Chapter 40

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I waited patiently until Blake was asleep, until I heard his breath steady, and his chest rise and fall to a smooth rhythm. Blake and I never went for a round two. I wasn't in the mood, and neither was he. I creeped out of bed, as slowly and quietly as possible and Blake didn't even stir. I threw on street clothes, pulling on my shoes, and grabbing my hotel room card. I grabbed my purse and walked out as slowly as possible. I was really praying Blake would wake up, of course I had my phone, but he might go crazy if I wasn't there. I walked out of the lobby and into the chilly November air. There was a Walgreens right around the block and I ran there, anxiously. I walked inside, and went straight to the women care section. I grabbed a test and went to the self checkout line. I didn't want anybody to see me buying this, of course with the paparazzi constantly around Blake and I. I paid the fee, and then walked into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and sat on the toilet. I just stars at the box for what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes. I opened up the box and revealed the test, and I made myself go. I was shaking. I was terrified. My lips quivered as I brought the test reading to my eyes. As I instantly read it, I dropped the test and burst into tears.

Very, very short but for a good cliffhanger;)

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