungover."

"That's for sure," I added, missing half of my three point shots. "Make you a deal, you're good at threes, right?"

"I'm no Ray Allen, but I'm okay." He said, nodding his head.

"You help me with my threes and I'll help you with your free throws." I said, and Blake smiled.

"So that means we're gonna see each other again," he said his voice becoming higher pitched, obviously excited to be with me.

"We're gonna practice here everyday for a while. The Sparks, I mean. Maybe we can practice before or after everyday. I'm gonna need all the help I can get," I grimaced a little bit, and gazed to the basket.

"Before, meet here at 8:45 everyday. I'll gladly help you," He said, and I smield to him, him smiling back. Have I ever said I would die for that smile?

"Sounds like a plan." I said, aiming for another free throw, and it going right in.

"After practice, you wanna go grab some milkshakes down the street? Millions Of Milkshakes is to die for," He said, licking his lips, making me laugh.

"So I've heard. Of course, sounds like fun," I said, retrieving the ball which was now, bouncing against the wall.

"I'll meet you outside the building right after you're done practicing, what time is your practice done, like two o' clock?" I nodded, and passed the ball to his open hands, waiting for a pass. He shot a three and made it perfectly in. I nodded my head, back to him.

"I really do need your help," I commented watching him make another. "What happened to the dunks, Mister All Star NBA dunker of year 2011?" I asked sarcastically and he shook his head and seemed to shrug.

"My first couple of years in the NBA I learned that dunking isn't everything. I used to think that, but now I work on other shots, free throws need work, obviously, but they're getting better after  I have turned my attention to something else. I dunk when I need too, but I prefer to do something else, not to get in the habit of it. What about you, you dunk?" He asked, as I spun the ball around in my hands.

"No, pretty close, but I don't really try, don't really think you could teach me to do that." He laughed, and I raised my eyebrows in question.

"Of course I could teach you to dunk, I could do that with my eyes closed and two hands tied behind my back puh-lease," he said, spinning the ball on his finger. I cocked my eyebrows, and put my hands on my hips.

"Oh, really?" I challenged, and he nodded vigorously, like a little kid, which made me laugh. Blake dribbled the ball a few paces forward, and ran two steps forward, spinning and dunking the ball straight into the net. I pursed my lips, and nodded to him, when he looked to me for approval. He beamed a huge smile to me, and I couldn't help but smile back. He handed me the ball, and I got into position to do a free throw, but Blake held up his hand and put me back into regular stance.

"Nope, your dunking it," he told me, and I shook my head, offering the ball back to him, but he pushed it back over to me.

"No way, I'm not gonna do it," I said, and attempted to give the ball to Blake, but he pushed it away again.

"Yes you are now, go," he pointed to the rim and I turned around to face the basket. "Please? Just try." I nodded my head and defeat, and I was off. I ran a few paces, dribbling the ball, up to my hips, and captured the ball, running two steps, and jumping up to the basket. I actually thought I was going to make it, but I ended up only being about a half inch away. "You're so close!" Blake said, "try again."


Practice had been tough, coach made us push even harder today and I was drenched in sweat which wasn't good considering I had to meet Blake in a couple of minutes. I ran over to my duffel bag, and grabbed a fresh towel, wiping off some of my disgusting sweat, and running a stick of deodarant on my armpits. I spritzed my Victoria Secret Perfume on me, and slapped some water onto my face, to cool me down. "Wanna go down to the beach today? I really need to cool down, it's so hot," Maya said walking over to me, fanning her face, and drinking some of her Gatorade.

"Can't, sorry," I replied, I really didn't want to make small talk with Maya, but I knew she was either going to pester me about practicing or asking me if I was going to see someone. "Maybe tomorrow?" I let my pre-made curls out of its ponytail, and ran some lip gloss over my dry lips.

"Oh my gosh, you're going to see someone, you smell nice, look nice..." She thought a minute, and then gasped and squealed. "OH MY GOSH! You're going to see Blake! AH!" She jumped up and down, like a little high school girl, and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You do like him, Oh My gosh! Yes!" I blushed and smiled a little and she screamed even louder.

"Bye, Maya," I said, grabbing my bag and turning out of the arena doors. All I heard were her screams leaving me with complete confidence.

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