Chapter 119

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"You, um, wanted to talk?" I asked Blake shakily, walking towards the bed in one of his t-shirts. Blake looked up from his phone and gave me a small smile.

"Do you wanna talk now or do you just want to sleep?" In all honesty, I did just want to curl up in a ball and sleep for twenty hours. Today had been a rough, long day, and I was ready to call it quits. But one of the reasons my practice was so agonizing was because I wanted to have this "talk" with Blake. But if I told Blake it had been bothering me, he would know for sure that something was up.

"Let's talk, babe," I told him with a soft smile, siting Indian Style on the bed. Blake lied down next to me, and propped his hands behind his head.

"Alright," he began, nerves fluttering in my stomach. Were we finally going to be able to make a plan for starting a family? "I just wanted to talk about planning for our wedding. So should it be traditional or do you want to do something different? I kind of like an all-white idea, but I need your input."

"Oh," I muttered, disappointed. I had to admit I was partially looking forward to Blake talking about the future with me. But I should've known it was about the wedding. "How is the all-white going to look?"

Blake seemed a little taken aback by my disappointed tone. "Well I was thinking either that or lavender. All the bridesmaids and my guys would be wearing white and I would wear black and you would wear black. All the decor will be white. Or lavender, whichever you feel." It was different than traditional. I could safely say I actually did like that idea.

"White," I answered for him, "I like that idea." I still wasn't smiling, and I didn't know if Blake had picked it up or not.

"Okay, you need to pick your bridesmaids and we need to make a guest list and send out invitations ASAP," he told me, pointing his finger at me. "I want to have it before your season."

"Blake, that's next week!" I told him. That was far too close.

"I know," Blake smirked at me, blowing a kiss at me. We both seemed to get quiet after that. I was still upset that that was the thing that had me all worked up.

"So that's all you wanted to talk to me about?" I questioned, looking in his direction. He seemed to think about it for a minute, and then nodded his head. "Oh," I said, disappointed, "Okay." We were both quiet as I lied down next to Blake in a huff.

"You honestly bought that that was the only thing I wanted to talk to you about?" I heard Blake ask me, as I looked over to him, my eyes narrowed. Blake must've known something was up. "Morgan, your coach called and told me to tell you that you better have your head in the game and you couldn't focus. You were acting weird upstairs. I know you found the pregnancy tests." I stared at Blake in shock. So he did know what was up.

"Yeah, I did," I admitted. "And then I saw that you threw the condoms away." He reached for my hand and grabbed it, holding it tight.

"Morgan, I know you've wanted this for a while," Blake told me, squeezing my hand. "To be honest, now that we don't know where Hannah was taken to," my breath stiffened, "I thought that... maybe a family is going to be a great start for us."

"Blake, my season and then after, it's yours," I told him, shaking my head. "This isn't a good time."

"I'll take my season off again, I don't care," he told me.

"You can't do that, Blake," I scolded him, shaking my head. "The Clippers will kick you off the team. Then what?" He seemed to think about this for a few moments.

"Morgan," he whined, "I'll do anything. Trust me, baby. I really, really want this." Blake's pleading words were stuck on replay in my brain as I sat there, considering what he was saying. I had to trust him. Was Blake really telling the truth? Was he really ready for this? I had to trust him, just like he had to trust me. "More than anything in the world."

"How many kids do you want?" I asked him, looking into his eyes. I always had a designated number of how many kids, and I wanted a large family.

"I dunno," Blake replied, shrugging. "I want a kind of large family, though. I want our kids to have other siblings for a long, long time."

"Well, I want five. Five boys," I told Blake, smiling.

"I was thinking four, but I can do five. Five boys. Wow. That's a lot of little NBA players."

"I'm way ahead of you," I commented back with a smile. "So... We're doing this?" Nervousness filled my voice, as I cracked my knuckles. Blake must have noticed my mood change because he grasped my hand and interlaced our fingers.

"Hey," he cooed, "It's all okay. I'm gonna be there for you, regardless if I am in my season or not." I gave him a smile and moved over to him under the covers, cuddling into him. "That's my girl."


I rang the doorbell again anxiously, grasping the flowers in my hands as tight as I could. I heard footsteps coming to the door, only on the fourth ring. I was hoping it was going to be Amber, but to my such luck, it was Russell. I tried to hide my annoyance and swallowing the part of me that wanted to scream.

"Yes, Mrs. Griffin?" He chimed in a fake, high pitched voice. Gosh, I was so sick of his attitude. I pushed past Russell, irritated by him just saying three words. He grasped my forearm, and it took every ounce of patience in my being to not turn around and punch him in the jaw. I took a calming breath, and then turned to face him, a fake smile played on my face. "Sorry, no whores allowed."

"Then maybe I should take back the kind words I used to Steve Ballmer telling him you would be a great addition to the Clippers," I smiled, sweetly. I really hoped Russell was going to fall for this trap, and nothing would happen to screw it up. Russell's mean expression instantly changed into one of gratitude.

"You didn't," He said, trailing off and side-eyeing me to see if I was telling the truth. I smirked, as a small smile played on my face. "Thank you, Morgan. Thank you so much." He extended his arms for a hug, but I pushed his chest away from me.

"Ah, ah, ah," I said, shaking my head. "Not so fast. You need to talk to Amber. See why she won't talk to me, what is going on."

Russell seemed to consider this for a few moments before nodding his head. "I can do that."

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