Chapter 134

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"Are you good?" Maya asked me for the thousandth time that night after I had to be taken off the court against the Chicago Sky game. My stomach had gotten better but with a lot of running it had gotten worse again. "Are you sure you don't have like... and ulcer or something?"

"Maya, I would be puking blood if I had an ulcer," I reminded her with a soft smile. The rest of the team was at a bar down the street from the hotel we were staying at, drinking and having a good time without us.

"Well, still, you need to go see a doctor," She told me, concern filling her voice, as she shook her head. "Have you told Blake about this?"

"No, because it's nothing, I am one hundred percent fine," I reminded her, jumping up and down for effect.

"So when you knock out cold dead are you still gonna be saying you're fine?" Maya fired back. I knew she was just concerned about me, but I knew my body and what I was feeling. Knocking out dead wasn't one of them. "Maybe you're just pregnant again."

"I sure as hell hope not," I shook my head, throwing my shoes across the room.


"Because I actually wanna play this season," I reminded her in a snappy tone.

Maya rummaged around in her purse until she uncovered a white plastic bag and out she took two pregnancy tests. My face instantly paled, but I rolled my eyes and looked away. "I got them for you."

"I don't wanna do this."

"If you're so sure you're not... take them." I was about to refuse, but kept biting my lip and then grabbed them. I groaned and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door in a huff. Fuck Maya and her putting me on the spot like this.

We waited in silence, like before, for the tests to show the results. "This time it'll be different," she reminded me with a smile, patting my shoulder. "Blake is here for you, he's been waiting for this moment, I don't know about you... but, this will be good. I promise you."

"I know," I told her. "I'm just... I don't know." Maya's phone beeped and she flipped the tests over before I could even say anything else.

Maya's face turned into a huge smile, "You're pregnant! Ah!" She jumped up in my arms and gave me a huge hug before I could do or say anything. I was taken by complete surprise. I put my arms around her slowly and tried to smile but I feel it came out horribly crooked. She wore the biggest smile and I smiled back. I grabbed my phone and walked away to go call Blake. Maya didn't follow me and I walked out onto the balcony.

The phone picked up when I called Blake. There was frantic breathing on the other end that didn't sound like Blake. What the hell? Who had Blake's phone. There was whining and a siren and some other noise I couldn't quite distinguish. What was going on. I felt myself grow a little panicked. Before I said something, someone spoke up.

"Morgan? Morgan! Morgan!" DJ's frantic voice spilled over into the receiver and my heart started pounding  fast.

"DJ? Deej! What the hell is going on?" I covered my heart scared for the news DJ was going to bear. Please Blake not be involved in whatever the hell was going on.

"Morgan, Morgan," he repeated as he cried into the phone. "Blake... It's Blake and Matt and Ryan. Morgan, I'm so sorry... I can't, I don't know."

"DJ..." I said calmly, trying to calm him down. DJ never cried, he never broke down, this wasn't good. Or else he was playing some cruel joke on me. "What is going on?"

"Bl-Blake was just trying to protect us and protect Matt and," He couldn't finish what he was saying. I was growing frustrated. I opened my mouth to say something before DJ shouted out, "Morgan, Blake's been shot... and Matt. And Ryan." My heart shattered in my chest. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse than Chris. My stomach dropped and I couldn't gather any words. "Um, um, Ryan got shot in his calf, and Matt got shot in his back and Blake got shot in his side, twice and his chest, I don't know, he's in surgery, I can't, I don't know what to do," DJ shouted, "I can't go through this again." I heard Maya creep up behind me.

"Be there!" I ordered. "For them. I'm on my way." I ended the call and turned, breezing past Maya.

"Morgan, where are you going?"

"Back home," I tried to gather as much of my stuff as I could, throwing it into my bag. I couldn't even focus.

"You can't miss any more games," she told me, shaking her head and I kept going. "Morgan, calm down."

"I can't! Blake's been shot! And Matt! And Ryan! I can't! I fucking can't!" I started crying and Maya was taken by complete surprise.

"I'm going with you," She told me. I stared at her for a few moments before noticing she was completely serious. "Let's go."

"Call the jet."


DJ held me in a hug as I tried to pry myself off on him. "Look, a heart to heart, we can do that later, where's Blake?" I snapped a little too harshly at DJ.

"He's awake," DJ told me pointing into the room. I ran in not waiting for Maya nor DJ. I also needed to know where Matt and Ryan were, but Blake was my priority right now. He was the most precious thing to me.

"Morgan," He groaned, his voice strained.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I threw my arms over him and he groaned and winced as I threw myself off of him.

"It hurts," He groaned, then cleared his throat. My tears stained his hospital gown. "They don't know if I'm gonna make it."

"No, no, please don't say that," I whimpered, shaking my head. "You're all I have, Blake, you don't understand." I cried into his gown as he looked at me and barely was able to stroke my hair.

"No," He told me, "All you've got is basketball."

The End.

Everyone thank you so much for reading this has been my favorite book and it's been so much fun writing this! I'm sad it's the end but I wanted to thank everyone for reading, voting, sharing, adding, commenting, everything! We are almost to 50K and that's incredible. I love you so much and thank you.

Please read "The Baby Blue Bentley" my Russell Westbrook story, it's gonna be so good and it's coming out this fall but please read and vote for the Prologue! I am also writing a DeAndre Jordan Story and I can't wait for both!

I love you so much, thank you for this.

All We've Got Is Basketball (Blake Griffin FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें