Chapter 120

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"ALOHA!" I heard Paige scream when I opened the doors to Blake and I's place. I squealed with joy, then Paige squealed and finally Regan joined in. This was going to be a long week for Blake. Paige was wearing a tropical hat and both of them were wearing Hawaiian shirts. Both of them came inside, with suitcases the size of Texas.

"You know you're not in Hawaii, right?" I asked them, chuckling at their huge suitcases and choices of dress wear.

"But we're 3,000 miles closer, so doesn't it count?" Regan joked, gasping at the diamond chandelier that hung above her head. "Morgan, this is not a house."

"Welcome to my humble abode," I joked, grabbing one large suitcase and one of their duffels, struggling to get up the first few steps. "I'll show you around after I get you guys settled in."

"Will we ever find our way around this place?" I heard Paige ask behind me. I turned around to go back down the stairs and told them to follow me. I arrived at the door and waited a few moments. "Why the hell are we standing in front of a closet?" There was a ding behind the door and I opened it.

"It's an elevator," I told her, laughter bubbling through me. I helped their stuff inside and clicked the fourth floor.

"Six stories?" Regan asked mouth agape.

"Blake and I are on the second, you can always use the stairs," I told them as the elevator moved up. "The pool is in the basement, also the gym is on the first floor, and our indoor basketball court is all the way at the top, theater is on the third."

"Where's the bowling alley?" Paige joked, looking around.

"Basement," They both gave me blank stares, seeing if I was going to laugh. "I'm serious."

The elevator beeped on the fourth floor and we all walked out, which lead to the hallway that held a few rooms. "Regan, here's yours," Regan walked into her room, which shared a bathroom, a white canopy hung over the bed as it overlooked the beach and some of the backyard. "Paige, you're right across the hall," Paige's room overlooked the Hollywood Hills, as the Hollywood sign was viewable on a clear day.

"The views are amazing here!" Regan commented, hurling her luggage on top of the bed and pulling open some of the dresser drawers. "I don't care about unpacking, I want to get the grand tour." Paige seemed pretty excited about that too, so I showed them the fourth, fifth and sixth floor in no time. I showed them the movie theater on the third floor, Blake and I's room on the second, and then took them down the grand staircase to the first floor. I showed them the kitchen, living room, dining room, TV room and patio. I skipped my favorite part, the basement, because they seemed the most excited about the backyard. As soon as Paige and Regan stepped outside, Cody and Chaney came running.

"That's Cody and Chaney," I told them, laughing as they pet the dogs excitedly. I showed them the pool, outdoor basketball court and then walked down to the beach.

"This is incredible. Why isn't anyone out here?" Paige asked, gazing around.

"This is private, Blake and I own this ourselves," I told them. Paige looked at me wide-eyed, before asking another question.

"Alright, this has been amazing, but where's your hubby?" She asked, laughing.

"He's out with his friends, he should be back home soon," I told them with a smile. "DJ should be coming."

"Oh my Gosh! We haven't seen DJ in forever!" Regan shouted, beaming at both Paige and I. Both Regan and Paige sat down in the sand, so I guess that was my cue. "Is he still dating the really sweet girl? What's her name? Amber!" I rolled my eyes at her name. The really sweet one. Where did that Amber go?

"Yeah, Amber ain't so sweet anymore," I admitted, "But no, her and DJ broke up a while back. Then DJ dated my best friend, Maya, they just broke up. It's been a little rough for DJ lately. But he always manages to keep a smile on my face... Paige? How's your cowboy boy toy holding up?" Regan and Paige both sent each other looks and then rolled their eyes.

"Dickhead," Paige muttered. I opened my mouth to say something, but she interrupted. "Please don't ask what happened." Suddenly her mood changed again, and she smiled at me. "But that is besides the point," she told me, bright-eyed. "Who is this sexy man you've been hanging out with?"

I narrowed my eyes at Paige when she said this. "The only one I find sexy is Blake. Who? Russell?"

She shook her head. "No, no, no, no. The one with all the tattoos. Not DJ."

"Matt?" I asked her, my eyes brightening once she said this.

"Yes!" Paige yelled a little too loudly.

"Oh, yeah, he is so sexy," Regan nodded along with Paige and I just laughed. "Morgan, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about him and you before."

"I don't look at Matt that way, I never have," I told them, shaking my head. Matt was attractive, but he was practically family. "However... him and his wife divorced..." I trailed off, looking up at Paige and winking.

"Hell no! He's mine," Regan interjected, looking at Paige.

"Uh, no, find someone else," Paige hissed at Regan. Paige rolled her eyes and Regan and flipped her blonde hair.

"What about that Austin Rivers kid?" Regan asked me, "Is he up for grabs?"

"We don't really hang out with him," I told her, shaking my head. "But you and DJ should..." Regan shook her head with a laugh.

"Look, DJ is very attractive, but that's weird," she told me. "I've known him forever. That's... weird for me."

"You and DJ always had something," I interjected. Regan and DJ always did have some sort of connection that I could never quite pinpoint. When I moved down there to be with them, I at first thought my cousin was dating him. Then I learned they were both just best friends, but Paige and I would always joke about when DJ slept over, he would sneak into Regan's room and have a wild night. Of course, due to Regan's prude lifestyle, and DJ's level head, it never happened. But now that they were being reunited, older, this could be just what they needed. Just what DJ needed after the messy breakup with Maya. Oh, I was going to be on this.

"I see you getting all up in that head of yours. If it's meant to be, it'll happen," she noted. Regan always had an easiness about her, which is what I think DJ liked about her. He could play around with her, and she wouldn't get mad, she would laugh. There was never really any drama with Regan, she was just chill and went with the flow. I think DJ needed that the most after his relationship with Maya.

"So," Paige piped up again, sending a wink and a smirk my way. "You'll talk to Matt?" I looked at her for a few moments before giving in.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him." This was going to be an interesting week.

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