Chapter 6

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I parked at the Clippers' practice arena early in the morning and was still pretty tired from last night with Blake and then with DJ and Maya. We were up late getting into details about the date, eating calories and fat and then putting DJ on a diet so he doesn't blow up to be the approximate size of Fat Albert. I grabbed my gym bag from my car and slammed to door, spinning around and running right into Blake. "Hey, sorry," I said, smiling to him as he smiled to me.

"Allow me," he said, grabbing my nah from my grasp, and he turned around to walk to the practice center.

"You paid for my food last night and now you're carrying my bags? I don't think I can allow this," I said sarcastically as I held the door open for Blake as he walked inside. It was chilly in here and these moments I wish I had brought Blake's jacket with me.

"Every guy has to pay for a girls food, and I used to be a bellboy so I'm used to carrying bags," Blake said and I shook my head.

"Really, did you?" I asked and Blake looked to me with disbelief in his eyes. "Liar," I said and pushed him playfully. We both walked into the gym where he set my bag down on the floor against the wall. "Thanks, BellBoy." Blake outstretched his hand.

"Where's my tip, ma'am?" He asked and I laughed and ran over to where the basketballs were and tossed one to him.

"Your lesson on free throws is gonna be full of tips today," I smiled as he examined the ball as if it were something he had never seen before.

"No way, we agreed your lesson on dunking was today, free throws later. My season is over, yours is at the best, and I want you to dazzle on the court," Blake said, passing the ball to me.

"Well I changed my mind, we've been working on my dunks for way more than we should be focusing on your free throws. Now c'mon, I'll do one dunk and then we practice for you," I said, waiting for him to accept the offer. He stood there for a few moments considering my offer, and finally accepting only half-heartedly. I took the ball and dribbled it twice, hurdled twice and left the ground, dunking it right into the net. "Haha! Sucker," I said throwing the ball to him and he bit his lower lip.

"Fine," Blake said, dribbling the ball over to the free throw line where I was waiting. Blake dribbled the ball twice at his feet, bent into position and shot the ball. The ball hit the backboard, bounced on the rim, but tipped the opposite way off the basket. I smirked to Blake who averted his eyes to the ground, and pouted. He looked so cute when he did that, I hugged him.

"Hey," I said, tipping Blake's head up to meet mine, "it's okay. You'll get better with my teaching. This is why I said we need to work on your free throws." He rolled his eyes and I instructed him to go to the line. "When you go to the line... to shoot, can you drown out all the noise, whether it's the booing or cheering? You can drown out all the pressure, and just... forget about it? Just remember, you're getting paid for doing what you love and this seems so deep just to teach you one shot but when you go to that line, just drown out everything and forget. I don't even know how to explain it, it's stupid," I said, rubbing the back of my back with my palm.

"No, it's not, it's true and beautiful, and I need to work on that. The pressure and what the fans think about me just... gets to me sometimes. Thank you," he said, and I nodded in return.

"Now, just go, don't listen to me, block me out and make the shot," I said, I stood back and watched Blake dribbled the ball twice and I watched how focused he was. He reached up and let the ball roll off my fingertips and it hit the rim once again, but didn't go in. "It's okay, takes practice, do it again," I ordered tossing the ball back to him, which I had retrieved.

"Yes, Coach Morgan," he said, smiling to me, and I grinned back.

"If only I had a whistle," I stated, really actually wishing I had one. Then I would feel like a real coach. What are you waiting for? Again!" I ordered, which made him laugh. He walked up to the line, and became focused. He dribbled the ball, bent down, missed. This is how it pretty much went for ye next hour, I could tell Blake was frustrated and fed up. "It does take practice," I added again and Blake nodded, looking down to the ground. I did not know how an NBA star could miss so many free throws, when he is a forward, and his offense is amazing. Practice makes perfect I guess, Blake just needed more practice. I stood up off my coaching chair, and walked over to him, lifting his chin for the second time today. I traced his freckles with my thumb and Blake stared at my lips. I wanted to make him feel better, I felt terrible that I made him feel bad. His hands found my waist and pulled me into him, and he leaned down to my lips. My whole body erupted in goosebumps when his lips touched mine, and the feel of his soft lips on mine was one of the best things I have ever felt. My hands felt his auburn curls which made me giggle. We separated from the kiss, and we both smiled to each other. "You're so cute," I told him, and he smiled.

"And you're gorgeous," he whispered to me, and his large hand caressed my face. I blushed and smiled to him, poking him playfully in the chest.

"I would do the same to you back, but that wouldn't be appropriate," he said to my poking. I laughed, and didn't know what to think of it. I heard the door slam and Blake and I jumped away from each other. It was Maya and some of the other players on the team, who wooted and cooed when they saw us. I blushed and looked to Blake who just smiled awkwardly to me. "I'll see you later, milkshakes after?" He asked me.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I said to him, which made him smile. He kissed my forehead wrapping his arms around me quickly and smiled and waved when he left. Kristi, Candace and Maya placed their bags against the wall, getting balls from the rack, but quickly coming over to me to ask me about everything Blake.


"They never stop I swear," Blake and I were sitting next to the Hollywood sign, overlooking Los Angeles, and the view never ceased to amaze me.

"Oh, don't think it's just the women's team, our team shares gossip like it's nobody's business," Blake snickered and I smiled and giggled under my breath.

"That's good to know, at least," I traced different random lines and symbols into the dirt with a stick I had found.

"You sound like you have stuff on your mind," Blake said, looking over to me. I shook my head.

"Not really, I'm just... just... doing some deep thinking is all. I'll save it for later so I can talk to you," I said, looking up to him and smiling.

"You're different than any other girl I've met before," Blake said out of the blue.

"I hope that's a good thing," I said, beginning to trace lines into the dirt again. Blake snorted and grabbed his own stick and began to trace.

"It is... a good thing," Blake said, I could feel him looking at me, and I looked to him and smiled.

"How am I any different?" I asked him and he smiled.

"You love to smile, you always do it. You're happy, while most girls complain and mope around and stuff, and you're also focused on your career. Like I am, but not near as much. You're also down-to-earth unlike athletes that would have a record like you, they'd be like Westbrook or Ibaka." I smiled at this knowing both players were cocky and Blake disliked Ibaka.

"Well, thank you, Blake," I said, "you're different too."

"Thanks." He said nodding his head and I smiled to him. It was dark now, the sky was still a little lighter than a navy color, but it was almost pitch black. Blake showed no intention of getting up and I wanted to sit here forever. The stars began to slowly appear as the sky became darker and darker quickly. I lied down and looked up at the stars. Blake looked down to me and I patted the ground next to me.

"What? Never been stargazing before?" I asked him and he lied down next to me.

"Yeah, a little," he answered next to me. "Look, there's the Big Dipper." He pointed up into the sky and there was the Big Dipper. "There's the Little Dipper." He pointed into the sky and there it was.

"You do stargaze, you liar," I pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," he answered and cleared is throat. "But there's something more gorgeous than the stars."

"What's that?" I asked him and turned on my side to look at him. He looked down at me.

"You," Blake answered.

|| AW!! this is so cute!! Hope y'all are enjoying the story||

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