Chapter 15

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Chris texted me in a panicked kind of text. I told him he could come over anytime if there was ever a problem. He was at my house within minutes. "What's up?" I asked him, when I opened the door. He looked really sad and looked as if he had been crying. I wrapped him in a hug. "What's wrong?"

"Something terrible I did," he answered, slowly. My face automatically fell, and unwrapped him. I cocked my eyebrows waiting for him to answer. I brought him over to the couch, and made him sit next to me. I saw in his face and I knew what he was going to say. He took a deep breath. "I did something... really bad Allstar weekend. None of my friends know." I was honored that Chris would come to me first. This wasn't a time to feel proud or something.

"You... cheated on her... didn't you?" I asked, slowly, raising my gaze to his. He looked dead into my eyes and I could tell that was it. I couldn't believe it, I could barely even think right now. I thought Chris and Jada would be together forever... with no problems. What about his kids? What was he thinking? He nodded slowly, and dropped his gaze. I was disappointed in him, I had to admit. But I wasn't angry. I was pretty sure Jada had cheated on him before. Not to toss around assumptions or predictions, their relationship was none of my business. He was fiddling with his hands in his lap, and wasn't looking at me, which created a silence. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I couldn't find what to say. I'm sorry? We all make mistakes? I would feel terrible if I said that, and I didn't know why.

"You can be mad," Chris began, "you can kick me out if you want. You can never talk to me again, if that's how you feel. This is all my fault, and I'm such a fuck up. I'm such a dick." I didn't say anything immediately, but when Chris stopped talking, and I didn't answer, he looked up to me. I wrapped him in a hug as soon as he leaned up to find my gaze.

"We all make mistakes," I just came out and said. Because it's true. I made a terrible mistake with my teammates. Both of us were kind of stuck right now. "I'm in no position to judge people on mistakes right now. I made a huge and terrible one. I put something before my game, before my best friends, before everything that once were the only things that mattered to me. And now it's all gone. Everything good comes to an end." I added. Chris shook his head.

"But that wasn't your fault. Maya kicked you out of the championship. That was her being a bitch. And look, the other players are gonna notice she's making a huge mistake. She kicked you off the team and now the team is failing. The other players, the coach, they're gonna notice that stuff. Trust me. She'll come running back to you, when they lose, and she'll realize she might get in trouble if y'all don't make up. Just wait. This is all my fault. I did this. I said all my life cheating was just a stereotypical basketball player thing. I didn't think I would ever do it. I actually sank that low, Morgan." Pity crossed over my face.

"Looks like both of our lives are a mess and a pity party," I added. Chris scoffed and I attempted to smile and lighten the mood. It didn't work that well because I even felt sorry for myself. "Does Jada know?" I asked him. He nodded. "What happened?" I asked again. I didn't mean to bombard him with many questions, but I felt like I needed to know the full story, to completely understand. Plus I wanted to know. I didn't know how Blake and DJ would handle this, even Matt, who I hadn't really met. For a moment, it crossed my mind what I would do if Blake were to cheat on me. I couldn't even imagine him kissing another girl. I didn't want too. Chris must have seen this look of worry cross my face.

"If it helps, I don't think Blake would do this. Most people think he would, but I've known him. He wouldn't," Chris was really beating himself up about it. I wasn't sure why I stood on his side of the situation. After all, I was a girl, and I don't think I would stand on Blake's side if he cheated on me. Which wasn't fair to Jada at all. "Jada kicked me out this morning. The kids... they... um... it just broke my heart." I rubbed his shoulder, trying to calm him, so he could be able to tell me. "She said... that she's going to get full custody of the kids."

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