Chapter 132

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"I'm so nervous," I remarked, waiting for my phone to turn on and all the messages to deliver.

"Don't be. I already told you, what happens happens, okay?" Blake wrapped a protective arm around my waist, which calmed my nerves. We had just gotten unpacked, and were lying on the bed with Chaney and Cody. The picture of Blake and I kissing filled my lockscreen and a breath hitched in my throat. Soon, Blake and I's wedding picture on the beach showed up on his phone and we both took a deep breath. The first thing that came through was a text from Russell. Blake mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't make out. Calls from DJ, Chris and Matt started coming through, along with Kevin, which I was hoping it wasn't serious. Cynthia, Paige, Regan, Maya, Candace and Marjorie.

I opened my phone and read through the messages and turned to Blake. "Russell texted me to meet him as soon as we got back from our trip... I told him I'll meet him down at Starbucks in Beverly."

"I'll go with you," Blake volunteered, standing up from the bed.

"No, you won't," I didn't know whether Blake was going to have it with me leaving him behind. He had to stay behind, besides the fact I didn't want a fight to ensue, especially in public, I had gotten many texts from DJ and calls, it must have been about Hannah and he had to find out about his "daughter" as soon as possible.

"Excuse me?" Blake added some attitude, but toned down his hard glare, when I stared him down. "Sorry," he muttered.

"You, Mister Hothead, are going to DJ's to find out about Hannah. If she's there, pick her up, take her home. If something happened... call me. Let me talk to Russell." I knew Blake had his suspicions about letting me go see Russell in person, but this had to be done and he knew it.

"So I'm a hothead now?" Blake asked with a devious smile. I shook my head, grabbed my purse and dodged for the stairs.

When I saw Russell, I couldn't believe what I saw. Bruises covered his face when he approached me. He must have seen the shock on my face.

"See what your beloved husband did to me?" He slid his sunglasses off and resisted from touching his face. "He broke my fucking nose and gave me a damn concussion."

"I'm sure... Actually, I know that Blake didn't mean it," I lied. "He just got ahead of himself... knowing you had the tape just sent him over the edge. We're both sorry."

"If you think I believe that bullshit ass story," Russell spit, shaking his head. He really had changed more than anyone over the course of almost a year. Just proof, along with Maya and I's many issues, that you couldn't trust many. "I know he isn't sorry. He didn't just beat me because of the tape. He beat me because I fucked you, kissed you again and again, made you fall in love with me, only for him to leave you." I gulped.

"I didn't fall in love with you," I retorted, and Russell chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

"I don't want you around Blake."

"Who the fuck are you to tell me that? What position are you in to tell me who I can and cannot be around?" I almost shouted, but lowered my voice.

"He can hurt you," Russell put into a warning tone. "Just because we don't get along anymore, it doesn't mean I don't care about you. I care about you."

"Blake would never lay a hand on me," I shook my head. I couldn't believe what Russell was saying. "If you care about me then you would have never stolen that video, you wouldn't have threatened to write a tell-all and you wouldn't have started dating my best friend. Right?"

Russell chuckled and just shook his head. "I just don't want him to hurt you, Morgan."

"I know Blake and he would not do that! So don't even say it again," I warned. "What did you want to talk about here anyways because I'm just about done."

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