Chapter 104

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"So," I began, pouring Blake a glass of red wine, and one for myself. "What did you want to talk about earlier? You seemed upset." I walked over to the couch and handed Blake his glass, as I took a sip of mine, sitting next to him.

"I am upset," He told me, setting his wine on the table, situating himself on his elbow and looking at me. "You need help."

"No," I began, shaking my head.

He cut me off, clearly irritated. "No... Morgan, no. Don't give me that fucking bullshit. I need the truth. Do you need help?" I could tell Blake wasn't going to give me an option. If I said no, he would lead it back to yes. I was stuck. What made Blake think this out of the blue? I kept eye contact with Blake as he watched me, I didn't say a thing. "I don't see this going anywhere, to be honest," he fessed.

"What is this?" I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

"Us, Morgan, us," He told me, biting his lower lip, "I don't see us working out."

"Where is this coming from!" I barked, shaking my head. Was Blake breaking up with me?

"I saw you in the hospital room, Morgan," he told me, shaking his head. "You thought about killing yourself." I took a shaky breath, taking a long sip, hoping the glass would cover up my face. Blake grabbed the glass from my grasp and set it down onto the table.

"How much did you see?" I asked him.

"Enough," He informed me, shaking his head.

"It's not as bad as you think," I told him, placing a hand on his shoulder, but he brushed it off.

"Really? It's not?" He asked in a mean tone.

"With all the shit that was going on with Chris and Serge and everything happened so fast..."

Blake cut me off again, "That's not only you. Everyone was hurt. God, for one second can you not be so selfish?"

"I swear, I fought so hard, I was fighting," I told him, my breath turning shaky as I tried to breathe with the lump in my throat. Blake opened his mouth to cut me off, but I held my hand up to stop him. "But I thought just for a second... what if I could end it all? All the pain that I have in my heart. I thought it could all go away. And I stopped fighting. For once in my life for only a second I stopped fighting. Yeah, I know it may sound so sick, but I'm here right now, aren't I?"

"You might not be," Blake reminded me. I shook my head and kissed Blake's cheek quickly, so he couldn't move away and I could attempt to win him over.

"Might doesn't count," I reminded him, my hand caressing his face, "And in that moment the only thing that was stopping me from taking the pills... was you. That was the only thing I could think about. And I put them back. I can't imagine life without you." Blake stared at me long and hard, and I just looked at him lovingly back. He smiled and kissed me with full force.

"I can't imagine life without you either," There seemed to be something else bothering him, as his gaze dropped away from me. "And seeing you with Hannah today made me realize how much of an ass I was about the baby thing. I want to start a family with you. Seeing you with Hannah today was... wow."

"Yeah, well that opportunity has come and gone," I told Blake, taking my hand off of his face and dropping it into my lap.

"What do you mean?" He asked me, searching my face, "We can always have another one."

"I don't think we're ready yet," I told him, shrugging. "You were right, I want to get married first and I really want to focus on basketball right now. Now is just not the time." Blake opened his mouth to object, but shut it after I shut him down. There was no way Blake thought I was going to try and get pregnant after the huge attitude problem Blake had last time. We clearly both weren't ready, let alone stable enough to think about a family right now. "Now, I need to go back to the hospital and check on Chris," I told Blake. Blake grabbed me and pulled me back onto the couch.

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