Chapter 16

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"Did you honestly mean what you said?" I asked Blake, facing him while we were laying in the bed. It had been a week since Chris had been living in the guest house and I didn't even get to see him as often as I thought I would. He was just like my neighbor. The guest house was slightly smaller, but still almost equally as nice.

"I said a lot of things I didn't really mean last week," Blake said, slowly, talking about his argument with Chris last week. "I'm trying to forget about it."

"Sorry," I replied. But I really wanted to know. "What you said about Amber. Her being away and stuff." Amber and I had been good friends for awhile and I cared about her and DJ. I didn't know what to think after Blake said that. I understood how DJ must have felt.

"I don't know," Blake sighed. I nodded and kept quiet after that. Our team had lost four days ago to the Minnesota Lynx. I still hadn't heard anything from Maya or Candace, but I did hear from Skylar. She texted me about how sorry she was about standing with Maya against me. I never responded. I did miss them, but I wouldn't accept an apology that should've been stated way before this. If she was my true friend, she would've texted me before I left. I stood up off the bed, stretched and went to leave the room. "Where are you going?" He asked, innocently.

"I'm bored," I replied, smiling I him.

"Okay, I see how it is, no more cuddling," Blake said, rolling his eyes sarcastically. He stood up and followed me out. We walked down the steps to see DJ letting himself in.

"Hey, crew, what's up?" DJ asked, waving to us. He was wearing his favorite black converses which he loved. I stopped in my tracks and opened my mouth to speak. Nothing came out at first, but I got it together in a few moments.

"DJ," I said slowly, walking down the steps pretty quick. "What are you doing here?" I asked. A look of worry crossed his face, and maybe a hint of sadness.

"I thought I could come visit my best friend..." DJ said slowly, giving me a hard look, studying my face. It was silent for a few moments, Blake still standing on the staircase, probably figuring out a way to get out of this. "You're hiding something from me, something's not right. What's up?" Now he knew for sure. DJ wasn't going to leave until he knew. There was no hope for Chris. If Blake was mad, DJ would be sure to be more angry than he was. I opened my mouth to come up with something, but closed it when I couldn't think of an explanation. DJ leaned against the wall, indicating he was waiting. "Just tell me. What's going on?" DJ looked up to Blake, who moved his gaze away and to the floor. "Something's going on."

"You're right, something is going on," I said, leading him into the living room when he plopped into his normal chair in the corner. Blake trotted down the stairs behind us.

"Did Maya die? Are you pregnant? You're sexually active with each other! Did Blake move in?" DJ automatically through questions towards me and I was taken aback.

"Yes, I did move in," Blake said, without any of my consent. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"No," I said ignoring Blake and talking to DJ.

"But you offered and I've been sleeping here," Blake objected.

"Okay, whatever," I said, rolling my eyes again and facing DJ. "The thing is... CP... kinda moved in the guest house." I said, rubbing my hands up and down my thighs. DJ stared at me in disbelief for a few moments. He burst out laughing.

"Chris? Our Chris?" DJ said smiling from ear to ear.

"No, I'm talking about another CP," I objected, sarcastically. Blake and I kept our faces stern and emotionless. DJ looked in between us.

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