Chapter 78

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The whole way back home to our hotel was quiet. I kept trying to make a conversation with Blake, but he wouldn't speak to me until we got into the hotel room. Taking off those heels had got to be the best feeling in the world, right now. I couldn't wait to take off this tight, itchy red dress.

"You looked beautiful tonight," Blake said, finally breaking the silence, back in the bedroom.

"And you looked very handsome, babe," I commented back, turning to look away from him and change. Secretly, I hoped he was watching me. And he was. As I shimmied slowly out of my dress, which just left me in the black, see-through Victoria's Secret thong. I heard Blake moan sexily as I turned around to face him. I cupped my breasts in arms, as I searched for a tee shirt. Blake grabbed me and turned me to face him.

"Please go to bed just like that?" He asked me, in a begging tone. I turned around and smiled, rolled my eyes and then nodded. I kissed him lightly, a few times, before he grabbed my cheeks, cuffing my face, and forced his lips roughly onto mine. I laughed into our kiss, as Blake bit my lower lip, tugging it a little. "Baby?" He asked me and I raised my eyebrows. "What's up with you and Maya tonight? What are you hiding? We promised no secrets, right? You aren't depressed again, are you?" I groaned and moved away from Blake, flopping onto the bed. I knew Blake was only trying to make sure I was okay, I was healthy and I was doing well. But him asking me every two seconds if I was okay, was getting old. I ultimately took back what I did, and sat up in bed to face him.

"I'm sorry, Blake," I said, smirking a little. "I know you just care about me. No, I'm not depressed or anything or sad... it's just..." I trailed off. Blake sat next to me, at the edge of the bed. I didn't want to tell him. Not here, not now. But there was another thing I had to tell Blake, that had this annoying, nagging feeling for a few weeks now. Blake waited patiently. "That night that Serge was staying with us... After I... you know... swallowed you, and my stomach hurt? I got up late, to find that the door was open to where he was. I was so worried, I wondered where he was... and I swear, I swear on my life, Blake, that I was going to get you." My voice was cracking with tears as I grabbed his hand, I didn't want him to think something else. Blake was shaking his head and biting his bottom lip. "He grabbed me from behind, and took me into the room, and he pushed me up against the wall, and he forced himself on me. He kissed me, and I pushed him off, but he came back onto me. And he stuffed his hand down my pants, and I couldn't do anything he was so strong. And Maya, saved me. She came up behind him and clocked him in the head, knocking him out." I had tears rolling down my face, and I could tell Blake was on the verge of tears or he was so angry. His nostrils were flaring and he pressed his lips together.

"I swear to god I am going to kill that bastard," Blake said, angrily, pacing across the room, breathing in and out heavily. "So you got sexually abused, not raped, you're sure?" I nodded.

"Blake, but you can't do anything," I said, but Blake didn't hear me through all of his anger.

"Why... why was he at dinner tonight? That man should be in fucking jail!"

"Blake!" Blake snapped out of it and listened to what I had to say. "He has some type of psychotic illness. He has these episodes... blackouts, where he does crazy shit, but can't remember it. That's why he was acting normal. He remembers nothing from that night. It wasn't him... it was something else." It took Blake a few minutes to process this.

"So, what do we do?" Blake asked me, looking into my eyes. I shrugged, not really sure. "He's dangerous, what if he has another episode? What if he actually kills someone?" I shrugged again, getting chilly. "Do you need to tell me anything else?" I took a deep breath, not really wanting to talk about this.

"You might want to sit down for this one," I told him, slowly. Blake raised his eyebrows, as concern filled his bright brown eyes, which turned darker. He sat down slowly, next to me, cautiously.

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