Chapter 19

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"I'm coming to get you," Blake repeated into the phone once again. I shook my head, I really did think that the news had gotten me sober. I rubbed my forehead nervously and couldn't focus on what Blake was saying. I tried to think about what happened when Maya came. "Morgan," he repeated like a broken record. I shook out what I was thinking.

"What did Maya say when she came? What did you say? Tell me everything," I urged to Blake. He sighed into the phone and I could hear scruffling on the other side of the phone.

"That isn't the priority, stop avoiding what I'm saying, please. Where are you? I'm coming to get you," Blake had been saying this for the past thirty minutes we had been on the phone. He was right, I was trying to avoid his question, but I had made it pretty clear that I didn't want him to come here. I wasn't letting him drive six hours in the dark, to come and get me.

"Blake, I'm in a safe hotel, in the best part of the city, I'm fed and I'm tired. I know you are too, I'll be home tomorrow safe and sound." He sighed again and sounded a tad irritated, but he gave in.

"Please don't drink anymore tonight. Maya seemed angry, I don't know whether she was coming to make amends, or beat the shit out of you. Also, you got a call... from your coach... didn't even leave a voicemail." He added. I rolled my eyes and bit my lower lip to try to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

My voice shook a lot little. "Alright, I love you, Blake. I'm tired, goodnight."

"Please stay safe. Don't drink. Let me know if I should come get you. I'll see you in the morning. I love you," he said flatly. I smiled into the phone and hung up. I placed my phone down onto the floor, and eyed the bottle. I shook my head and knew it was best if I just left it alone. There was so much pain. So much going on right now. This would just take it away... no. I left my phone charging, and walked over to the bed, the mattress being really comfortable. I fell asleep on top of the covers, quietly.


I woke up to the sound of dribbling basketballs. Blake was calling. I ignored it, and tried to close my eyes. It stopped for a second, but then continued. I realized it was eleven, and I had a killer headache. I groaned and got out of bed, and answered Blake's nonstop calling. "Hullo?" I answered, groggily, rubbing over my eyes. I was exhausted.

"Hey," Blake's voice filled my ears warmly and I couldn't help but smile. I had been wanting to hear that voice, I even missed it, which wasn't good since he would be gone a lot during the season. "I'm in San Fran, where are you?" I almost dropped the phone. My smile faded. I rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciated Blake drove all the way up here because he cared about me so much, but I just needed some time.

"Blake, you didn't have to do that," I objected, disconnecting my phone from the charger, walking to the bathroom to brush out my hair.

"Well, I did, where are you?" Blake repeated, questioning me again. I sighed.

"I'm at the Westin, in Central San Fran, I'll wait in the lobby," I said, about to hang up.

"No, I'll come up and get you room number?" He asked quickly.

"Blake, what's up with you?" I asked him, my voice full of concern.

"Room number?" He questioned again.

"512, see you soon." That was weird.

"I love you," Blake said, before hanging up, doing that before I could return the "love you." Maybe he needed to get back home. I took the Vodka bottle in my bag, and then got my phone charger and took that too. I sat on the bed, waiting, hoping that they would let Blake upstairs. They would most likely recognize him, and let him up. I went on Twitter and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Until I saw a picture of me going in the Westin last night. Then there was a picture of me drinking and on my phone. What? That can't be me. But it was. I stared at the picture for what must've been five minutes. I was totally freaked out. What the fuck? Hep could've got a picture of me five stories up? That worried me. There was a knock on the door, I peeped through the peephole first and saw it was just Blake and sighed. When I opened the door, I through my arms around him, before he could even say hi. He smiled with me in his arms. "What's up with you?" Blake asked, chuckling a little. I smirked but turned away to grab my bag. "I already checked out for you."

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