Chapter 130

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"I can't wait! I can't wait!" I bounced up and down in my leather chair on the jet. Blake looked exhausted as I was cheering and dancing in my seat, more excited than ever.

"How are you not tired? We've been on this plane forever," Blake complained, rubbing his eyes.

"We are going down, I can feel it!" I jumped up and down on the balls of my feet.

Blake couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, sit down, the seatbelt sign is on." I raised my very loose seatbelt to his attention, with a small smirk.

"How long have we been on the plane? Can I guess where we are? It's so dark, I can't see anything!"

"Morgan, Morgan, Morgan," Blake cut me off, shaking his head and laughing. "Baby girl, please calm down we are almost there." My face turned into a pout when I saw the stewardess that showed up, asking us if we want anything.

"Yeah, can I have a Cosmo, please," I told her, a huge smile spreading on my face.

"Woah, woah, take it easy, champ," Blake warned, but the lady trotted away to retrieve my drink.

I ignored Blake. "You know, I love our group but it's gonna be great to get away for a little while, just be you... and me," I drew out, biting my lip and winking to Blake.

"Oh, yeah, I can't wait, trust me," Blake said, as the lady handed me my drink.

"We are landing in about five minutes so just make sure you're all set to go," she plastered a smile on her face and walked away as I chugged half of my drink, dropped it and started chanting.

"Five minutes! Where are we?" I could not contain my excitement. I knew Blake was probably more than irritated with me, but I didn't care.

I had already pledged that I would do everything in my power not to fight with Blake over anything on this trip. That even though I was missing three games while being on Blake and I's getaway, I wasn't going to stress about it. I would get back to LA eleven days later, and still be able to show Candace up. That on this trip, WiFi or not, I was going to keep my phone off, keeping the drama, the press, everything away and out of mind. Sure, I would miss our friends, but I could survive eleven days, while having a great time with Blake. This was my honeymoon, one of the best moments of my life and I wasn't going to waste it. I just had to push my nagging subconscious to the back of my brain about eating healthy, exercising and making sure I didn't gain anything more than two pounds.

I didn't need to be nagged. I was going to have the time of my life, you only have a honeymoon once (or more, if that's what you're into) in a lifetime. I was going to make the best of it.


"It's dark, I can't see anything," I complained, smelling the fishy sea air and the breeze, knowing we were by the ocean. There were lots of palm trees, it was humid but, oddly cool. I could not pinpoint where we were and it was definitely no where I had ever been before. "I was on an airplane for the longest time ever and now you won't even give me a hint?" Blake kept quiet in the car we were in, taking us to our "hotel." "Are we in Kauai!" I knew Blake loved the island in Hawaii and the thought excited me. Blake didn't say anything, as I realized we had been on the plane way too long to just be going to Hawaii. The car parked, and when we got out all I could hear was the sound of soft waves. My inner me jumped with excitement. I couldn't even contain it anymore. Blake looked as tired as I had ever seen him. We were lead onto a bridge, and we walked over the ocean. I couldn't see far, but I saw other bridges and more small houses, or what appeared to be small houses in the dark.

We walked up to what seemed like a tiki hut. "And this is where we'll be staying," Blake announced, looking to my shocked face. "Wanna see it?" I nodded with excitement, practically pushing Blake over to get in. I had never seen anything like this. It was a house, there was a ladder that went up to another floor, there were several rooms, although it was large, it was amazing. It was like a treehouse, but tropical and... tiki.

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