Chapter 91

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The air was freezing cold and it was biting my skin, as I walked faster to the hotel. Not a smart idea, Morgan. The hotel was nine blocks away, which would've been short if it wasn't zero degrees outside. I heard footsteps coming up behind me, but I didn't look back.

"You left too?" I heard Russell's voice next to me and I looked up, offering him a smile and a nod. "What's bugging you?"

"A lot of things," I told him, taking a deep breath and exhaling, watching my breath waft to the air.

"Me?" He asked and I shrugged, avoiding his gaze. I knew I had to get this out of the way, get this over with, I had to talk to him, but there was a lot more on my mind. "I'm sorry I should have never done that... said it on national television like that. I just... I felt that was the only way I was going to get through to you. Make you realize, that I was being truthful about what I was saying, that I wasn't just saying it."

"Yeah, well, you got through to me," I said, cracking a smile, he didn't smile.

"I totally blew it, didn't I?" He asked me. I didn't know what to say, I just kept walking.

"I need to get something through to you," I told him, looking up to his eyesight. "I'm with Blake and I love him with all my heart. Period." Russell's face fell and he tore his gaze away from mine. Just a couple more blocks, Morgan. Just a couple more.

"And I'm just here," Russell said, his voice half with sadness, half with anger.

"Russell, I honestly don't even know what to tell you," I told him, as suddenly it was cold, and now it was hot. "I don't know what you want me to do. I'm engaged and I'm in love." Russell didn't say anything after that, and we walked in silence. The hotel appeared in view as we both walked into the lobby, and into the elevator. The elevator was quiet. I wanted to say something, anything, but no words came to my mind, nor my lips. The elevator dinged on our floor, and both of us walked out, Russell sped up past my room, and past me. "Goodnight!" I called, as he said nothing back and disappeared into his room. I took a deep breath, and took out our key, walking into the room. I dropped my duffel onto the floor and running my hands over my face.

"Evening, Morgan," I jumped at Marjorie's voice as she was perched on the couch, her iPad in hand. I smiled back to her and moved into the kitchen. I stood over the sink and turned the water on, looking at my hand. I moved my hands to the water and then jerked back, biting my lip. I took out my phone and moved to my phone app, and putting the number in. Name... name? I typed in "Mom," then erased it and shook my head. What was my mother's name? What was her name... Cynthia? Cynthia. I put the name in and put my hand under the water, washing the ink off of my hand. I knew it was bad that I couldn't even remember my mother's name, let alone my father's. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to cry. If I did cry, Marjorie would for sure know I am a mess, if she didn't already. I pressed the phone on the number and pressed the phone to my ear. I couldn't believe I was doing this. DJ was going to kill me. So would Maya. But this was about me, and this is what I felt was right. If they wanted my money or my fame, I would know soon enough and would have to accept the consequences if any were thrown my way. The phone rang a few times, and it stopped ringing. I could hear breathing on the other end and I didn't say anything. Neither did she. The line was dead quiet. I checked to see if Marjorie was looking at me, but she seemed like busy with her iPad. Typing away.

"Morgan? Is that you?" I heard into the phone. I heard her voice, that voice. The voice I knew all too well. I didn't say anything. I couldn't find the courage to say anything. I swallowed hard, and took a steadying breath.

"It's me," I said, slowly into the phone as she gasped and let out a small cry. A small smile played across my lips hearing her voice.

"Oh, thank god you called, it had me worried sick," she commented, as I heard sniffling on the other end. "So... that means you want to talk? Where do you want to meet up? When?"

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