Chapter 84

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"Morgan, Morgan," Marjorie's voice shook me awake, and I sprang up in bed, scaring Marjorie to death. But her normal, professional look returned within moments.

"Oh my god, what time is it? The crack of dawn?" Blake asked, raspily, rubbing his hands over his eyes.

"It's seven, Mister Griffin," Marjorie said, standing tall. "Morgan needs to get ready to go to her shoot. We are running behind, so chop chop. I'll be perched on a couch in the living room." She exited the bedroom, and I flopped back onto the pillows.

"Shoot?" Blake asked me, I remembered I didn't tell him I had a shoot.

"Yeah, for seventeen magazine," I told him, getting out of bed slowly, "supposedly I'm the new role model for teens." I recited from the article, rolling my eyes. Blake snorted a little and I looked over to him, to see he was looking at me. I hit him hard with a pillow. "You're mean," I commented, before walking off to see what outfit Marjorie had planned for me today. Hopefully it wasn't another uncomfortable, itchy fit. It was a Juicy Couture tracksuit in pink. This was more like it. I slid it on easily, trying not to wake Blake again, and went to the bathroom to finish other preparations.

I walked back out of the bathroom, and laid a kiss on Blake's forehead. "I'll see you later, baby," I mumbled into his ear.

"I love you," Blake mumbled back, exhaustion thick in his voice.

"I love you too," I said back, before walking out of the bedroom and through the corridor, to the living room, where Marjorie was, as usual, typing furiously into her iPad. She looked up as she heard my Converse squeak on the tile.

"Ready to go?" She asked me, smirking and I nodded. She opened the door for me, as we moved out into the hall, that was still quiet since it was still early. I was finally getting used to the time change, which was different. Marjorie walked so fast, I fought to keep up with her. "I'll be going with you to the shoot, Jorge will drive us there," she informed me, as we moved into the elevator.

"Hey, uh, Marjorie?" I asked, nervously. "Can you not say anything to anyone about last night? What I told you?"

"I wouldn't dream of it," she said, staring me dead in the eye, her crystal blue eyes piercing into my brown ones. "Besides, Morgan, you and Blake seem content now, so I'm sure everything is to both of your liking now. Everything worked out?"

I nodded, "yes, I just don't want you know, the tabloids and all the fans and everybody finding out. Blake and I already have enough on our plate." We both stepped out of the elevator, and moved through the lobby. I spotted Jorge, standing in front of a white Hummer Limousine.

"I'm aware, Morgan," Marjorie addressed me, and I nodded, trailing behind her. The frozen air was like a slap in the face. If I wasn't awake before, I sure am now.


"To the Cosmo building," Marjorie told Jorge professionally. I sighed and closed my eyes. No time in between to go home? As if reading my mind, Marjorie commented, "no breaks, Morgan." I nodded to her and took another deep breath. "Now, have you ever read Cosmopolitan Magazine or watched one of their celebrity couple videos?" She asked me. I opened my eyes to pay attention.

"No, Sports Illustrated is more my type," I commented, cracking a smile.

"Well," Marjorie began, "just to prepare you, they will ask you questions about your sex life, your romance in your relationship, and tips for teens and young adults." I blushed a little. "But It is normal, couples do it. Besides, I am almost positive everyone knows you and Blake are active." I sighed.

"Well, that totally calmed the nerves," I added, sarcastically. Nerves bubbled in my stomach, as Jorge parked in the front of a skyscraper, that had a huge TV that displayed in cursive, pink script, "COSMOPOLITAN." I took a deep breath, as a man walked up to the limousine, and opened up the door.

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