Chapter 22

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"Guess it didn't go so well with Maya," Blake commented after Matt and I had officially met. He seemed a little crazy, which I liked, but really nice and sweet to Blake. I shook my head and looked done to the table in sadness. "Well, it looked like you were the one who turned her down. You wanna talk about it?" I didn't really want to talk about it considering all the other guys were there.

"Later," I muttered. Blake gave me a pity look, before Matt gave him more instructions. I rolled my eyes and sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"After that dramatic scene, I really wanna know what happened," DJ said, looking over to me, smirking. "Well, I mean I heard you yelling outside, but." I looked down totally embarrassed. Maya must've been embarrassed too. I didn't mean to yell that loud but the anger got the best of me. My cheeks flushed red and I kept my gaze down on the table. I didn't look up, I didn't want to look up.

"I feel bad, you know?" I muttered looking down to the table. "My anger just got the best of me. I really had intentions but after she kept bringing up things... I knew we couldn't continue a friendship like this." DJ nodded and didn't say anything in return. "Matt, I'm so sorry you have to meet me like this. My friend has been putting me in a bad spot... and I'm just not in the best of moods today." I smiled to him, and he gave me a genuine smile back.

"Oh, no worries," he said, sympathetically, "my life is just like this. Maybe even more crazy. I'm always just like you. No worries, kid." I smiled and put my head in my hands. I was so tired. I didn't want to fight, sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut, and that effects me. Like a couple times cursing out the ref and getting put out has happened. "Remember Blake, when Ibaka pushed you, and I got into the scuffle? I was so pissed, man." Blake nodded, flipping whatever he was cooking over in the pan. I smiled. These memories the team shared would be forever with them, and that meant a lot to them. It made me better than I was. I stood up taking a deep breath.


"I better go call Maya and apologize," I said, slowly, stretching. "I feel bad." I reached into my pocket for my phone and disappeared from the kitchen. I walked through the tv room, down the hall to the living room, sitting on the couch. I clicked on her contact, and heard the ringer. It rang twice, and then it went to voicemail. Her voicemail that I love. Hey! Leave a message! I'm probably having so much fun right now! Bye! "Hey, Maya, I'm so... um..." I could feel the hot tears falling down my face even though I tried to restrain them. I sniffled into the phone, which probably didn't make it any better for myself. "I'm sorry, I'm just.. in a really bad place right now. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I dont even know what I said..." Maya had been listening to my voicemail. She picked it up.

"Then why did you say that?" I could hear her voice quivering, and I knew she had been crying. I felt even worse. My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Maya, I didn't mean what I said, I promise," I said, wiping my eyes and sniffling. "You know how I can get sometimes. When I just can't hold back. When I have to say something, I have to say something and I get so angry. You know how I can be." There was only a little movement on the other line but nothing else.

"Yes, I do know that," Maya said after a minute. "I was the one who got you like that, you know? I shouldn't have talked about Blake and you like that. It's not my place. It's your relationship, and it seems as though you're happy and you can juggle basketball and a relationship. I'm sorry, Morgan." I smiled into the phone, but then it faded.

"But why don't you like Blake? That bothers me. You both mean so much to me, what's wrong with Blake?" I asked her and she sighed on the other end.

"Blake. He... just... I don't know, rubs me the wrong way. He's like a good guy in disguise kinda guy. Just be careful with him. It's kind of like Chris. Nobody thought he would cheat on Jada, but bam." I shrugged, that was true. But Blake didn't rub me the wrong way at all. I honestly loved Blake. I loved Maya too, but in a different way, but just as much. I couldn't imagine Blake as a jerk. Why would he try so hard for me, just to ruin everything? You couldn't say, he just wanted me for my money, because he had just as much as I did, maybe more. That made no sense. I know Blake really loves me. I realized I had been thinking for too long and Maya cleared her throat.

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