Chapter 124

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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" Hannah chanted to me, running down the cobblestone path to our front door energetically. Why did she want to get home so soon and why was she so excited? I followed her, jogging after her, carrying all of our shopping bags and my purse. She waited by the front door, signaling for me to open it first. "Open it," she smiled. I raised my eyebrows at her and opened the front door.

There laid rose petals scattered all over the floor with balloons and candles. I dropped all my bags and my hand covered my mouth. Blake appeared with a smile played across his face.

"You're so gullible," he said, smiling, "You honestly believed I, Blake Griffin, the greatest husband, forgot about our anniversary? Never." He outstretched his elbow, as I accepted, walking out to the backyard, where I assumed he was taking me. I noticed Hannah had disappeared and Blake was dressed very nicely. He had a traditional black and white tux on, his hair done nicely. I stared at him, wondering why he was dressed so fancy.

"What are we doing?" I asked him, walking past the pool, leading to the gate out to the beach.

Blake shot me a look as he lead me out of the gate. He opened it halfway and smiled to me, not saying anything. He pushed through and lead me around the gate to see a whole bunch of people on the beach. There was a white canopy and everyone was dressed up. That's when I realized it was my wedding. It was our wedding.

"Our wedding?" I asked him, a smile creeping onto my face.

"Our wedding," Blake repeated back to me.


"I'm so happy for both of you again," Liv Reed told me, removing her hand from the small of my back and giving me another quick hug. I held onto my champagne as everyone had flooded into our house, chatting and drinking champagne and eating cake. It was great to be surrounded by all of our friends, and even our family. I could see Amber was waiting for Liv and I to finish speaking, before she stepped in, a small smile on her face.

"Hey," she began, giving me a small wave. I smiled back to her, taking the last sip of my champagne.

"Hey," I said, lowly, "I'm so happy you came, really. It wouldn't be the same without you here. Hopefully we can move on to be friends again." I was going to be polite. There was to be no drama here, but by some of the guests here, it wasn't very likely. I kept myself under control however.

"Yeah, I wanted to come over and apologize about all that, I miss you," she told me, nodding and taking a sip of her red wine.

"I missed you too," I said, pursing my lips at the sheer memory that Russell and her were still dating. "How's Russell?" Her face fell when I asked, and I couldn't help but wonder what had been happening between them.

"Everything is good," I could tell she lied. "You know, you both should make up. It's been too long. He talks about you... a lot." Suddenly Amber had grown nervous, turning away from me, "But I think I should go. I'll catch you later." With that, she disappeared into the crowd of people. I didn't even bother calling her name. I didn't know what had been up with Amber recently, but something was totally off.

Blake's Mom appeared in front of me, a smile plastered on her wrinkled face. I had seen her there, I just didn't know Blake was going to invite her after when we went to Oklahoma. She wrapped me into a tight hug, rubbing my back. "Hello, dear, I've missed you," she greeted me. We abandoned our hug and she reached for my two hands,  wrapping her frail hands around mine. "I didn't think the next time I would see you would be at you and Blakey's wedding."

"I never would've thought it either," I chuckled, not being able to contain my excitement. "I do love your son more than anything though."

"As I know, he loves you more than words can explain, thank you for making him so happy. He's never been this happy. You seem like a wonderful girl and you sure are a sight for sore eyes," I laughed at this one and thanked her. "So your season starts soon?"

"Yes, it starts this week," I told her, nodding my head. I was more than excited to get back on the court.

"Wow..." She shook her head, smiling, "You and Blake are two incredible athletes and even better together. But you know what I really came over here to ask..." She squeezed my hands tighter. What was she coming over here to ask? I honestly had no idea. I raised my eyebrows, cocking my head to the side. "When am I getting some grandbabies?" My jaw dropped a little, as I let out a nervous laugh. I got myself together quickly.

"Actually we are, um..." I trailed off wondering how I should put this. "We already discussed the plan and... we are trying." His mom laughed and clapped her hands together.

"How many are you having?" She asked me, pressing her hands to her mouth.

"We haven't talked about it, but I want five--" She cut me off with excitement.

"Make it seven!" She blurted. I opened my mouth to say something, but Blake interjected, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Is she already bothering you about the grandchildren?" He asked me, cracking a smile to both of us. "I knew it was coming."

"I'm not bothering your beautiful wife," she gushed to me, before turning to Blake. "She wants five kids, so I said make it seven." I had never brought up to Blake about how many kids I wanted, so it may have came to a shock about the plethora I wanted.

"Mom, five is more than plenty." Blake told her, shaking his head. I knew Blake was going to be asking me about the five later.

"I might have to move out to LA when that happens. My whole family will be here!" She wailed, bringing Blake and I into a hug. Blake sent me a look telling me to wrap up the conversation. She eventually freed both of us.

"Well, it was wonderful talking to you," I told her, giving her a fast hug, "But we have to run." I looked to Blake and he gave me a small nod.

"Goodbye, dear, I expect a call of some good grand baby news very soon!" I nodded and walked away, taking a deep breath, Blake by my side.

"Five?" Blake asked, as we walked through the corridor leading through the kitchen.

"Did I forget to mention that?" I asked him through my teeth, my voice raising in pitch.

"Uh, yeah, kinda," he told me, nodding, "We already sort of have one girl. Five what? How many girls? How many boys?"

"Hannah isn't really ours," I stated. Blake might not agree with my wishes, but this was what I wanted. "I want five boys," I muttered very quickly. I didn't think Blake caught what I said, as I hid my face.

"Five boys?" Blake raised his eyebrows at me. "That's a lot of testosterone in one house... Why so many boys?"

"I want all my boys to be in the NBA," I told him, taking a sharp breath.

"Oh..." Blake trailed off, nodding. "I see. I want at least one girl. So what does that leave us with, minus Hannah?"

"I mean in the end, it's not like we have a choice," I clarified, "Whatever happens, happens. I'm just gonna pray they send lots of testosterone my way."

"And I'll pray for the estrogen," Blake added with a smile, "don't get me wrong I want a couple boys, but to the father of a girl... that's wow. I would have a princess. I would be very protective just a heads up." Paige Reed, Blake Reed, Liv Reed, Jada and DJ made their way over to us, signaling our conversation was over. Although, I understood Blake, the thought of having a family finally sent chills throughout me. Was I ready? Were we ready?

All We've Got Is Basketball (Blake Griffin FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن