Chapter 79

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I woke up in the bed alone at 3 am, to hear a lot of ruckus in the foyer of our suite. I was really hoping it was Blake, since Blake didn't come back to the suite last night. It was Blake. I walked out with just a t-shirt and panties on, turning on the light. Blake was drunk off his ass and could barely walk without stumbling. He had a huge glass of Hennessy, some gone. He dropped the glass on the counter and I turned around, shaking my head going back into the bedroom. I felt huge, buff arms wrap around me, and started kissing my neck.

"Mmmm," Blake moaned, searching for my lips. "Mama's lookin' sexy," he growled. I pushed him off and kept walking. "I know you want some tonight, baby," Blake said, chuckling to himself. He grabbed me again, forcefully kissing me, as I tasted the strong alcohol in his mouth. He pretended to dry hump me from behind before I got angry.

"Blake, stop!!" I said, fighting him off of me.

"Yeah, don't even deny it, I know you want it," Blake said again, following me into the back bedroom. "I know you want this dick, you've been taking it a lot lately." I chucked a pillow at Blake, hitting his chest, pushing him back a little. He was laughing, and this is why I hated when Blake was drunk sometimes, he was so immature. He walked up to me, grabbing me again. "Don't try that again," he growled at me. I would normally find it sexy, but I was fed up and upset at Blake. "Don't get upset because you've been taking this dick a lot, you dirty whore." I pushed him off me again as he fell into the wall.

"So you're just gonna waltz in here shitfaced drunk, after I've told you I'm pregnant?" I growled, "that's real fucking mature, Blake. And then you're gonna call me a fucking hoe, because I fuck my boyfriend?" I was attempted to chuck another pillow at him, but instead I picked up the one I did, and placed it back on the bed. Blake looked taken aback, offended, from what I had just said.

"I'm the immature one?" Blake slurred back, pointing his finger at me, "who was the one who got high? Who was the one that cheated on me? Who was the one that drags me into fucking everything!!" Blake was shouting now, and I was really hoping no one could hear his drunk ass.

"I drag you into everything? Me?" I asked back, pointing at myself, "you're the one that fucking left me, jackass, and I thought you did it again tonight! You were the one who made fun of me for my anxiety issues! Who's the immature jackass? You're the one who can't deal with shit!" I was on the verge of tears, but I held them in. I held them in so he wouldn't go all soft on me. Because at least when he was drunk, he told the truth.

"And I'm still the immature one? Who was the one that cut themselves?" Blake sneered at me. I felt the lump in my throat grow bigger and more intense. My heart seemed to dip with emotion, and no matter how hard I tried not to cry, I did. I let the tears spill. How could he say that to me?

"Fuck you," I said, wiping the tears away, walking past him. I gathered two pillows and the comforter and a blanket. I dropped them in the living room on a couch.

"Morgan, I didn't mean that," Blake said, shaking his head.

"Too bad, you said it," I said back, wiping more tears, as tears kept pouring down my face. "How could you say that to me?"

"I'm sorry, baby," Blake slurred, extending his arms to me, but I pushed him away.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight," I instructed, wiping more tears away, "and stay there." Blake's face fell, and he bit his lower lip, falling onto the couch, putting his arm over his eyes, blocking out the light. I bit my lower lip, pushing the pang of sadness down my throat. I felt guilty, I felt sad and I felt resentful.

Our lips molded into what felt like one. His fingertips lightly brushing my hips, as he coached me closer to him. We separated. What was that? I just cheated on Blake again. Fuck. Fuck me. I was the biggest piece of shit. Just when I was thinking I couldn't get any worse. I shook my head, biting my lip. I didn't feel like I should run away, out of Russell's room. I was at loss for words. I didn't know what to say. It felt so wrong, but it felt so right.

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