Chapter 8

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"Well, I don't see any babies, so this is a very good sign," Maya said, pretending to search around the living room for "babies." I laughed and Maya, pursed her lips and nodded her head, sitting down on the couch next to me. "I totally had faith that nothing would happen." She seemed as if she wasn't joking.

"Right, of course you did," I said sarcastically, and Maya laughed.

"So, how is the loverboy?" She asked, raising her eyebrows a few times and making kiss-y sounds. I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully.

"Loverboy is fine, thanks for asking," I said, mockingly, "I've got to say, he's really adorable and my type. I have a lot of fun with him. I like him a lot. But, our relationship is soon to be publicized everywhere." My voice dropped at this, even though I promised Blake I was fine with it. Maya pat my shoulder sympathetically.

"It'll be okay, and it'll be good for you," I nodded to what she said. Maybe it would be good for me. I wouldn't be known as a girl in the WNBA that had no romantic or social like whatsoever. Unfortunately, I wasn't considered the "life of the party" in the team, I was more the focused and always-practicing teammate. But who said I couldn't be both? Geez, Morgan, you're really changing. I didn't even want to have a social life a couple weeks ago, and look how much I was changing.

"Ding Dong, I'm coming in!" I heard DJ's voice call from the front door. I heard another voice along with it, but didn't pay it any attention. I turned to the hallway, which lead from the foyer to the living room, and it was DJ and Chris. "Hey guys!" DJ yelled and I covered my ears.

"Geez, dude, calm down," I said, and DJ smiled and sat down beside me. "I'm sorry to say this, Chris, but I think DJ kinda overplayed your entrance." Chris laughed.

"That seems to be happening a lot lately," Chris said flatly looking to DJ, who held up his hands in defense.

"Geez, been in here for ten seconds and already had to apologize twice, do I need new friends?" He asked, folding his arms and raising his chin, which made me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Fine, I'm deeply sorry, DJ, for making you apologize two times in ten seconds," I stated flatly as he unfolded his arms. He nodded in approval, and I sighed.

"Soooooo..." Chris cooed, winking to me, "how was Blake?" I rolled my eyes.

"I feel like this is wrong, we are talking about Blake behind his back it feels like, I don't like this," I whined and grimaced. It actually did feel like we were all talking behind Blake's back, his two best friends were here, asking me about the date, when it would make more sense to go ask Blake.

"Then should we invite Blake over?" DJ asked, reaching for his phone which was in his pocket.

"No! That'll be even more awkward, plus all of us are hanging out without him, no!" I said, attempting to grab DJ's phone, but he yanked it back and slid it into his pocket slowly.

"Fine then," DJ said, folding his arms, like a disappointed little girl. "Have you guys kissed yet?" I smirked a little and everyone gushed and "ooh-ed." "Have you guys made out?" He questioned again, and I hit him playfully on the shoulder and gasped.

"No, DJ, no we have not... yet," I said, and DJ smiled and Chris laughed.

"I love how you add the 'yet'," Chris said, and I smiled, laughing along with him. "I think you guys are cute together, a little cute young love." I blushed a little at Chris' response. I kind of wanted to change the subject. I never liked having all the attention on me for a while, and I didn't want all of them to think Blake and I were open about our relationship yet.

"So," I began, stretching my arms a little bit, "where's Amber these days? Still on vacation?" I turned to DJ who was rubbing the back of his head, in anxiousness. Amber and DJ have been dating for two years now, and I thought they were the cutest and best couple. For the while I had known DJ from Texas, I had known her for a little bit too. We had become close, and her and I had a lot in common. She was really childish like me, even though I was only twenty one. "I haven't texted her in a while."

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