Chapter 12

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I walked up the brick steps of Maya's house and rang the doorbell. It took a few moments, but Maya came to the door. As soon as she saw me standing there, she attempted to slam the door in my face. I caught the door with my hand, before she could close it completely. I had always been stronger than Maya, and right now, this was coming in handy. Maya knew she wasn't going to be able to get the door closed, so she opened it back up in defeat.

"What?" She snapped in a mean tone. Just by her saying one word I could tell she was totally pissed at me.

"Maya, just hear me out," I said, calmly, trying to get her to listen. "Can you just do that for me?" She stared blankly at me for a few moments, but finally gave in, folding her arms, telling me she was going to listen. "I didn't choose him over the team. What happened with me at that game... I don't know. And I'm sorry, okay? It wasn't because of Blake I wasn't playing good, we just all have our days."

"Oh, please," Maya scoffed after a few moments of awkward silence. "Go kiss up to Blake, I'm sure he'd love it." I couldn't help but roll my eyes in Maya's pure ignorance.

"Maya, you know I'm not like that." I kept my voice calm and collected. I didn't need Maya any more angry than she already was. Plus, I could lose my cool pretty quickly sometimes, and the last thing I needed was a screaming match in her front yard.

"I thought you weren't like that," Maya spat, looking down to me in disgust. "Before I saw his tongue down your throat in the parking lot." I didn't know what to say and she was clearly more pissed than I've ever seen her. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came. Nothing. I had nothing to say to her. I wanted to lie, tell her that was just a fling, but lying wouldn't get me out of this in the long run. When the championship is over, Maya will see I still love Blake. I was trapped. "Exactly, you have nothing to say," Maya scoffed, shrugging, and laughing sarcastically. "Nothing. Like this whole season, everything we've been through, nothing mattered. Now basketball is second, and a guy is first? I honestly was stupid enough to believe you could forget about Blake. That whole game, when everything was on the line, out of this whole season, you suddenly decide that now you're gonna leave me? Now you're gonna not play. Wow, six points. Blake is not the priority-" I cut Maya off. I lost my cool. I was done taking her shit, just because she was older and thought she was wiser and knew more.

"What?" I snapped, "like you've never been in love? You've never liked someone a lot and couldn't even focus. You're right, Maya, Blake is not the priority. The championship is and I know that! But the fact of the matter is, I can't focus when I'm being kept away from him. Okay? It's harder than it looks!" My anger was boiling. "You don't know how it feels! Because you don't have a man." I spat. I knew what I had said was pretty mean and I saw Maya's face fall when I said that. She still held pride and looked utterly disappointed in me. "I didn't mean that." I said quickly.

"Why wouldn't you? It's true," Maya said, her voice falling, obviously hurt. I heard voices behind her and knew who they were.

"Candace and Skylar?" I asked her and she nodded, biting her lower lip. She looked really hurt and I was really sorry for what I had said.

"My real friends, I thought I had three, but looks like I only have two. Well, I'm gonna go have fun with them, see you at the game tomorrow." Ouch. That hurt. I sunk that low, and Maya was going to do the same in return. That's what I deserved anyways. Now I was beating on myself. I lifted up my hand to wave, but didn't even. I walked down the steps when I heard Maya call my name one last time. "And if you're not playing good tomorrow. I'll make sure you won't be on the roster next year." I wanted to open my mouth and gasp in disgust but instead shook my head, rolled my eyes and walked down her sidewalk. She would never be able to do that. I lead this team this year, until now. My salary was going to skyrocket by next year, sports commentaries had inferred. Maya couldn't do anything. I got in my car, and banged my hands against the steering wheel. I turned the car on and drove off. I wanted to go to Blake's house, but I couldn't. I just drove back to my house. As soon as I got inside, I collapsed onto the couch in tears. My first one true friend here, besides DJ, had just left me. Threatened me, even. I couldn't believe this. I refused to believe it. I think what Maya and I both needed was space. Which was pretty impossible since we played on the same team together. We still had championships. This was the worst time to fight. The worst possible time. I wiped my eyes and cheeks which were wet with tears, when I heard my ringtone.

Shit don't come with trophies.

Drake filled the room which lifted my spirits quite a bit. I realized Blake was calling me and I answered the phone. "Hey," I said muffled, my tears shaking my voice a little.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked through the phone, concern filling his voice.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I tried to assure him but that didn't seem to work.

"I'm coming over right now," Blake said and hung up the phone before I could even respond. I felt like I needed to impress Blake, and I knew he would be over as fast as possible. I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face and try to erase my puffy eyes and red cheeks. It worked a little. I fell back down onto the coach and played with the yarn fray on one of the blankets until I heard the doorbell ring. Thank god he was here. I opened the door, and Blake automatically came in. I wrapped him in a hug, he hugged me back so hard I thought he might break my ribs. I separated from him before he broke me in half. I walked over to the couch, him following me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Blake asked his voice full of concern. I sighed.

"Maya and I had a huge fight," I said, biting my lower lip, trying not to cry. "We're not friends anymore Blake. We're done." Blake curled the smirked and shook his head.

"Friends always fight," Blake said.

"She threatened to kick me off the team, Blake. She told me I wasn't a true friend. She just thinks of me as a baby. She's always thought of me this way. How could I be so blind?" I asked, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Maya thought of you as a true friend," Blake reassured, but I shook my head. "Why are you guys fighting in the first place?"

"Because I chose you!" I snapped a little too fast than I should have. I added a smile to make Blake think I wasn't being mean.

"What do you mean you chose me? I mean I'm pretty spectacular." I stared at him blankly. "Too soon?" I nodded.

"They saw us making out in the parking lot after the game yesterday. She thought I was done with you for awhile. She thinks I have no self control and worst of all, I lied to her," Blake's face fell when he realized it was the truth. It was the bitter truth. I just now realized it too. I wouldn't blame that Maya was mad at me. I had completely disobeyed her simple request, not to mention her trust. After what I had said to her as well, I just seemed like a terrible friend.

"Oh." Was all Blake said, and that didn't make me feel any better whatsoever. "Well, I'm flattered." I managed to laugh a little, but nothing much. "Just do really good tomorrow's game. Prove her wrong. I'll be there to support you. Don't just be there to prove her wrong, but to win for your team. You've done it all season, you can do it now." I thanked him, and smiled for the compliments. "And I'm sorry about the parking lot thing. Should've taken it somewhere else." I shook my head.

"That's all my fault," I said shaking my head. "We should've probably done that. But tomorrow, if we win, and I do good, we can make out in the parking lot all we want." Blake smiled at this and kissed my forehead, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. I smiled and he smiled back. "Why do you like me so much?" The question just occurred to me. "All I care about is basketball and that's all my life has ever been. I've never had any guys in my life. I've had them hit on me but nothing much. And here comes a huge NBA star, who suddenly has peaked interest in me. Why?" Blake smiled and kissed me, parting his mouth a little as I did the same. I felt his tongue explore my mouth, but then close it and disconnect our passionate kiss.

"Because you're beautiful," Blake said sweetly and I smiled to him. "I'm all about basketball, never had many girls in high school and college. I thought basketball would be all that I ever had. We're just alike, don't you see? That's why I like you so much." I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek.

"You're right and so sweet. At least I can count on you. Girls have too much drama." Blake laughed at this. I finally realized that I was happy. I didn't need Maya, and certainly didn't need any pity.

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