Chapter 99

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"I really fucked up bad, didn't I?" Blake asked me as I put a little cold water on a towel, to wash out Blake's gash under his eye. I didn't say anything as Blake winced at the pain, and reached up to touch the wound, but yanked his hand away as soon as he touched it. "And in just a few minutes, if you look up my name on Google that'll be the only thing that pops up. I'm gonna get lectured by my mom, my friends, everyone... you." He looked at me to make sure I was paying attention. I looked him in the eye for a second, before continuing to clean out his cut, flipping the side, and soaking up more blood. "And tomorrow it'll be on TMZ, and I can just hope he won't press charges. And I can just see it in your eyes, you're disappointed in me." I looked in his eyes one more time, and continued working on the cut. He grabbed my forearm and made me put the towel down on the bed. I tried to avert my gaze from Blake, but it was no use. Those beautiful brown eyes found their way piercing into mine. I dropped the towel on the floor as Blake grabbed both of my hands and interlaced our fingers. "Can you at least talk to me and reassure me a little? 'Cause that would really help right now." My hands fell limp in his and I tried to keep our eye contact. But his pleading eyes didn't change a bit.

"Why would you do that, Blake? Why?" I asked him, shaking my head. "You lost control." Blake opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, huffing. He seemed like he was searching my face for an answer, but couldn't find anything to say.

"I'm sorry..." Blake mumbled, averting his gaze from me, and looking down. I picked his face back up and cleaned up his gash some more.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I questioned him, placing the towel into the tray and grabbing the tube of ointment.

"Because what I did will affect to and make us... you... look bad. I'm so sorry," he breathed, apologetically. I applied some ointment onto his gash. I kept just staring him in the eye, pursing my lips.

"You really don't need to apologize to me," I began, "I've lost control so many times and made you look bad. About time all the attention got taken off of me in the relationship." I cracked a smile. "Blake, I'm not saying what you did was okay, but don't beat yourself up about it. We can just be glad Mark agreed to not press charges and hope that everyone can accept that we all make mistakes. I love you and it's okay." I gave him a soft smile, as I put a large band-aid under his eye and I picked up his hand for me to see what was wrong.

"You need to go back," Blake muttered as I began treating his bloody knuckles.

"What?" I asked him, looking into his eyes, as he gave me a soft smile. He took one of my hands and interlaced our fingers.

"You should go back to college," he said softly to me and I laughed, shaking my head. I took my hand out of his and continued to repair his other hand. He dropped it to his side with a groan. "I'm being serious... When I first met you, on one of our dates you told me that if you weren't going to be a basketball player, you wanted to be a surgeon. That's what you told me. That really was your dream. You're so smart, Morgan. And even when you're doing something as simple as repairing a gash on my hand, I see that gleam in your eyes... that gleam of happiness. Do what you love." I shook my head and smiled. "You already have your CNA."

"A CNA is a Nursing Assistant, Blake. That's about as low as it gets in the medical field and a surgeon is at the top," I told him, shaking my head. "Basketball is my life. I can't imagine doing anything else or being with anybody else." I gave him a soft kiss and finished wrapping up his knuckles.

"Now I didn't say anything about being with anybody else," Blake warned me, as I closed up the kit and smiled to him. I walked over to the bathroom and put it in turning off the light. "Can we go home now?" Blake asked as I flopped down onto the bed.

"Why do you want to go home so bad?" I asked him, rolling my eyes and flipping through the magazine that I was reading earlier. Blake huffed and fell onto his back, rubbing his knuckles lightly and clenching his fingers. "Don't ruin my good wrapping job," I warned him and continued to read. He dropped his hands.

"Something is telling me we need to go home," Blake told me, slowly.

"And since when are you intuitive?" I snapped to him, cracking a smile and flipping the page.

"Since now," Blake told me, slowly, sitting up and moving towards the dresser. I looked over to see him struggling to open my luggage and beginning to pack my clothes inside. I sat up as he shook his head. "Morgan, something weird is happening... we just... we need to go." I sat still for a few minutes, making sure he was being serious. Not a smile or any emotion traced over Blake's face.

"I'll go see if the girls are up to tell them," I told Blake and moved off the bed and out of the room, "You keep packing." I walked out of the room and down the hall to see if Candace was awake, vomiting or what. Her lamp was on, and I saw her with a cold towel on her forehead, blocking out the light. She heard me come to the entrance of her room and she smiled.

"Please remind me to never drink again," Candace told me, trying to laugh but it came out as a muffle and what turned into a cough. I smiled and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Blake is acting weird so we are gonna leave for home," I told her, slowly. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer but he's acting different." She nodded and cleared her throat.

"It's okay," she told me, lightly. "I'll tell Skylar and Maya." I nodded and moved off the bed and out of her room. "Morgan, wait," she said lowly and I turned around to face her. "Hold onto him, Morgan." I raised my eyebrows to what she was talking about. "Blake is a great guy and you two are... goals. You guys are perfect. I'm sorry I couldn't realize it earlier. You hold onto him no matter what. Don't let him go." I waited in the door frame for a second, letting what she said sink in.

"Thank you," I whispered, giving her a smile before walking out. I didn't tell care what Maya, nor Skylar nor what Candace said about Blake and I's relationship. But, sometimes, getting some closure from the people you love, was just what you needed.


Blake and I were almost home, as it was around four in the morning. I wasn't even tired. I was just awake... thinking. Blake and I were sitting in silence as I was leaning against the window and looking outside into the darkness, before I noticed Blake was punching in the gate code to get into the house.

"Why so quiet?" Blake asked me as he moved the car up the long driveway to the house. I shrugged and sat up in my seat and yawned. I could hear the dogs barking as Blake pulled up to the house and left the car outside as we both stepped out. I grabbed my luggage and rolled it down the sidewalk following Blake to the front door. Blake stuck the keys in and went inside to see DJ sitting on the steps. Blake and I raised our eyebrows to DJ as concern was filled in DJ's eyes. He stood up clutching his hat in his hands. I could tell he had been crying. What was going on? I dropped the handle to my luggage as it thudded on the floor. DJ took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came.

"We need to go... Now." Was all DJ said.

One bad thing after another keeps happening and I can't fucking make it stop and all I want to do is pack a bag and leave this life behind•

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