Chapter 114

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"Morgan!" Paige shouted into the phone, louder than what I was expecting. I jerked the phone away from my ear, as I waited outside the little cafe in downtown LA. "Are you paying attention?" She snapped. "Regan and I found someone who can watch over the farm for a week. Is it okay if we come visit you for a week next week while your season starts?" I stopped sipping on my coffee for one second just to answer the question.

"Yeah, of course, that should be fine," I told her, smiling from ear to ear. Finally Blake would get to meet the good part of my family. "Blake and I's one year is coming up next week, so there might be one night where you can hit the town, right?" I asked her, nervously. I hope she got what I was hinting to.

"Yes, Morgan, I don't want to hear you and Blake doing the nasty, thank you," I laughed into the phone when she said this and nodded.

"When I get home I'll check with Blake and then call you back?"

"Sounds good," Paige chimed on the other end as I turned off my phone and put it in my back pocket. I took a deep breath and began walking down the sidewalk back to my car.

"Morgan! Morgan! Morgan!" I heard girls screaming from down the sidewalk. Damn. Even with a big hat and sunglasses they could still hunt me down like a hawk. I turned around to find a girl jumping into my arms. Six other teenage girls followed her, all waving their phones at me.

"Oh!" I huffed as she jumped on me. "Hello!" I tried to greet nervously. The girl kept her arms wrapped around me tightly, as I hugged her back. This was more than a little awkward.

"Hailey, get off of her, you're freaking her out!" One of her friends came to my rescue, as she pried her friend, Hailey off of me.

"Sorry," Hailey beamed up at me, "I just love love love you." Tears came down one of her eyes as she couldn't stop smiling. "I just can't believe you're here!"

"In the flesh," I told her, smiling back.

"You and Blake didn't break up right? Right?" Another girl shouted at me. "Because People, Entertainment, Pop Culture, Enquirer, etcetera said that you guys did!"

"Uh," I didn't know how to answer the question, since Blake nor I had come out to the media about it. "We just went through a rough patch, but we are together, in a good place, the marriage is still on..." Another girl from the back of the group cut me off.

"Your guys's one year is coming up next week!" I found it oddly creepy that they knew all this. But every teenage girl had phases of obsessions. I nodded and even then I couldn't hide my evident excitement.

"Do you know what Blake is gonna do?" Another girl shouted. There were so many girls and I was getting overwhelmed keeping track. I shook my head but Hailey cut me off.

"Of course she doesn't, it's a surprise!" She shouted, excitedly over the group. All of them said "ohhhh."

"Are you pregnant?" A girl with black hair asked, her arms folded across her chest. "It was in yesterday's People magazine edition! They said you looked bigger, but you still are body goals and look the same." I looked at my stomach. Maybe more basketball practice was a good idea.

"Unless People Magazine knows something I don't, then no," I said, letting out another nervous laugh.

"So are you and Russell done?" Another girl asked me. "I hate Russell! Blake should beat his ass into the ground!" I was taken aback by her anger. It was strange to see people I had never talked to, that knew everything updated in my life.

"Russell and I are no longer speaking to each other, but it's okay, it's all for the best," I told them, adding a small smile. I didn't know how I could say it even better then how I did.

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