Chapter 70

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"Yo yo yo!" Russell said as I let him and Kevin into the house. I gave Russell a hug, and also Kevin, although I had never met him before.

"Hey guys!" I said, smiling from ear to ear. I was so happy to meet Kevin and of course, see Russell again.

"You must be Morgan," Kevin said, smiling down at me, "you had an amazing season, really it was awesome." I gushed with pride.

"Telling me I have had a great season? What about that MVP, Mr. Durant?" He smiled in recognition.

"That has got to be a highlight of my career, I can't even lie," Kevin admitted, smiling from ear to ear. He was even taller, skinnier and cuter in person.

"It would be in mine, too, that's a huge achievement, especially at such a young age," I said, shaking my head, it was honestly unremarkable. "Do you guys have to get back to Oklahoma soon or what?"

"No," Russell answered for both of them. We moved into the living room, which was vacant. I wasn't sure where everyone was. "We actually have a bi week cause of All-Star Weekend, this weekend, everyone does." I nodded in approval, remembering All-Star weekend was this weekend. Blake's manager had everything scheduled for both of us, which would be hard for me to keep up with. "We're actually debating on bringing Serge back to the hotel with us... or checking him into a mental hospital." We all sat down onto the couch and I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Mental hospital? Do you think he might be..." Kevin shrugged, grimacing.

"We're not sure but we have our suspicions," Kevin answered honestly. "He's had anger issues for the past two years, you know... maybe... I don't know." I heard Blake, DJ and Maya making their way down the stairs and into the living room. I was really hoping Blake wasn't going to make a scene, and that he was content with Russell and I remaining good friends. The three of them arrived in the living room and Blake and DJ had huge smiles spread across their faces, but Maya looked a little uneasy. Blake dapped up Russell and Kevin, asking how they were, DJ doing the same. There was no tension. When DJ saw I wasn't going to introduce Maya, he did it himself, after sending me a glare.

"Serge is, uh, upstairs." Blake said, offering to lead them upstairs.

"Sit down," I instructed Blake, sending him a smile, "they just got here." Blake sent me a glare, but then plopped into a chair across the room. "But honestly though, this is crazy. Did he really care about Maya that much?" Maya sent Blake a glare, but Blake held up his hands in his defense, "no offense."

"He would always talk about her," Kevin said, grimacing a little at the remembrance of Serge talking about Maya nearly nonstop.

"Always," Russell added to back up Kevin. Maya turned to me, and pointed her finger at me aggressively.

"See!" She said, almost yelling, "I told you he really cared about me, I told you! He really did love me, but you refused to believe me. You had to go and ruin everything."

"Maya," I tried to say, but I could tell she was on the verge of tears. I tried to add a calming tone to my voice, which helped only a little. "Your relationship was based... off a lie. How was I to think it was real?"

"You didn't have to think!" Maya shouted back, and I tried to manage my temper, which I felt the adrenaline building up in my veins. "I was telling you what I knew! But you just had to go ahead and ruin everything!"

"You tried to sabotage Blake and I's too. Before I ever said anything to Serge," I argued back, I didn't want to make it awkward, with both Russell and Blake, but I knew everyone knew exactly what I was talking about. Maya opened her mouth to say something, but then stamped her foot and turned around for the stairs.

"Let's just go get Serge," she muttered. Calming down lots in seconds.

"They just got here," I argued back at her.

"Let's go." She said, sternly to me. More stern then she's ever been. When Maya noticed I wasn't moving, she turned around to face me and grabbed my arm roughly. "Come here," she yanked me down the hallway and into the base floor sectioned, private living room. Blake, DJ, not anyone followed us back here, and I knew why. Blake and DJ knew we had to work things out, even Russell did. I didn't know how a yank of the arm was going to fix anything. She shut the door loudly, and stuck her finger in my face. "You clean up that fucking bad attitude or its gonna be me and you," she threatened me, her pupils filled with adrenaline. I felt like a child, and I felt as though I was getting disciplined. The whole idea of getting away from my parents was that so I could be independent, on my own, and here Maya was, knocking me back down to naughty child status. I bit my lip, and took a deep breath to calm myself down. I couldn't control my temper, I just couldn't. Maya had crossed the line with me.

"Who the fuck died and left you in charge of me? You're not my mother, so hop off, please," I told her and rolled my eyes, in full annoyance.

"You're way out of line! You ruin Serge and I's relationship, go behind my back, have a bad ass attitude and temper and you're a lying cheater," she sneered, as I looked down to the ground. All of what she said was true, which was the worst part. "Seriously, can you get any lower?" I swallowed the lump in my throat as I felt the tears brimming in my eyes. Maya saw me getting sad, and placed a hand on my shoulder, and said sympathetically, "Morgan..." I shook her hand off, as well as her sympathy.

"No!" I yelled, taking a step back, "you know what, fuck you! Fuck you! You act like I started the whole sabotage, cheating thing, when in reality you did! You call me a cheater and a liar but you are too! You cheated on Serge with DJ, did that slip your fucking mind, too, Miss Princess Perfect? You think the world should stop spinning and everyone should bow down to you! It's bullshit. Same with the other two Maya clones! And look who's telling me I have a bad attitude? The one who just almost stormed out of the room in front of everyone, that yanked me by my arm in here. You're such a goddamn hypocrite! It drives me insane, you drive me insane. You look at me with such pity, look at me like I'm a disgrace when you've done the same shit!" I was surprised the neighbors down the street didn't hear me. I was surprised the whole house didn't shake. I haven't been this mad in a long time. Maya seemed to think about what I said and she processed it. She smirked and shrugged, her arms hitting her thighs.

"Hey," she said quietly. The mood had completely changed. Within seconds. "What are we even fighting for? We're Maya and Morgan. Teammates and best friends." She placed her hand back on my shoulder, and I scoffed, moving it off.

"Let's get this straight, because I still don't think you've processed this," I said, slowly, "you're not my mother, you're not my sister, and you sure as hell are not my best friend." I brushed past her and went to the door, reaching out for the handle, before Maya roughly grabbed my shoulder, and pulled me back from the door, as I fell with a loud thud. Maya stood in front of the door, and locked it, looking down at me. I looked up at her from the ground, "Can't you see? You're nothing to me. Our friendship is gone. I've lost all respect for you, there is nothing to work out."

"You are not leaving until we work things out. Now," Maya ordered, but I could barely pay attention to what she was saying. All I felt was my blood boiling, and my face growing hot. I could feel the anger that was about to pour out. Maya Moore was no match for my vengeance.

Maybe we're just not meant to last•

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