Chapter 100

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Nigga we made it...

"What the fuck is going on? DJ, what is going on?" Blake was barking at DJ. DJ was bringing us into UCLA Medical and Trauma Center and I felt a grave feeling in the pit of my stomach. DJ wasn't speaking and his face was stained with tears and frozen with hurt. It was someone from the team. Someone from the team got into a bad accident. "DJ!" Blake yelled but DJ pulled Blake and I into the elevator before everyone could look our way. The elevator was going up and I could tell the ride was killing Blake. Blake grabbed DJ's collar and pinned him against the wall of the elevator.

"Blake! Blake! Stop!" I shouted at him, trying to pry him off of DJ, he let DJ go roughly.

"TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" Blake shouted, as the elevator dinged on our floor. DJ collapsed into tears before he could say anything. I had never seen DJ cry before. Ever. We were in the ICU. The ICU. DJ walked out holding onto the wall in fear of collapsing. He held onto his stomach as DJ pointed into the room. People were looking at us as surgeons hurried about. Blake and I stood a few feet away from the door as Blake motioned for me to go first. Both of them were watching me as I stepped inside the room to see Chris. He was hurt bad. I automatically burst into tears and fell right onto the floor. I was crying and crying until Blake came in and took a few stares at him, before covering his eyes and bursting into tears, pacing back and forth. "No! No!" Blake shouted as it hurt everywhere.

Everywhere it hurt. Everything hurt. What the hell happened. DJ couldn't even talk, he was speechless and so was I. Blake was pounding his head into the wall, as DJ was trying to get him to stop and to act decent. My stomach flip flopped over and over, my head was pounding, the whole room was bright and white, as it felt like it was burning a whole through my eyes. My knees were weak, I couldn't get up and my cheek muscles hurt from all the crying. This wasn't real. This was not real. I pinched myself several times and then slapped myself hard across the face as Blake grabbed both of my wrists to stop me from hitting myself and brought me up and into a hug. He faced himself away from Chris as I cried into his chest. Everything was pounding, my whole body was pounding, it felt like the floor was crumbling beneath me. Good thing Blake had listened to his intuition.

"He was hit by a car," DJ's voice was shaky and weak, something I had never heard before. I had only ever seen happy, bubbly sometimes worried and hurt DJ. Not depressed, can't stop crying, the world is going to end DJ. Blake tried to dry his eyes but more tears came as I stepped away. "I could... I could've been there. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't such an idiot."

"Yeah, you could've," Blake snapped at DJ, his voice full of anger and hurt. "But you weren't."

"Blake!" I yelled at him, my eyes widened. How could he even say that to him? I knew he was hurt, we all were, but that was entirely unnecessary.  "DJ, stop," I muffled, choking on my own words. I could barely talk and it hurt. Everything hurt. "You..." I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down but I could barely. "You had nothing to do with this, okay?" I asked him, but he just nodded vaguely. "Okay?" I repeated. He nodded and slid down the wall, putting his head in his hands, his back shaking from the tears and the pain. Everything was black and white to me. Nothing would ever be the same. Nothing. A nurse entered the room hesitantly, seeing us all crying. "What... What's wrong with him?" I barked, "What surgeries does he need? What's happening!" I wailed as Blake held me and I continued to wail. No matter how hard I tried to look strong for DJ and Blake's sake, the tears just kept spilling. And falling.

"Mister Paul took a serious hit to the head, his brain is swelling and we don't have much time. We have to get in there. He has had a TBI today, which can end in a variety of ways," the nurse told me slowly, trying to calm me down. I couldn't calm down. I wouldn't calm down. Nothing about this damn situation was calm.

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