Chapter 32

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"Girls night!!!" I opened the door to hear a bunch of screaming and purses being flown into my face. Candace, Skylar and Maya were standing on my porch with their purses and looking very dressed up. "Cmon, we are going to see a movie and that get dinner and then go shopping!!" Skylar screeched. I covered my ears at the high pitch. I heard Blake coming down the stairs behind me.

"What the fuck is somebody getting murdered down here?" I laughed at Blake and Skylar rolled her eyes, Candace groaning.

"Blake, it's a girls night, shoo, shoo," Maya said flicking her hand away from her motioning for him to leave. "Now, c'mon, Morgan!"

"Damn, y'all are mean," Blake grumbled, covering his heart dramatically. I turned back towards the girls and sighed, biting my lip.

"I'm sorry guys, but Blake just got home today, and we were planning a romantic night, tonight. He just got back from a long trip and tonight we just wanted it to be us. I'm sorry, can we go in a couple days when he leaves again? I just want us to spend time together right now." They all groaned, throwing their hands and purses in the car.

"Aw, so cute," Skylar commented, covering her heart and I blushed.

"Morgan," Blake piped up from behind me. "It's not that late, you can still go... as long as you get back at an appropriate time. And don't eat dinner, I have something planned." I smiled at Blake but then grimaced.

"Are you sure?" I asked him and he nodded. "What time do you want me back?"

"For God's Sake, he isn't your dad," Maya grumbled, rolling her eyes. I smiled at her and then turned back to Blake.

"Seven," he responded. I ran and grabbed my purse, good thing I was in decent clothes. I ran back down the stairs and kissed him quickly.

"I love you," he said, and I said "I love you" back before turning back to the girls. The girls squealed and I went out the door with them, Blake laughing behind me.

"Westfield mall, let's go!" Maya whopped and I laughed. I walked over to my own car.

"I'm going to take my own car so you guys don't have to leave early cause of me." They all nodded.


"So... Morgan," Candace said, looking through the blouses they had at this cute boutique. I nodded and looked at her. Maya and Skylar had went to Forever 21 in search for a shirt that says "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink." "What do you think Blake had planned for romance night?" She said, sexily, wiggling her eyebrows up and down, I giggled.

"No idea," I said, shaking my head. "I just want a low-down night with candles and rose petals and a movie. But I know with Blake, it's going to be big and very well planned. So what I had in mind, isn't even in the question." She smiled and flipped through the skirts.

"Have you guys... you know what yet? Stuck it in the whole?" I laughed and covered my mouth. "If you don't mind me asking..." she looked over to me and I just looked over to her smiling from ear to ear. She gasped. "I knew you were acting weird today!! You couldn't stop smiling, I knew it!" I laughed. "When did it happen?"

"This morning," I told her, biting my lower lip and laughing into the clothing rack. She gasped.

"How was it!" She shrieked.

"Best I've ever had," I told her and she squealed again. I laughed.


I drove into our driveway, and ran up the steps in a hurry. It was a little past 7, and I was running late. I ran inside and didn't see any candles, rose petals or a sign of a movie. There was a folded piece of thick paper in the middle of the granite floor and I picked it up, cocking my head to the side. Go to the place we first met. -B<3, the note read. I laughed and covered my face with my hands, smiling like a goofball. The club, Knockout, was where we first met. I bolted to my car and drove down the driveway like a crazy person.


I got to the club and the club security told me I was on the list. I went inside and into the back VIP room where we first met. I didn't see Blake anywhere. A bar tender called out my name. I turned around to see him handing me a paper, I crinkled my eyebrows and took it. A scavenger hunt? Go to the first place we practiced -B<3, it read. I smiled and ran out of Knockout. I drove to the Clippers Practice Arena. I ran inside and to the hoop we practiced on. Nobody was here, except DJ standing in front of the hoop. "DJ?" I asked. "What are you going here?" He said nothing and just smiled, extending his hand with another slip of paper. I took it and read it. Go to our favorite dessert place -B<3, the note read.

"Have a fun night," DJ said winking and I raised one eyebrow and ran out to the Milkshake place. I jumped into my car and drove down the street to the milkshake place. LA traffic was not bad at all today, thank God. I parked my car and jumped out, running into the milkshake place. It was empty, export for Chris standing in the middle of the store. This whole set up was very weird. Chris extended his hand and handed me the paper. Meet me at our favorite place in the whole city. -B<3 it read. I ran out of the store and into my car and to the Hollywood sign. I really hoped this would be the last one I was getting tired.


I drove up the path and saw Blake's car, as the sun was just setting over the horizon. I jumped out and saw a small table, with candles and roses in the middle. I gasped as I saw Blake come out in a tux and move the chair out, motioning me to sit. I sat down, keeping my hands covering my mouth. I couldn't believe this. "Blake, I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything, just eat," he told me, as he revealed a plate of honey roasted chicken, broccoli, mashed potatoes and more vegetables. I took a bite. I moaned.

"This is amazing," I said. "Did you cook this?" Blake nodded and smiled, taking a bite. "How?"

"To be honest, Matt, it took a lot of time to learn, but anything for you." I blushed and thanked him quietly. "I love you, you know that? And soon it's going to be our five month anniversary and I can't believe we have been together for that long. When I'm with you, it feels like I've been with you for five years, you make me the happiest guy in the world, I hope you know that. There's no other girl I'd rather be with. You're amazing to me." I grinned like an idiot and looked down to my feet.

"I really just want to say ditto," I began and we both laughed, "but you mean so much more to me than that. I feel the same way you do, and couldn't imagine a life without you or with someone else. No matter how many days you're gone, or I'm gone, just know, I love you more than anything."

"I will never hurt you," Blake repeated and I smiled. "I'm serious, I never thought I could love someone so much." I looked down with a huge grin on my face. Then I remembered Blake talking about proposal with basketball players and I started getting worried. I really hoped he wasn't going to propose. That would be terrible. He didn't make any moves to get down on one knee, so I got up and went over to him, lying a sweet kiss on his lips and sitting in his lap. "Well, this is an even better view," Blake joked, looking into my eyes. I giggled, and kissed his lips again.

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