Chapter 82

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I sat on the bed in the dark, as it was nearing one in the morning, and Blake still wasn't home. I felt the hot tears pour from my eyes again, when I didn't think I had any tears left. I must be getting ready to dehydrate or something. I was surprised there was any liquid left in my body at all. I wiped my tears away, but they just kept pouring. My cheeks were heated again as the tears just kept coming. I heard the door open and it must have been Blake. I ran for the bathroom as soon as possible, grabbing as much tissue paper and making myself appear fine. I splashed cold water onto my face, but it still looked splotchy and you could tell I had been crying for the past seven hours. Which was proven possible today. I opened the door from the bathroom and Blake was standing right in the doorway, holding a towel and his clothes. I was waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. He made a hand motion for me to move out of the way, and pushed me aside. I turned around and opened my mouth to say something, but Blake slammed the door in my face. I closed my mouth, and turned towards the bedroom. I flopped into the bed and ran my hands over my face. There was a soft knock on the door to the bedroom and I said "come in." It was Marjorie.

"By the way Miss--uh, Morgan, I got you your new phone," she handed me the new iPhone, "everything is entered and categorized to your liking." I smiled and nodded as she turned away. I set the new phone on the night stand and ran my hands over my face. I opened a magazine, using the lamp light to read. I waited until I heard the shower water turn off before I began growing nervous again. Fuck. I was more than nervous. Within minutes, Blake was out with just his boxers on, and I whined a little when I saw him, hoping he didn't hear me. His glorious abs looked so... glorious. His muscles were built so nicely and I gulped, sinking down into the bed. Blake slipped into the bed, groaning and turning off the lamp I was using to read my magazine, I sat in the dark, with my magazine still open. He turned his back towards me and took another deep breath. I slammed the magazine shut, and slapped it onto the night stand.

"Do you mind?" Blake snapped, his voice piercing the air. "I'm trying to sleep. Thanks."

I cut Blake off, "what did I do? Why did are you avoiding me?"

"You got pregnant, Morgan, that's what you did," Blake snapped again, moving his pillow more. But I was fed up with this. I slammed all the lamps on and turned the overhead light on too, jumping out of the bed. "What the fuck?"

"No!" I shouted, pointing my finger at him as he sat up, "DO NOT 'what the fuck' me! I should be asking you. Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you? How is this possibly my fault? How can you sit there acting like everything is okay, and just pushing me aside! I've possibly broken the world record for the longest cryer, I've cried for seven hours straight! But here you are acting like everything is all okay! I fucking hate it, and I hate your fucking attitude!"

"Well, for one, you could've reminded me to wear a condom," Blake reminded me, shrugging, staying cool. Him just staying cool and calm pissed me off anymore. How immature could he be?

"I could have reminded you? I could have reminded you!" My voice raised even more, and I was on the brink of tears again, as I could hear my voice cracking. "That's your dick, not mine! Is it my fault you didn't fucking pull out?"

"Chill out," Blake commented.

"No!" I shouted even louder, "if you think this is such a big fucking mistake we shouldn't be having this baby at all! If you aren't going to man up, and make a decision, I've already made mine."

"You can't make your decision without my input," Blake argued and I could practically feel the steam coming from my ears.

"Well do you know how frustrating it is, when you won't answer me!" I screamed, as tears started coming down my face, "when your fiancé is acting like a complete douchebag and is ignoring you when you two are supposed to be in this together! I'm in this relationship by myself! Your nothing near a man, you're acting like an immature boy and you have been acting like one! So suck it up!" That left Blake speechless, he tried to open his mouth to speak, but no words came.

"Morgan, I-I'm sorry," Blake muttered.

"No, if you were sorry you would've been comforting your pregnant fiancée instead of acting like a dick!" I yelled at him. "I've made my decision, and I'm starting to think that this... is a fucking mistake," I said finally, grabbing my phone, and purse. I moved for the door, before I felt Blake wrap himself around me from behind. I tried to wriggle from his grasp, but it was no use.

"What's a mistake?" Blake asked me, looking taken aback. He looked hurt in his eyes. "What are you just gonna recycle through babies like that?" Blake asked me, which made me upset, "this is my baby too, I have a say in what happens." I bit my lower lip to stop myself from saying anything I might regret. Blake's breath hitched. "This is my baby... right?" I wiggled out of his grasp when he was least expecting it and hit his chest multiple times, and pushed him back, but he acted like it didn't effect him much. It probably didn't. He grabbed both of my wrists, and pinned me onto the wall, as my head fell in a fit of tears. I could tell not even in this moment, Blake still had no idea what to say. We stared into each other's eyes for minutes, before I pushed him off of me, and walked a couple steps into the bedroom.

"Fuck you," I snapped.

"You already have... lots of times," Blake sneered back and I stuck my middle finger up at him. I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked towards the door out of our suite. I could feel Blake's eyes following me out the door.

"Well!" I shouted, "you want this, right?" I reached for the door handle as we moved into the living room. Blake opened his mouth, and then closed it.

"I'm sorry, Morgan," Blake told me, and I nodded my head, pursing my lips.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," as I slammed the door behind me.

Maybe, we're just not meant to last•

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