Chapter 137

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I had found it very strange Kobe had brought another woman with him to our brunch. Along with Marjorie. She was white, but with a darker complexion and darker hair. I envied her bright blue eyes and her confidence. I could tell Marjorie envied her too. As she stressed several times, that she was Kobe's best friend and nothing more.

"So... What was your name again?" I asked her, politely, rescanning the menu.

"Her name is Sugar," Kobe answered for her, nodding his head once at me. I looked to Marjorie asking her if that was really her name.

"Sugar?" I asked, I honestly thought he was joking. But by the look on his face, he was being serious.

"Morgan, you shouldn't discriminate against names," Kobe corrected me as I rolled my eyes, "After all, I wouldn't discriminate against the stripper name we all know you have. What is it?" Sugar nearly choked on her water when Kobe said this with laughter. I looked back down to my menu as Marjorie was shooting Kobe a glare.

"So..." I began, attempting to make conversation, "Why did your parents name you Sugar?"

"Why did yours name you Morgan?" She asked me, almost immediately.

"Well," I began.

"No," she laughed, "I didn't actually care or want to know the story, sorry." Her and Kobe laughed. "Gosh, I am so tired... Jet lag."

"Where from?" I asked.

"I just came back from Tokyo, it was a real crazy trip," She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Oh really?" I asked her, my interest peaked. "My husband just got back from Tokyo. Today."

"You're married?" She asked, then she looked to my left hand, "Oh, Morgan, you are so young!"

"She is married to Blake Griffin," Kobe stressed the words, oddly.

"I never knew Blake was married..." She trailed off.

"You know Blake?" I asked her, innocently.

"We, um, were in Tokyo together..." She trailed off, "He didn't mention that night in the club where we met..." I dropped my menu onto the table. "Or when he offered to buy me a drink... Come to think of it, I don't even think he had a ring on."

"What?" I asked my voice clearly hurt, "I'm sorry... Um, what?" I asked her. She covered her heart and shook her head. She grabbed my hand in a comforting way.

"I would've never slept with him if I knew he was a married man," She assured me with a smile. Just by one sentence, my whole life came crashing down. We had a family. We had a family. He went, he left. And he cheated. This is what he must have felt with Russell. But I swear on my life, nothing felt so bad. I grabbed my purse as Marjorie followed me out.

"Morgan, wait," she called to me, wrapping me in a hug. Only a second into the hug, I fell into tears.

"Blake cheated on me, Marjorie, he cheated on me!" She brought me over to the side of the car where no one could see us. "I knew it, I swear I did."

"Shh... Shh," She cooed to me, as she held me and I cried into her shoulder hysterically. I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't. But I knew it deep down in my heart. "It's gonna be okay." I cried even harder. I knew everything was not going to be okay. "Morgan, I'm here for you. I always will be." Those words scared me. Everyone who always promised that to me, always left.

"Marjorie, it's over, Blake and I are over," I wailed, shaking my head, trying to dry my tears but they just came coming. It felt like every time I dried my tears, more came right in after it. I couldn't even think right. It felt like my heart had been yanked out of my chest by no one other than Blake and stomped on a million, billion times.

"Morgan, stop it right now and look at me," Marjorie ordered, in a meaner tone. She grabbed my chin and made me look right into her blue eyes. She dotted my eyes with tissue a couple times and by the death stare in her eyes, she needed me to get it together. "You and Blake are not over. You never will be. That man loves you, Morgan. He loves you more than anything on this planet. You need to see that, you really do. You guys have a son together, Hannah as well. It's not over, okay? You guys are married. I'm not going to let you confront him until you are calm and are in your right mind. Calm down, get it together, Morgan." I nodded and took some deep breaths but I was still shaking and I couldn't help it. I didn't know whether it was from anger or sadness or I was just... shocked.

"I'm just..." I trailed off, shaking my head. "I can't believe it. I really didn't think this was going to happen. That he would do that. Ever." I dried my tears and shook my head. I knew it was true, I really did. Part of me told myself Blake would never do that, ever. But why else would he be there for two months? "I can't believe he picked some whore named Sugar over the birthing of our own fucking son."

"Morgan, we don't know if this is real, come on now," She shook her head, and kept her eye contact with me. "Blake would never pick that ugly hoe over you, are you kidding?" I tried not to laugh but I fell out laughing. I let my head fall back. Marjorie joined in on my laughter. I held my stomach as I was dying with laughter. I gasped for breath as she did the same. "I mean look at you... Then look at that bitch, her tits look like bruised cumquats." I couldn't contain my laughter at this point. I didn't know whether my tears were from happiness and laughter or from sadness. I wiped them away.

"You should keep that dirty slut away from your man, before he takes yours too," I sneered, shrugging.

She was silent when I said this. "Do... Do you think Blake really cheated on you?" I opened my mouth to speak, but she said something else before I could respond. "Remember, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear."

I shrugged and thought about it. "I don't know... I really don't think he would do that, especially since we have been doing so great. Then again he was away for two months, supposed to be one, and missed the birth of our child, only calling me seven times in two months and rarely texting me. If he did actually cheat with that skank, I'm packing up and I'm taking Hannah and Marcus with me. I don't care."

"Morgan, stop, that's totally unfair," She shook her head, her voice full of disgust. "You cheated on Blake so many times. I don't mean to make you feel bad. You took abortion pills without consenting him. I still don't believe he cheated but... He deserves to be heard out."

I looked at her for a few seconds and nodded. I hated admitting when I was wrong like everyone else. But I was totally in the wrong this time. But I knew one thing for sure.

Morgan Griffin was getting to the truth.

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