Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes and realized I wasn't in my familiar setting of my bedroom. I saw the bedroom was huge, like mine, but completely white and went out to a balcony. That's when I realized I was in Blake's bedroom. In his bed. And that's when everything from last night became quite clear. My head went up and down, up and down, which made me realize I was lying my head on his chest, and it filled me with warmth. I jerked up, hoping I wouldn't wake him, but he didn't even stir. I looked down, noticing I still had all my clothes on, which made me sigh of relief. Blake didn't have a shirt on, but I guess that was pretty normal for a guy. My head ached terribly, and the light streaming from outside made it even worse. "Glad you didn't have sex with me?" I heard Blake ask, as his eyes opening. I laughed and stretched.

"To be completely honest, yes," I said and kissed him lightly on the lips. He smiled up at me. God, he was so cute.

"But now we can say we slept together," Blake suggested, smirking. "In a sense." I laughed.

"So I can go brag to all of my friends that I slept with Blake Griffin, I'm sure they'd be thrilled," I said, sarcastically as he snorted under his breath. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"You're beautiful," he said, raspily, which created butterflies in my stomach almost instantly.

"And you're very handsome," I said, teasingly, touching his nose, making him scrunch his nose. I kissed his forehead and then made contact to his lips, which felt amazingly soft on mine. I disconnected from our kiss and checked the clock on his nightstand. It was only eight.

"I'm going back to sleep," Blake said, smiling to me, as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I guess I'm stuck here," I said, throwing my hands up in the air in defeat.

"I know, I'm keeping you here," Blake said back to me and I huffed, grabbing my phone which was perched on the night stand next to me, and walking to the connecting bathroom. I turned on my phone to see a thousand texts from Maya and DJ. They were in all caps, so it seemed to clearly be an "emergency." I went to Maya's texts first, she was the closest to me and seemed the most concerned. Most of the texts consisted of "you're not at home," which meant she had been to my house. Which wasn't anything new. And another, "where the fuck are you?" And a "holy shit, you're with Blake" and a "did you turn up too much last night?" I sighed as I was reading through more and more of the texts. More texts about "Mlake Babies" and "hoping he wore Trojans" and more stuff like that. DJ's were just the same. Except more older-brother-protective like. I texted them both back with a simple, "I'm fine," and locked my phone. The Morgan and Blake photos were leaked about us at Starbucks and other photos of us in public. It was like you never knew when people were taking pictures of you. I didn't really like this. And then there was another photo of us getting into his car and into his house... People must really have the wrong idea now. Maya texted me back.


Morgan: we slept together. Not like sex, like we just fell asleep together. and got drunk.

Maya: you had me worried sick. when u gonna be home?

Morgan: not for a little...

Maya: Morgan...

Morgan: what?

Maya: just be good.

I turned off my phone, and DJ still hadn't respoded so I assumed he was doing something else. I pretended to flush the toilet and then turned on the sink to wash my hands. I had bags under my eyes, not to mention my eyes were bloodshot. Too much Vodka I guess. I walked out of the bathroom and sat back down into the bed next to Blake. I lied down and threw the covers back over me, and placed my phone onto the nigh stand. Blake wrapped his arm around me, which warned me up a little. It was chilly in his room, and I moved closer to him. I had to admit, this whole situation, was pretty awkward. Actually, really awkward. But Blake wanted me to stay here, so I stayed, and soon fell asleep, warmly, in his arms.

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