Chapter 41

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I stood outside, bundled up and on the phone, calling Russell. Sure, it was in the middle of the night, but I had no idea what to do. "Hello? Morgan?" A raspy voice came on the other end. "What are you doing calling so late?" He mumbled and groaned.

"I'm so sorry," my voice quivered.

"Have you been crying?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "Come right over."


I walked into Russell's house and he brought me immediately into a hug. "What the fuck is going on, you're scaring me," Russell said, closing the doors, still in his pajamas. He lead me into the kitchen and we both sat down.

"I'm pregnant," I just came right out and said. I didn't want to make up any bullshit. "Blake was joking about it cause I threw up last night and it totally freaked me out. I snuck away tonight and bought the test and..." I let a few tears fall, and Russell hugged me again. "I don't know what to do, Blake-- he's not going to look at me the same. We're both so young. I love basketball I can't do this. It said I'm positive. Then I got these." I pushed the bottle on the counter. He looked at the bottle, his eyes widening, shaking his head.

"Morgan, you need to consult with Blake before you do this..." Russell said, looking to me. "I can't let you. I won't."

"You have too," I said, wiping my tears away. "Blake, is going to hate me. Please let me do this." I said standing up and walking towards his glasses so I could take the pills. Russell didn't say anything and just looked at me with concern. I filled the glass up with water and took out three pills, rolling them in my hand. I looked up to Russell, who was looking back at me, but was beating his fist against the counter. I took the pills and swallowed them, Russell, putting his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, but being away from home... I don't have anyone to talk to." Russell shook his head, looking at me. I put the glass into the sink, and then moved over to him, sitting in the chair.

"No," Russell said, looking at me. "Even if you were home... I would want you to talk to me. I'm honored." I smiled to him and we kept our eye contact for several moments. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"I should probably get going... Blake is probably already worried, if he's woken up. I'll talk to you tomorrow?" Russell nodded and I smiled. "Thank you for everything." He smiled to me and brought me into a hug. I walked outside and into the car. I drove back to the hotel and walked back upstairs, creeping as quietly as possible, walking quietly into the room. I walked inside shutting the door, quietly and taking off my shoes. I turned around to see a half naked Blake, which instantly turned me on. I avoided his rock hard abs and amazing muscles and landed on his adorable, tired face. Busted.

"Where the hell have you been?" Blake asked, wrapping his arms around me. He brought me over to the bed, and I stood in front of him, he put his head on my stomach and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for freaking you out. I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay," I cut him off and he smiled, looking into my eyes. He put his forehead back on my stomach and took a deep breath.

"I've decided that... we're gonna go back home tomorrow. I already told Taylor. I'm not staying around here with my mom. I can't handle it. I need to get back to where I belong. I might still be taking some time off basketball... but... I just can't stand it here," Blake muttered into my stomach. I nodded and smiled when he looked up to me. I ran my fingers through his hair, and my smile faded.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you no matter what." My stomach instantly dropped at that one.

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