Chapter 48

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"When are you going to tell him? Aren't you going to tell him?" She asked, as she trailed off, and followed my eyesight out to the sea. "Damn, you really fucked up." I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Gee, thanks, Captain Obvious," I commented, my head collapsing right back into my hands.

"Hey, cheer up," Maya said, rubbing my back. "I cheated on Serge and he still doesn't know." I shook my head, feeling a big ball grow in my throat from wanting to curl into a ball and cry.

"That just makes us two horrible people." I corrected her and tried to laugh but it came more as a snort. "Why haven't you told Serge yet? It's been months now." She shrugged and put her head in her lap.

"Wow, we really are two terrible people," Maya said, groaning. "I have to do what's right, I've practiced what I was gonna say to Serge for... so long now. I'm being a coward... and I need to do it. I just need to man up, be strong and do it. Whether we make it through this or we don't... I'lll be okay, because Serge and I... our relationship started off a lie."

"What do you mean?" I cut her off. What did she mean a lie?

"Oh... right," Maya said, shaking her head. "The whole reason Serge and I started dating was just to make you and Blake mad... but after we were playing around for a little bit, I realized that I really liked this guy. It wasn't fake for me anymore." I bared my eyes at her.

"Maya," I held my hands up to stop her. "You can just tell Serge and he won't even care. Your relationship is based off a joke. Blake and I... we have something beautiful, something real... and I destroyed that. You could be with DJ right now if you really wanted too, DJ really loves you. But you're staying with Serge... For what?" She shook her head, her eyes glazing over with tears.

"How can you say that?" she asked me, shaking her head, her voice quivering. "How can you say Serge and I are not real?" I laughed.

"Your whole relationship is based off a lie," I reminded her and shook my head. "I admit you should still tell Serge about what you did with DJ, but what Blake and I have is pure. There's nothing in between us... don't you see that?"

"Serge and I love each other," Maya corrected me and I laughed and shook my head. "Maybe... maybe everything hasn't gone great with us... but we're surviving." I pursed my lips and shrugged.

"Yeah, well, Blake and I aren't 'surviving'," I stood up and wiped sand from my butt. "Blake and I are strong. I think we're meant to be. That's just me... and Blake. I need to keep it one hundred with him, and I need to tell him what happened. If our relationship is strong we'll make it through this."

Maya shook her head. "Morgan, you barely made it through swallowing pills. Now, cheating? That's a lot of forgiveness, you're asking from Blake."

"I'm telling him tonight, just like you're gonna tell Serge tonight." I ordered and she did a double take. She shook her head in fear.

"Maya, I'm doing this for you," I said, sternly. "Either you tell him or I do. You need to do this. If I can, you can." She sighed and shook her head, biting her lower lip to stop the tears from falling. But I could really tell... the tears were gonna fall.

"I can't... do it, Morgan," Maya whimpered, as two tears escaped from her eyes. She wiped the tears away quickly.

"Maya," I told her, grabbing her wrist to control her. "You're strong. You can do this. I'm doing it tonight, and so are you. Please." She wiped two more tears away quickly and nodded her head. I placed a smile on my face and stood up, brushing sand off my butt. I grabbed her hand and helped her up, bringing her to her feet. "We're two terrible bitches, but we can be two terrible bitches together... no matter what happens." Maya smiled, a faint smile, and pressed her hand to the bridge of her nose. The sun started to set behind the blue water.

Maya took a sharp breath, "I need to go, it's getting near seven and Serge is coming over then. Guess it's now or never."

"Good luck," I told her, giving her a warm smile, as she nodded once, jogging past me back to her car.

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