Chapter 102

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I leaned against the metal railing, overlooking the city lights as it was really dark. Blake and DJ were sleeping in the lobby, when I felt someone nudge me.

"Crazy isn't it?" I heard Russell ask me, as I nodded, giving him a hug. I burst into tears when he embraced me. "Aw," he cooed, as he gripped me harder. "I know this is horrible."

"I've missed you so much," I told him, as he hugged me even harder. "I...I can't believe..." I choked between tears.

"I know, I know," he soothed me, rubbing his hands up and down my back. We abandoned our hug and he wiped my tears away as I took a deep breath. "I'm praying for Chris, I really am. Both Kevin and I. Kevin... I don't know... if he's gonna be okay," Russell tried to say, looking away from me, because I knew that if he looked at me he would burst into tears. "He's down in the morgue and he's not doing good." I shook my head and looked away from Russell. Another tear rolled down my cheek.

"Russell," I began, shaking my head. "I don't know if he's gonna make it. I'll die without him. I'll die."

"It'll feel like you're going to die," he told me, shaking his head, "But you won't." I took in a sharp breath and nodded. "They're giving Serge's organs away, so at least it'll help someone, someone out there." I nodded, sucking my lips into my teeth. That's when it hit me. Hannah needed a kidney.

"Hannah," I whispered under my breath, excitedly. A smile spread across my face. I didn't mean to smile, but it was evident. She could make it, I could help her.

"What?" Russell asked me, seeming taken aback by my grin. "Oh my God... your daughter..." He trailed off.

"She needs a kidney... she has cancer," I told him, shaking my head. I should have told him. "What if..."

"She can get his kidney?" Russell finished for me. I fished my phone out of my back pocket and searched for Kelly's number. I clicked on the contact and called her mobile, stepping a few steps away from Russell.

"Morgan?" Her voice rang into the phone and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"We are in a situation right now," I told her, "My, uh, friend, was in a car accident and the man who hit him past away. They're giving away his organs. I know it's a long shot but... I could pull some strings I really could."

"Morgan, calm down," Kelly told me, her voice calm and direct. "For all we know, they're probably not even the same blood type. Let alone, he's a large man and she's a small female child."

"Bring Hannah to UCLA Med Center. I am going to pull as many strings as I can. What's her blood type?"

"AB positive," Kelly told me, her voice cracking. I ended the call quickly, as I ran to the elevator, Russell following me. I needed to get down to the morgue and find someone. I needed to find anyone to help me with this. The elevator doors slammed shut behind Russell and I as it flew all the way down into the cold morgue. There was a doctor identifying Serge's body, but I didn't see Kevin anywhere.

"Sir, I need your help!" I told him, "I have a daughter... a daughter that needs a kidney," I saw he had Serge's paperwork. "She has cancer and she doesn't have much longer. She really needs a kidney. Is there any chance that, uh, you know Serge's blood type?"

"If the man was alive that would be against patient confidentiality, but since he is dead I assume so," the guy said, reading over the charts. "Um... A negative." My face fell and I shook my head, cursing under my breath. Shit... Just when there was a chance. A slim chance. "Wait... no, sorry. He is AB positive." I breathed and nodded excitedly, clamping my hands together.

"My daughter... she is AB positive," I told the doctor, as he took note. He asked for my name and all my contact information.

"I'm a surgeon," he told me, extending his hand to shake mine. "I am the chief of surgery at this hospital actually. I can go call the Organ Donors now about him and maybe I can help you." I nodded, grinning ear to ear as he walked away towards the elevator. This was it. Maybe my luck was going to improve. Maybe, just maybe, would Hannah be saved. I smiled and clutched my phone into my hands, just wishing for the best.

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