Chapter 76

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Blake and I had gone shopping and so far, I had loved New York. The shopping, the buildings, the people... I was really enjoying it, up until I got sick. Again. Blake went back out with the boys, as I stayed home throwing up again. I only threw up twice before I got back up, put my clothes on, and was ready to face the world. Again. I walked out of our hotel room, only to bump right into Maya. Once I saw it was her, I tried to breeze past her and to the elevator. I felt her grab my wrist and I spun around to face her.

"Morgan, I want to be here as a friend," Maya said, slowly and calmly, not letting go of my wrist, nor loosening her tight grip.

"Too bad you aren't my friend," I snapped back, rolling my eyes.

"Can you not act like a dickhead for at least two seconds? Can you push your attitude out of the way so we can just talk? Or is your head still pushed too far up your ass?" Maya snapped roughly. Normally, I would snap back. But I didn't. Maya was right, we could've been friends again by now if it weren't for my anger, bad attitude and cockiness. She was waiting for me to snap back, but I didn't. I stood there, and looked at the ground, avoiding her gaze. "I heard you got sick again," she added, quietly.

"Um, yeah, I was just leaving because I feel okay now," I said, still avoiding her gaze.

"How many days have you been sick?" She asked. I wasn't sure why she cared so much about my well-being, and how I was doing.

"Three now," I said, sighing. She nodded and swallowed hard.

"Do you think maybe...?" She trailed off, finding my eyes. I yanked my arm away and out of her grip.

"No," I said, shaking my head. But now that Maya mentioned something, it was all adding up. My period was three days late, but I dismissed it as stress. Oh my god, I was pregnant. Maya began to say something, but I interrupted her, "yes. Yes, I am." Maya started saying something but I blocked her out, her voice, her touch. It felt like everything was spinning. I couldn't hear anything, there was just buzzing in my ears. I squeezed my eyelids shut.

"MORGAN!" Maya's loud shout, knocked me out of my thoughts, as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Everything was hot on the inside, but so cool on the outside. "You need to calm down, and stay cool. Okay? I am going to be here for you, whether you want me to or not. I'm here with you, okay? We need to go get a test first. There's a CVS across the street. We need to go now." She lead me towards the elevator. I followed thinking to myself hard. Once we got in the elevator I told Maya what I had been thinking.

"Maya, it might not be Blake's. It could be Russell's," I told her, scared. Maya's eyes widened.

"Russell didn't wear a condom?" She asked, but more like shouted. I couldn't remember. I didn't think so.

"I-I'm not sure, it all happened so fast," I commented, placing my hand on my forehead. Oh, shit. "Whatever it is Maya, it's gonna be Blake's. It can't be russell's, and it won't be, it's Blake's."

"And if your baby comes out black, not looking anything like Blake what are we gonna do?" Maya stated, placing her hands on her hips. "Blake is going to get a DNA test anyways, Morgan." I ran my hand over my face and took a few deep breaths, but that was far from calming me down. The elevator dinged and reached the bottom floor, where we both exited out onto the street. It was chilly, and I grasped my sweater tightly around myself to stay cool. "On the bright side, we don't know for sure," she added a smile, trying to cheer me up, but I was far from being cheerful.

"Morgan!! Maya!!" As if on cue, a redhead girl raced toward us with her phone out. She screamed our names at the top of her lungs, and more people looked over, as they all began to walk towards us, covering their mouths in awe. The crowd engulfed us, asking us questions, tossing phones for pictures and pens for autographs. "On the bright side again..." Maya took a deep breath and crinkled her eyebrows. "Never mind, there is no bright side to this one."

Don't get attached to moments. Good or bad, they all pass. •

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