Chapter 105

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I sat by Chris's bedside impatiently. The doctors said he would be waking up anytime now. He could come out of his coma. It was a 50/50 chance that he would wake up. I held his hand and wept onto the covers of his bed.

"Chris?" I asked, gripping his hand as tight as I could, squeezing it over and over. "Chris... I know you can fucking hear me... and you need to wake up now... can you do that for me? Please?" I whimpered as my face scrunched up and I fought off tears but it was no use. I was not a patient person and I hated the feeling of being helpless. I couldn't do anything. And I couldn't stand it. But this feeling was all too familiar. I couldn't do anything but hope and pray, but I had a lot of hope and faith left to spare. For once in my life, besides Blake and basketball, something had to go my way.

"He's not going to wake up, Morgan," DJ commented, from the other side of the room, his head in his hands. He looked up to me, and for once in a few days I got a good look at DJ's face, which he had been hiding. His whole face was swollen, and he looked like he was really sick. I couldn't even tell if it was DJ anymore. The once alive and life of the party DJ was no more. His body was shutting down. He had been crying so much, and the bags under his eyes were far from designer.

"Please, God," I prayed into Chris and I's combined hands. DJ was staring at me hard from the other end of the room.

"Shut the fuck up, Morgan," I heard his voice from the other end of the room. "For once in your life... just shut the fuck up."

"I really don't need your negativity right now," I said, flatly, mean mugging DJ. How could DJ be saying such cruel things to his best friend? Not even his best friend... his brother.

"It's not negative, it's realistic!" He shouted, as I shouted back almost immediately.

"Be hopeful!" I shouted, but DJ shouted something on top of my voice and I tried to scream even louder. It turned into a big screaming match. DJ stood up and started screaming in my face and pointing his finger, as we were both just screaming at each other and crying. I felt my hand getting squeezed and brushed it off several times before I realized I was holding Chris's hand. We both shut up, once I realized he was talking.

"Can you two shut the hell up?" Chris muttered with all his strength. He ended up coughing, as I sat back down into the chair and squeezed his hand. "Hey, Morgan," he coughed a little.

"Be fucking hopeful for once," I sneered to DJ, who snorted and rolled his eyes, sitting back down at the other side of the room, avoiding my hard gaze.

"Why are you guys fighting? We're best friends... you're my family," he muttered, his breathing intensified.

"Take a rest, take a breath," I told him, pushing his shoulder to get him to lay down. The last thing I needed him to waste his breaths on was DJ's negativity.

"Morgan, get Jada," he gripped my hand. "I need to see my baby." I nodded and moved out the room, fleeing to the hall to find Jada. She was sitting right outside his room.

"He's awake and he's only asking for you," I told her, excitement flooding my face, "and for DJ and I to stop fighting." She wiped her eyes and stood up, pressing her hands down her yoga pants. She looked totally worn.

"What do I say? What do I do?" She asked nervously, wracking her brain.

"Be there," I told her. I moved over to where she stood, wrapping my arms around her, as she sniffled into my shoulder. She stared into my eyes for a few seconds before walking off and into the room. I watched her sit down next to Chris and grab his hand, interlacing their fingers, the way they once were before. I saw Chris smile once he saw Jada and then let out a laugh of happiness, before a tear fell out of his eye. He started coughing, which made Jada laugh. DJ left the room, closing the door behind him to give them some privacy.

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