Chapter 3

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"Everyone knows cookie dough and Oreo milkshake is the best milkshake in the world." Blake said, after swallowing his first mouthful of his milkshake. I found a booth in the back of the store, and we decided to sit there.

I swallowed my first sip, and instantly loved it. This was by far the best milkshake I have ever had. "No, absolutely not, caramel with pie crust is just amazing. I swear this is the best thing I have ever put in my mouth." Blake and I instantly looked at each other and we both erupted into laughter. "You're perverted too?" He nodded his head, still laughing, and taking another sip.

"Of course! What's the fun in life without being dirty minded?" Blake asked, and I laughed, taking another sip.

"You understand me!" I said, and we both laughed, and then ate in a few moments of silence.

"I was sort of thinking when it would be the appropriate time to start singing 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard'," Blake said, almost choking on his milkshake. We were both nearly gasping for breath, and the people in the store must have thought we were absolutely insane.

"You're funny, Griffin, very funny," I said, and smiled to him, flicking a spoonful of milkshake on his nose. This both made us laugh. "We're so alike, it's weird."

"We definitely are," Blake said throwing away his milkshake. I suppressed a surprised look on my face at his actions. "We have to go, throw away the milkshake." I laughed and threw away my not only half drunken milkshake.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, and he shrugged. I playfully pushed him, which made him snicker.

"It's a surprise, we'll walk back to the practice center, grab my car, and I promise it'll be worth it." I took his word for it. I did like him, as a friend, maybe more, but I didn't allow myself to think like that. Blake Griffin surely wouldn't like me, right? Something about him drew me closer to him, and I wanted to spend more time with him. As much as possible, at least, and right now I thought I was achieving that goal. Blake and I walked down a few blocks, crossing a few streets, remaining unnoticed and finally almost an hour later, arriving back to the practice center, where Blake and I's cars were. "We can get your car later, hop in," he said, opening the door for me, as I slid into the passenger seat. This car was amazing, the interior to die for, and I was shocked. The car smelled like him, Venus Axe. "Love my car, huh? I'll gladly trade this one for your beauty." I shrugged, and smiled, looking over to my parked car.

"Might have to take you up on that offer." I said, previewing the interior in the back of the car. He backed out of the practice center parking lot, and went out onto the Main Street, driving west. I really wondered where he was taking me. The sun was beginning to set, and it really was beautiful. I gazed up to the palm trees and smiled, bringing my sunglasses down to the bridge of my nose.

"What got you into basketball?" I heard Blake's voice draw me out of my thoughts, and I snapped back into our conversation. I nodded.

"What a fantastic story that is." I said sarcastically. "Played varsity basketball all through high school, went to college for one year, then I got drafted this year. Normal career, I presume." Blake nodded as he paid attention to the road.

"Well, mine isn't a sob story either, I didn't grow up in the inner city like most basketball players, but I'm still just as blessed as they are."

"Yeah, we all are," I said, and smiled to Blake, who gave a genuine smile back to me.


"No peeking, no peeking," Blake kept repeating, holding his hands over my eyes. I kept laughing and nodding agreeing not to peek. I knew we were outside, that's as much as I knew. I honestly had no idea. "Almost there," he said and after a few more paces he stopped. After a few moments, he uncovered his hands from my face and I gazed out to this amazing view. It showed all of Los Angeles, the buildings, the skyscrapers, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, the ocean, more Hollywood Hills. The sun was setting to the west and it was absolutely beautiful.

"Where are we?" I asked in full wanderlust, as I continued to spot all of LA.

"Look up," Blake told me, and I looked a little over and up to see we were standing directly beneath the Hollywood sign.

"No way." I said the view taking my breath away. Blake laughed and stood beside me, so close, our shoulders touched, which gave my arms goosebumps. He smiled to me, and I smiled back to him, loving this view. Blake turned and went back to his car, grabbing something out of his trunk. He walked back over with a bag of something, which peeked my interest.

"Popcorn to watch the sunset?" He asked, holding up the bag of SmartPop. I laughed and nodded, sitting on a patch of grass, him joining me. He opened the bag of popcorn and let me grab a few pieces.
We enjoyed the popcorn while watching the sunset behind the ocean. After the sunset, I stood up and so did Blske, this is the kind of awkward moment when you didn't know if he was going to kiss you, or if you were going to kiss him, but he doesn't like you in that way. We stood there awkwardly for a few minutes, and then I decided to clear the air.

"I think we should get back, crazy people in LA you know?" I said, and he seemed to accept this, but he looked dissapointed. One thing I hated about LA was how cold it got after dark. I shivered on the walk to the car. Blake stopped and took off his Los Angeles Clippers team jacket, and slipped my arms into the jacket. I felt my cheeks turn warm, but he couldn't see it through the darkness of the night. I smiled up to him with a quick "thanks." I liked when Blake and I had silences, they weren't awkward they were peaceful. Blake made me feel... different. I don't know where I was going with this. I didn't think I liked him... did I? Blake opened the passenged door for me, and I slid into the passenger's seat. Blake walked around, and got into the drivers seat. "This was amazing, Blake, thank you so much," I said, beaming over to him, and then there was that million dollar smile from him.

"We should do it again tomorrow," Blake said, and I nodded.

"I think I'm free," I said, and he smiled, backing up and driving off of the gravel road.


We arrived at the Clippers practice center so I could get my car. Blake parked his car, and looked over to me. 'I'll see you tomorrow, hot shot," Blake said and I smiled to him. "Let me see your phone," he held his hand out, and I raised my eyebrows but handed it over. After a few moments, he handed my phone back and said. "I'll text you." I saw he added himself as a contact.

Chapter 3 gonna get better! Yay!!

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