Chapter 60

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"He isn't doing well, Morgan," DJ told me, honestly. "He isn't getting off the couch, he isn't eating or drinking. The house is completely dark and he just sits there... in the dark and in silence." I swallowed hard and rubbed the back of my neck, biting my lower lip.

"Do you think I should come home early?" I asked him, and he muffled on the other end.

"No, you enjoy yourself. It's okay, I got it under control." DJ told me, I could tell he was smiling on the other end.

"Thanks, Deej, you're the best," I told him, smiling.

"Try not to worry," DJ said on the other end, reassuringly. "Chris and I are taking care of him, even though we haven't gotten him to talk yet. Our game is in two days, and Blake hasn't even gotten off the couch yet. We are playing OKC, and he needs to be ready."

I sighed, feeling so guilty, "I feel like I should just come home. I feel so guilty for making you guys do this for me. This is all my fault, and I love him... I should be there with him right now." DJ snorted on the other end of the phone.

"Morgan, you're Chris and I's best friend, and Blake is our best friend. We'll do anything for you guys. Please just have a good time," he pleaded and I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Alright, I will. Keep me posted. Thank you so much, DJ, love you." I told him, and he laughed.

"Love you too, girl, tell my favorites I said hey," I laughed and hung up the phone. Paige walked in once I was done, and smiled to me.

"DJ says hey," I told her and she smiled.

"Miss him," Paige admitted, smirking a little, looking out to the pond. "Brett has the horses saddled up. Ready to ride?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Brett?"

"A stable hand we have," Paige answered, motioning me through the house and out the front door. We fell in step with one another to the barn. Once we reached the barn, I saw Brett, holding the horses for us. He had a southern accent, a southern feel, probably grew up in South Carolina. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, a hint of freckles over his nose and cheeks. "Thanks, Brett," Paige said, hopping onto the horse. I hesitated but pulled myself into the saddle. "Don't stare at Morgan too much, Brett, her boyfriend is an NBA star about twice your size." Brett chuckled and so did I.

"I'll see y'all later, y'all have fun now," he called as Paige started trotting off towards the pond. "Ready?" Paige called back to me, as she was trotting along the pond. I raised my eyebrows, wondering what she was talking about. Paige took off and I smiled, my horse immediately taking off after hers. I felt myself sliding all over the saddle, but eventually found the feel again, and rode on. We lapped along a trail through the woods, jumping small logs and looped all the way back to the edge of the pond. Paige brought her horse to a walk, and so did I, alongside her. We walked in silence as I looked out over the lake.

"So... Brett?" I questioned, winking at
Paige. I had known my cousin long enough to know when she had a thing for someone.

"He's cute," Paige said, simply, smiling, "he has a good personality. My type. Maybe I do." I smirked and nodded and Paige's honesty. "But can I ask you a question?" I turned to Paige and raised my eyebrows. "What was going through your head when you took those abortion pills? Without Blake? I was just wondering."

"I don't know," I shrugged and answered honestly. "I was scared as fuck. Russell told me to wait to ask Blake but I didn't. All I was thinking was how Blake would feel. How he would've yelled and screamed. And we're both just so... young. All I was thinking about was both of our basketball careers, how half of the time Blake wouldn't be home, the other half I wouldn't be home. What kind of life is that? If one of us weren't athletes, maybe that would be okay, but not now. Blake and I aren't even married. That's what I was thinking. I wasn't just thinking about me. I was thinking about our kid. That's what I was thinking." Paige took a few moments to let it soak in what I had just said and she looked out onto the pond, she started nodding her head.

"Now I see where you're coming from," Paige told me, smiling. "Well, you're not on birth control, are you?" I shook my head no, and she slowed her horse a bit, "maybe you should. I mean what if you get pregnant again? I would just go on the pill."

"Smart," I told her and she nodded, riding off into the woods.

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