Chapter 9

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"I'm going to have a fucking hard attack, Maya, I feel like I'm sweating so much I'm gonna drown, I feel like I'm gonna puke my guts out, I feel... I don't even know," I stammered, working my palms, back and forth across each other. I felt my hands grow warmer with the friction. Maya tried to place a calming hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't calm down. She had been through this before, and I hadn't. I was sitting on the bench in the locker room, it was less than half an hour until show time. The first championship game. My first championship game. Everyone else was out on the court warming up and I was in here having a panic attack. Maybe it was anxiety. I just felt as if my stomach was going to explode of butterflies. It wasn't a nice feeling.

"Your boyfriend's here to watch you, and so is your best friend, DJ, and even Chris is here with Jada," Maya said, rubbing my back in circles. But that talk didn't help. Just the thought of all my friends, and the guy I was dating was here, didn't help me with trying to unnerve myself at all. It actually made it worse. "And your best friend of all will be playing with you. You'll do fine." She stood up and held out both of her hands, motioning me up. I took my hands in hers, and she pulled me up, and I took a deep breath. "Now, c'mon, let's go warm up." I slowly followed her out of the locker room, not sure whether I was making the right decision.


We had won. Our first game we had won. The crowd was cheering as loud as I've ever heard. I only had 29 points the whole game, but I was still proud of not only me, but the whole team. We all played a great game, and I wasn't disappointed. Basketball is my life, and these were the moments I lived for. When I wouldn't let people down, when everyone cheered for my team. We beat the Minnesota Lynx by six points, not a huge win, but good enough. We all left the locker room, and went out to the back of the arena to avoid all of the fans and news reporters, commentators. I spotted Blake, Chris, DJ and Jada, who yet I have not met standing there, clapping as I approached. I smiled and pretended to curtsy in front of them. I blushed and laughed as their cheers died down. Blake hugged me, and laid a light kiss on my lips, as then DJ and Chris hugged me and congratulated me. "And I don't think you've met Jada, my wife yet," Chris said, motioning towards a smiling Jada. I shook hands with her and smiled.

"I'm Morgan," I said and we let go of our friendly shake.

"Of course I would know the star," she said and I smiled and quietly thanked her.

"Let's go party! C'mon! Matt and the rest of the team are ready for a party at the Barnes house, let's go!" DJ cheered, pretty pumped from the look of it. Everybody started following DJ out, nodding and ready for a party. Blake and I were left. I didn't want to party. I never did, it wasn't my thing. I was really hoping Blake was going to suggest just hanging out a little after the game. Blake turned to me and smiled. He knew I didn't really like, nor want to party. I knew he didn't want to either.

"Wanna go to my place? Partying isn't really our thing," Blake said, smiling to me, as he extended his hand to mine. I smiled and gladly took it, allowing him to walk me out of the stadium. "Is your car here?" He asked once we stepped into the humid night air.

"Nope, I rode with Maya," I said, looking for Maya's car which had already taken off in the direction of the party. Typical Maya. This was the one time she didn't have a concern for if I was going to the party or not. Maybe she had finally given up trying. Or maybe she knew I was going to be with Blake. We walked to Blake's Mercedez, which was parked in the back of the lot. He held the passenger door open for me, as I slid into the seat. He opened the driver door, and slid into the seat. As he was driving out of the parking lot of the Staples Center, Maya texted me.

Maya: No Mlake babies!!

I laughed silently so Blake wouldn't hear and didn't text back. Happiness filled me and I was just so happy. I was just with all my friends, now with Blake, and we had won the first game of the championship. We still had a long way to go, but this was a great feat for me. For the whole team. "You were amazing out there... tonight," he said looking over to a smiling me.

"Means a lot coming from an NBA star," I commented sarcastically, but meaning it. I just realized I had never been to Blake's house before. I was excited, not for what would happen there, if anything, but to just see it. After all, we were dating. And hopefully soon I'd be able to call him my boyfriend. But I didn't want to rush anything.

"I'm serious, you looked really good," Blake protested and I smiled to him. I ducked my head down playfully and bit my lower lip.

"What part of me looked really good, exactly?" I asked, jokingly, and Blake laughed.

Blake pointed up and down my body, "I mean all of it," I gasped and laughed a little. "But seriously, you're offense and defense both were killer. Keep it up, Rookie." I rolled my eyes at Rookie, which made him laugh. "I'm very happy." I looked over to Blake, who was looking at me.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity. "I mean, there's plenty of reasons to be happy."

"Yeah, but I have one, especially." He said, rubbing his chin. I cocked my head to the side wondering what he was talking about. "Because I finally have a girlfriend." My cocked head, turned into a full on smile. He kissed me swiftly, and kept driving to his house.


Blake's house was amazing. The huge house was white, three floors, and had many bedrooms. We sat downstairs, in his giant kitchen, while we just sat and talked. I sat at the bar on the island in the kitchen, while Blake stood across from the island, between the refrigerator and the countertop. He turned to the fridge and grabbed a Grey Goose Vodka bottle out. He grabbed four shot glasses from the cabinet and I rolled my eyes. "What?" Blake asked, pouring the Vodka into the four glasses. "Don't like Vodka?"

"No, I actually do," I said as he slid two glasses towards me. I gladly took them, I usually didn't drink, but with Blake I felt different. We both downed the two shots, and I shook my head at the bold, bitter flavor. Blake took the bottle and poured us both two more shots. I shook my head to Blake who drank his two shots, and then I drank mine, shuddering at the taste. He took the bottle and poured two more. "No way, you're trying to get me too drunk," I said, pushing both of the shots back towards him. Blake walked over to me, onto my side of the island, and grabbed my chin, pulling me up towards his face. He grabbed my hips, pulling me off the bar stool, and swiftly onto my feet. He rubbed circular motions with his hands on my hips which felt really good. I moaned as we continued to kiss. His tongue rubbed my bottom lip asking for entry, as I gladly allowed it, letting his tongue explore. I ran my hands through his red curls and massaged the back of his head, making him moan into my mouth. He began laying slow, small kisses onto my neck.

|| and what happens next??😏😬😉 new chapter soon||

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