Chapter 106

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"I don't know what happened," Chris muttered, trying to cough and clear his throat. He was talking much better and gained most of his voice. He still was coughing, but by Chris talking and having all of his senses, was the best sign we could possibly get. For once, something was going my way. "I was driving... just driving and blam! Then everything was black. That was it. I am just so thankful Jada nor the kids were in the car," he told me, his hand covering his heart for effect. I sat by his bed side and gave him a soft smile. Everyone else was back at their houses getting sleep, where I was supposed to be, but insomnia had gotten the best of me. It was three in the morning, and I decided to go visit Chris, who probably needed some company. The idea of being stuck in a hospital with nobody really to talk to, depressed me.

"You really love her," I told him, the smile spreading wider on my face. "The first thing you did when you woke up, was ask for her. That's beautiful." He nodded, cracking a smile, then breaking into another fit of coughs.

"Aren't you supposed to be home with Blake?" Chris asked me. "Seemed kind of tense. Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine," I told Chris. I trailed off with my words and bit my lower lip. "I'm gonna go, I'm tired now. Please, please, still be the same in the morning. It wouldn't be the same without you."

"I'm not giving up that easy on you, Morgan, sorry," he joked and I smiled, grabbing my purse and keys and walking out of his room. Chris was going to be okay and I knew it. A smile spread across my face as I hit the elevator button to go down to the lobby. I walked inside, it shuttling me down to the parking garage floor. I was hoping Blake wouldn't be awake when I came home. He would probably think I was out doing something bad.

"Morgan, wait," I heard a voice call behind me. I turned around to see Russell. A small smile perched on my lips as I waited for him.

"Why are you still here?" I meant in a non-mean tone. I hadn't asked Russell nor Kevin about what was happening currently with Serge. And to be honest, I didn't want to know. Because my thoughts would always go back to Hannah...

"We are still trying to get a hold of his parents," Russell fessed up. He looked swamped, overwhelmed. "We can't get them... But I know what he wanted, what Serge wanted, he wanted to be buried back home in Africa. But, of course, I don't get a say, because I'm not related to him in any way shape or form." The parking garage light blinked and tried to stay alive.

"I'm so sorry," I got out before Russell raised his hand to stop me.

"But do you know what I have realized in this whole situation?" He asked. I shook my head and raised my eyes to look into his. "Is that life is short. Anything can happen at any second at any part of the day, anywhere. So, cherish what you have in case you never get to have it again. So I am gonna chase after you. Because I am not letting you get away from what we could've had." I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning to walk away from Russell, before he grabbed my forearm and made me face him again. "What is so hard to admit about it Morgan? You may not be in love with me... but admit it, there is something about me that you really picture yourself with. Because if that wasn't the case, you wouldn't have given me the best sex of my life," I cut him off there.

"Blake was gone, Russell."

"Can't you realize that that is not an excuse!" He told me, "It isn't, it really isn't, Morgan. You kissed me in that hotel in New York, you kissed me! Just like after I told you that I loved you and I left you that night because I was mad... you came running right back to me. To make things right with me. We had mind-blowing sex, you sucked my dick and you still say that there is nothing!" His voice boomed through the parking garage, as his big voice make me seem smaller. He stood there glaring at me, while I stood there helpless. I was put in an impossible situation in between him and Blake. Two guys that loved me was much worse than one. Why couldn't my life be simple? And why did I catch feelings for Russell since that night too? But tonight I was going to let everything go.

"I try," I began, biting my tongue. I pondered in my head whether this was the right thing to do, and I decided it was. "I try everyday to forget that night. To forget what we did, the horrible thing I did. But you know what?" I stopped, Russell raised his eyebrows. "I can't. I can't forget about it. It was great, it was... wow. The best. And, yes, I kissed you. I kissed you so hard and couldn't wait to do it. Because, Russell... I am in love with you too. And do you know how much that fucking sucks? Loving two guys at the same time and being confused? So, please, cut me some slack here." Russell's face merged from anger to relief real quick. There was tension in between us, as we both just stared at each other. He inched towards me little by little, as I gulped, as we eliminated the space between us. I looked up into his brown eyes. He cupped my face and crashed his lips onto mine, our lips molded together perfectly. His hand left the grasp of my cheek and fled to my hips, as he pulled me closer to him. The kiss started off fast and forceful, but had turned slow and passionate. Our lips separated and I immediately dropped my eyesight from his to the ground.

"I have been waiting to do that," Russell said breathlessly, his eyes trained on my now-ashamed face. "Look at me," he grabbed my chin and tilted my head to look into his eyes, "I love you and you love me... what's holding us back?" I grabbed his hand and pulled it down from my chin, shaking my head.

"What's holding us back is the fact that I love Blake too. I love Blake more than anything on this Earth," I told him, tears threatening to give way, "And that I am about to be a married woman and I just cheated on Blake again. That should be plenty to hold us back." I fled away from Russell, far away. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me all the way to my car. I fiddled with the keys and jumped in, driving away. And he didn't try and stop me.


I walked around with my hair wet, just in a tank top and sweat pants. I was so thankful Blake hadn't woken up. I couldn't face him now after what I had just done. I did love Blake more, I did. Whatever the feelings I have for Russell, I needed to get over. As soon as possible, this had to stop. Maybe I did need to get help. The doorbell rang, as I walking through the foyer to the stairs. Who could possibly be at our door at four in the morning? I peeped through the hole to see Tom wrapped tightly in a jacket, looking down, as he held Hannah's hand tightly. I opened up the door, my eyebrows knitted together with worry, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Tom?" I asked him, as he shoved Hannah into the house. "What the hell is going on?" It had only been two days since Hannah had been discharged from the hospital. What were they going back on my doorstep and where was Kelly? He shoved Hannah in also with a big brown suitcase and I had no words. I kept opening my mouth to ask what was happening, but I had no idea. "Tom! Tom!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. Fear was full in Hannah's eyes.

"Kelly... she's dead, she's gone," he said, in a monotonous voice. "I can't take care of Hannah anymore. You have to. I already have all the papers signed." He threw the papers on the floor, as they scattered everywhere. Hannah looked almost pleased. But yet horrified. I gawked at the newly made mess on the floor, as he turned and fled from the doorstep. What the fuck had just happened?

"Hannah," I turned to the little girl, who was looking back at me. "What the hell just happened?"

He kissed her, like her lips were air and he couldn't breathe•

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