Chapter 7

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"Oh, please," Maya protested, scratching Cody behind his ears and letting him lick her face. "You love Blake." She cooed to me and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't love him, Maya, I do like him a lot though," I said and she smiled to Cody, even though I knew the smile was for me. Practice was cancelled today, we needed to start taking it easy for the championship games ahead. "Besides, I need to focus now, championship is a few days away and I need to be on my game."

"M, you always are on your game," Maya said, "That's definitely why you're hanging out with Blake today." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't hang out with him today, maybe I should just practice or condition or something instead," I suggested and Maya shook her head.

"No, no, no, coach said take it easy, no conditioning, no practicing, just hanging out with your boyfriend," Maya said, smiling and nodding in my direction.

"He's not my boyfriend, Maya," I said again and she squealed.

"Maybe not now, but soon," Maya said and I nodded. Couldn't disagree with her on that one. Blake and I were definitely leading to something. He was four years older than me, but our bond was still pretty impressively strong for not meeting that long ago. "Where are you guys going tonight?" Maya piped up, Cody lazily dozing off under Maya's touch.

"Just hanging out here," I said, checking around the living room making sure everything was tidy and in place before Blake came. Maya screamed, which woke Cody pretty quickly.

"You know what happens when you're saying 'just hanging out at my place' and what it turns in to," Maya pointed out, winking to me.

"Nothing," I said, avoiding what she was hinting too, "if anything gets out of hand I could always call you, DJ or any of the girls. Or maybe even Chris." I had gotten Chris' number that night I just never decided to call or text him. He said if I ever needed anything, he was there, which was really sweet for a guy I had just met. He and Jada had been together for a long time, and still had the healthiest relationship which I really admired.

"Speaking of which," Maya sat up on the couch a little more, "us and all the girls really need to hang out sometime, maybe at my house, before the championship we really need to get a game plan." I nodded.

"You just give me the day and time and I'll be there," I said, smiling to Maya.

"Great, I'll let you know," she looked as if she was adding a group chat onto her phone which I really didn't like. I disliked group chats a lot, but if that's what it was going to take, that's what it had to take. Maya stood up, stretched, and pat Cody one last time. "Alright, well Blake is coming over soon, and I have to run back home and check on Luce. I'm coming back over later, though. I really don't want any Blake and Morgan babies running around when I get back." I laughed.

"No promises," I added and she sent me a death glare. "I'm kidding," I added and she replaced her stare with a smile. "See ya," I said as Maya waved I me from the door. She was right, Blake was coming over soon and I was still in gold basketball shorts and an old high school basketball jersey. I jogged upstairs and grabbed a pair of high waisted jean shorts from Forever 21, and a floral crop top. Basketball players could have style too, right? I put on a SnapBack backwards and trotted downstairs. I heard the doorbell ring, since I had given Blake my gate code, he had been able to get in. I jogged to the door, to see him standing there with some flowers. I opened the screen door and gushed at the look of the flowers. "Aw, Blake, you're so sweet," I gushed and took the flowers from him and gave him a quick hug.

"How are you doing?" Blake asked and I smiled.

"Well now I'm flattered," I said and tried to find a vase I could put the flowers in, but I never had a vase, as usual. I put it in a cup, just until I could go out and get a vase. Once I was done, I turned to Blake. "So, do you wanna just hang here or go do something else?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"We can chill here and watch a movie," he said, and I smiled.

"Sounds good, what kind of movie you like?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Obviously, horror, c'mon, who doesn't love them?" He said rhetorically. I fist bumped him and said, "exactly!" before turning around to go to my movie collection. The first movie I saw was The Conjuring, which was one of my favorite and scariest horror movies.

"Down for this one?" I asked him and he nodded eagerly as I switched the TV to Movie Mode.


"When's your first championship game?" Blake asked me, we had walked down the street to Starbucks, and luckily the place was completely desolate, so we didn't have any fan encounters.

"It's in three days," I grimaced, which I was really nervous about. "We have home court first two games, luckily, but I'm just really nervous and stuff. I want to practice, but coach says that I should take it easy." Blake nodded.

"You really should, you don't want to tear your meniscus like I did," he said and I nodded. His knee was a little abnormal, maybe because he only had half a meniscus, but it was still clearly fine by me. I had finished my latte and threw it in the trash and Blake did the same. He outstretched his hand for me to take, and I intertwined our fingers. I smiled up him and he kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Well, so much for keeping it on the down low," Blake said and I had completely forgotten that we were in public. Well that is gonna be everywhere in a mere 24 hours.

"Oh well," I said and he smiled and kissed me again. We walked out of the Starbucks and to his Mercedez which was parked around back.

Blake opened the door for me, but before he did, he looked into my eyes and said, "I like you a lot, Morgan, I really do." I smiled.

"I like you a lot too, Blake," I said, his lips crashed into mine.

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