Chapter 139

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I decided not to tell anyone else about the whole situation. Until I figured out the truth. I didn't want to frame Blake for something he may or may not do, then everyone think he was a cheater if he turned out not to be.

"Why are you so down? You've been like this for a few days," Chris said, handing me my coffee. I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee. Damn, I sure had missed Starbucks coffee. A cup of this was so refreshing right now. "Oh, really? You're not going to tell me? We are best friends and super close," I couldn't deny that, "And now you're gonna go ghost on me?"

"You're also my husband's best friend," I reminded him.

"Oh, this is a Mlake situation," He said, nodding his head and then taking in some of his latte.

"I wish everyone would stop calling us that," I sighed and shook my head. "It's...." I could trust Chris. He wouldn't tell anyone. And maybe he could bring it up to Blake and get to the bottom of this mess. "I went to brunch with Marjorie and Kobe and this.... Skank named Sugar." Chris widened his eyes at the venom full in my voice. "She told me she had been in Tokyo..."

Chris cut me off and shook his head, "Morgan, look, I know where this is going. If she was with Kobe... You were most likely set up. Blake... You know him. You know he wouldn't do that." 

"You were on flight tour with him, did he go anywhere or say anything about this or a bar or something like that?" I asked, biting my lower lip. Chris narrowed his eyes in thought and then shook his head.

"No, no," Chris shook his head. "I mean obviously I wasn't with him every second, but every night, I was with him until late... We were also in the same hotel suite, I'm a light sleeper, I would've heard him getting up and going to a bar... or you know... having sex. But then again, I wasn't there those three other weeks he was there... But, Morgan, what are the chances of him meeting a girl that lives in LA, that knows and happens to be good friends with Kobe Bryant, and somehow they were at the same bar at the same time all the way across the planet. Something isn't adding up."

"That's exactly what I'm saying, C," I shook my head and rubbed my dimples in a few circles. Trying to wrap my brain around this whole situation could give me a migraine in a second. "This could all make sense. Kobe hates me, right?" Chris nodded immediately, "Maybe he sent her or she was already there in Tokyo or something I don't know. Maybe somehow Kobe knew Blake was going to be at that bar, at that time, on that night."

"That still doesn't add up, Morg," Christ interrupted me as I rolled my eyes. "Why would Blake make a move on her?"

"Exactly, C, she made a move on him," I clarified, as Chris thought about it. He scratched his head. He wasn't saying anything, so it wasn't impossible.

"What? Do you think she drugged him? Dropped something in his drink?" Chris asked me.

"I wouldn't go that far," I replied.

"That's the only way it makes sense, even if she came onto Blake, he still wouldn't have sex with that woman," Chris remarked, disgust filled in his voice. "He may have missed Marcus's birth and I know that haunts him every single moment of everyday. But him having being a cheater pinned down on him? That might send him over the edge, you remember how he almost killed me when I cheated on Jada."

"Yes, but Blake has changed a lot, trust me," I told him, shaking my head.

"Morgan, I've known him longer than you have," This was true. But Chris would never know Blake like I knew him. "Blake is still young. He's going to be changing. But he has not changed in that sense. You already talked to him about the whole thing?" I nodded, "Was he pissed beyond belief that you would even suggest that?" I nodded again, "He's the same Blake. He is pissed you believed some grand plan over him."

"What if it wasn't a grand plan? What if he's fooling me?" I asked. I was scared. Yes, I, Morgan Griffin, was scared.

"I think you're going to be getting fooled either way," Chris reminded me, finishing his latte. I took a deep breath and tore my gaze away from Chris. What I really needed was a bubble bath and to just relax. This was killing me. Chris must have seen the pain in my eyes. What I had learned over the past year was I had a lot of good people in my life—people that could read me like a book. Which I had learned to be a good thing. DJ, Maya, Blake, Matt, Paige, Regan, Amber, Marjorie, Skylar... But absolutely no one could read me like Chris Paul. Nobody on this Earth. He grabbed both of my hands in his and made me look at him. "Morgan, I'm right here. I got your back, I'm on your side through anything. I know I may have done a terrible, terrible thing to Jada. I know. But, I've improved since then. Losing her was like I couldn't breathe. I will do whatever you ask me to, to get to the bottom of this, no matter what it may be. I'm not asking you to take Blake's side on this, Morgan, I'm really not... but, Blake has been without you a couple times, you know. Without you, it's like he can't breathe. When we were in Tokyo... holy shit, I almost had to punch him in the stomach. He wouldn't shut up about how much he missed you. How much he loved you. How much he just wanted to hold you. How much he just wanted to kiss you. Some nights he would stay up extra late, just so he could make sure it was late enough in the morning in LA to be able to call you. When you wouldn't answer, or the call wouldn't go through, you should've seen the devastation in his face. The way he looked—like a lost puppy. And when you stopped calling him and texting him that much, he started to get so worried."

"I thought he didn't want to talk to me.... The calls weren't going through... Oh," I trailed off. I thought Blake had just stopped trying. We paid for continental calling, shouldn't the calls have gone through? Something just wasn't adding up and I was getting frustrated. "Whatever. How are you and Jada?" I wanted to change the subject. I wanted to get as far away from the thought of Blake naked with another girl all the way around the world as possible.

"Morgan, don't change the—"

"Chris, please, I don't want to talk about it, okay? I just need time. More than anything." I interrupted him, but I really didn't want to hear anymore.

He sighed. "Jada and I are doing good. The kids are happy they are back in one home. I swear, I really shouldn't but I thank God everyday I was in that accident. If I never was, it would've never led me back to her." I covered my heart and cooed with admiration. Chris's love for Jada had grown so strongly. They had been together for so long. I just wanted Blake and I to be like that.

"And sadly when Blake got into his real bad accident, it only drove us farther apart," I whispered, sadly. "But I know why."


"Because it's just not meant to be," I sighed. God, why couldn't I stop thinking about it? I had a son and a daughter now. My career was still going great and I had the support of all the people I loved. My life was on track. I was young, still a few years off thirty, but my life was on track. But yet again, here Blake and I were stuck in the same loop over nearly three years of our relationship going through the same shit.

"Morgan, all relationships have up and downs, you and Blake are normal. Stop getting so down about it," He meant to sound sincere, but he sounded a little snappy. Maybe I just needed someone to scream their head off at me and tell me everything was going to be okay and that I was being too self-centered and not even giving Blake a chance. Maybe I just needed that. 

All We've Got Is Basketball (Blake Griffin FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang