Chapter 118

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"Where the fuck have you been?" Blake asked, laughing as all four of the boys sat around the table, sharing a few pizzas. "Did it really take you that long to look at the wedding house?"

"I was at Kobe Bryant's house," I clarified, dropping my bag onto the chair and taking out my hair tie, ruffling my long hair. Blake stood up, giving me a quick peck, but then raising his eyebrows.

"Kobe Bryant? Why at his house?" I glared at Blake, not ready for his inquisition already.

"Marjorie is dating that major pain in the ass," I commented, rudely. "I hate that guy. He has the nerve to basically call me a hoe and a bad influence? Fuck outta here."

"Do I need to go beat someone down?" Blake asked, standing up protectively.

"Blake, sit down," I told him, narrowing my eyes but trying not to laugh. The whole "bad boy" bit was starting to get a bit out of hand, but Blake seemed more than pleased by the new image, which I wasn't pleased about.

"What else did he tell you?" Matt asked, turning to face me. This must have really grabbed the guys's attention, since all eyes were on me.

"He said how I shouldn't be rooting for the Clippers, since I'm on the team of the sister team of the Lakers," I nodded my head, because it was true. "Then I said that I would be way more embarrassed to be rooting for a losing team like the Lakers." DJ couldn't help but laugh at this one, Chris cracking a smile. "Then he told me he didn't want Marjorie being friends with me because of my hoe tendencies. I spit something back at him that wasn't too nice, and stormed out."

"What did you say!" DJ blurted, almost bouncing out of his seat.

"I asked him if he remembered why his ex-wife left him," I added with a small smile. Blake walked into the kitchen to throw the pizza box away. DJ cracked up and took a final bite of his pizza. "Oh," I turned to Blake, "He also wanted me to tell you to check your attitude next time you step on his court."

"His court?" Blake asked me, narrowing his eyes, throwing the pizza box away. "More like my court." I heard a cough from Chris from the table. "Our court. Tell him I just hope the old fart retires soon."

"Uh, no way in hell I'm going back there!" I shook my head. "I really don't like that guy, at all." The doorbell rang, as I stood up to get it, taking off my converses and throwing them aside. I opened the door to see twenty people standing at our door with cameras. I slammed the door shut and locked it, stepping back.

"What the hell was all that?" Blake called to me, as I ran over to the kitchen, where they all were.

"There are like twenty fans at our door," I breathed, brushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear. Not now. Why now? I had to leave for practice in twenty minutes.

"Well, gang, looks like we're all stuck in here," Blake commented, giving all of us a small smile.

"No way," I told him, shaking my head and looking out all the windows for people. "I have practice in twenty minutes. I need to get out of here."

"Okay, how the hell did they get up here with the gates at the front?" Matt asked.

"Could've come through the beach way in the back... or I don't know, something," Blake muttered, running his hand over his face. I walked away from the boys and up the stairs, to Blake and I's bedroom to get changed for practice. I don't care what happened with those fans, I was getting to practice if it killed me. I found my practice shorts and jersey, but rifled through Blake's drawers looking for his "We Are LA" sweatpants. I found the blue sweatpants, yanking them from the drawer, when my hand hit a box. What the hell was that? I felt for the box in all of the clothes and retrieved it. It was a cardboard box, but what was in it? Pregnancy tests? It was a box full of pregnancy tests. What did this mean? Probably nothing, I wanted to shrug it off and move on, but couldn't shrug the feeling that Blake possibly wanted to start a family now that we were married. That made me happy. I wandered over to the nightstand on his side and opened the drawer, looking for the condoms, and they were gone. The whole box. Gone.

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