Chapter 145

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I tapped my foot against the bathroom tile, impatiently, pinching my thigh in nervousness. I blew a long hard breath out of my mouth, before I couldn't wait any longer. Nervousness and anxiety was eating me alive. I got up from the toilet and opened the door, pacing around the bedroom.

"Mommy?" I heard Hannah's voice come from the door of Blake and I's bedroom. "I'm bored. Can we go somewhere? I'm hungry, too."

I ran my hands over my face, wiping sticky sweat from my forehead. "Where's daddy?"

"He's downstairs, he told me to ask you," She whined, sticking out her lower lip.

"Can you give me twenty minutes, Hannah, and I promise I will take you anywhere you want," I said, anxiously, trying to get her out of the room. She stuck out her pinky and I locked hers with mine graciously. She scampered off, I hoped she was going to her room. I checked the timer on my phone and eight minutes had past. I continued to pace, fanning myself with my hands. I was burning up.

I told Siri to call Chris. It rang several times before he picked up. I sighed of relief when he answered.

"Hey," He said into the phone, "Has anything happened?"

"Not yet, I'm just... super nervous is all," I explained to him. I took another breath, but it just shot a wave of anxiety through me.

"Morgan, breathe," Chris told me, his voice calming. "Where is Blake? I can come over now, if you need me too." I smiled at Chris's kindness and sincere words.

"It's okay, it's almost done," I told Chris, shuddering, "I'll call you after it's done." I ended the call, wiping my sweaty palms on my pants. The time was up. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, to see Blake. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. Hannah was watching him clean the dishes, talking about her schoolwork.

"Hannah?" I asked her, both of them turning to look at me. Blake smiled. "Do you mind going to your room for a second?" She groaned, but jumped off the counter and ran to her room energetically. I laid a kiss on Blake's lips, lingering for a second.

"What's up?" He asked me, sensing I was nervous. I took a deep breath and slid him a present over the counter. He raised his eyebrows, picking it up. He studied it, before his face softened and he smiled. "You're pregnant?" I smiled and nodded. He picked me up and spun me around the kitchen, yelling and laughing. I laughed into his shoulder, as we both were smiling. "You're pregnant! You're pregnant!"

"I'm pregnant, baby, I'm pregnant!" I shouted back, laughing and smiling. He set me down, kissing me over and over and over.

"You're pregnant?" I heard a little voice say behind me. I cringed, knowing it was Hannah. I turned around to see tears forming in her eyes, her honey brown eyes full of hurt.

"Hannah..." I trailed off, taking a deep breath.

"You guys don't even pay attention to me now! All you guys do is talk and be with Marcus. Now, another one is coming along? I can't believe you." She marched away towards her bedroom. I looked back to Blake, my eyes full of remorse.

"Shit," I muttered, "I didn't know she felt that way."

"She mentioned it to me a few times, but she loves Marcus so much I thought she would love another sibling," Blake said, sadness filling her eyes.

"I'm going to go talk to her, it's for the best," I told him, giving him another kiss and then walking to Hannah's room. I knocked lightly, before opening the door, to see the small girl crying on her bed into her pillow. "Hannah?" I asked her, sitting on the side of the bed, "I was just about to tell you."

"I didn't want you to tell me, I don't want you to have one," She wailed, wiping her eyes of tears. She sniffled and looked at me. "It's not fair."

"Hannah, look at me," I told her, grabbing her small hand in mine. "You know I love you, right? Don't forget that, please, baby. I love you and my family more than anything on this planet. You mean so much to me. You should've came to me earlier and told me that you felt this way. You need to remember Marcus is really young and we have to pay him lots of attention because he's not as grown up and mature and as smart as you are. And you're a big sister, so you don't need Blake and I! You're a grown girl. When Marcus gets old enough you can boss him around too." She smiled, putting her arms around my neck in a small hug.

"I love you too," She reminded me, my heart filling with warmth. "You know you're the best Mommy in the world, right? I wouldn't trade you for anyone." I couldn't suppress the smile on my face that Hannah had created. It was the best feeling in the world to have your child say that to you. It was amazing. "And when Jackson gets old enough, I can boss him around!"

"Jackson?" I asked, confused.

She placed her hand on my stomach. "Yup, his name is Jackson."

"How do you know he's a boy?" I asked her, smiling at her feeling all over my flat stomach. I wasn't showing at all yet, although the test said I was two months pregnant. Marcus was only born four and a half months ago and Blake and I moved fast.

"I know it," She clarified vaguely, "I just know. He's a boy."

"I hope so," I chimed in.

"I can't feel him kicking," she complained, continuing to search my stomach. At this moment, Blake came into the room, both of us smiling to him as he sat next to me. "I can't feel him kicking," she explained again, annoyed.

"You won't be able to feel it for awhile," Blake informed her, reaching for my hand and interlacing our fingers.

"Not an it, it's a him, his name is Jackson," Hannah informed Blake, as Blake nodded and looked to me as I smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked both of us.

"Shoot, kid," Blake commented back.

"How did you get pregnant? Like did you wish and pray on the North Star that you were going to get pregnant before it finally worked? That's what a boy in school told me. I don't believe the whole seed thing," She rolled her eyes, looking at both of us. I looked to Blake for some assistance.

"Well," Blake began, clearing his throat, "When you find someone that lights a fire in you that never dies, sometimes you realize you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them.  And, along the way, when you have time, you and your husband will make love," He pursed his lips, trying not to imagine a man taking away his daughter, "But, he has to meet me first, of course," Both Hannah and I laughed, "You'll just know when it's time. You'll know."

"What if I never find someone?" Hannah asked, biting her fingernails.

"I never thought I was going to find the one for me," Blake began, looking at me. "But here she is, and no matter what she does, I wouldn't trade her for anything, I wouldn't trade her for anyone, I wouldn't trade her for the world."

Blake and I looked at each other with such admiration in our eyes. My heart fluttered at his gaze and how he talked. It almost put me into a trance. Blake being Blake would always do magical things to me, things no other man on this Earth could do. It was always going to be him. Always.

"She's all I've got."

The End.

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