Chapter 126

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Blake asked for the second time tonight. It was nearing four in the morning, and neither of us showed any sign of going to sleep. Blake was restless after the wedding, and I was just hurt. I was sick of answering Blake's questions because the bitter truth was that I wasn't okay, and I had to keep lying to him. After the screaming match with my mom, I not only abandoned my unappealing tacos, but also my hope of ever having parents that cared about me.

"It just pains me to see you with a mother that truly cares about you and loves you more than anything in the world," Sadness filled the room when I finally spoke. "And a brother. A sibling. I thought I had a sibling, but that was all a lie and I was a big enough fool and dumb ass to believe it. So I guess it's all on me, right?"

"Hey," Blake cooed, grabbing my hand and interlacing our fingers. "I'm sorry I invited them without consulting you. If anything this is my fault."

"No, it's not, Blake," I told him, snatching my hand from his grasp. I folded my arms, taking a deep breath. "I just hope Hannah didn't hear."

"We were in the kitchen and we could barely hear. I think you're okay. Your mom is with Hannah right now," he muttered, softly. I could tell he didn't want to tell me the last part, but that's what stood out the most to me. I didn't have the energy in me to fight anymore. I just didn't see a point.

"Tell her to get the fuck away from my daughter," I said, shaking my head. "I don't want that sorry excuse for a woman near Hannah."

"Morgan--" Blake interrupted and began. I held up my hand to stop him. "Have you thought that maybe... maybe we should give them the money?" Blake's offer made me look over to him.

"No, I haven't," I snapped. That was completely out of the question. There was no way in hell I was going to give them the money, especially that much money. Blake's eyes spilled over with pity for my parents. I jolted upright in the bed. "Are you kidding me? You too? You're buying their made up sob story!" Blake flinched at my raised voice. I didn't want to fight with Blake on our wedding night after everything had been so perfect, we had been going so perfect. But I couldn't hold back, this was such a touchy subject and I knew Blake wanted to do what was "right", in some people's eyes, at least.

"Your mother--"

"Don't, Blake," I firmly said, not playing around at all.

"Cynthia," he corrected, obeying my commands. "Said that the reason why your father wasn't with her when she was here last was because he was in the hospital, he was so sick. Is it really made up? I don't want to fight with you at all. I'm just thinking about what's right. We have more than enough. We could spare that."

I shook my head, a tear falling down my right cheek. "Blake, you just don't understand," my voice cracked with sadness.

"You're right, I don't," He shook his head. He looked at me like Cynthia did. Like I had two heads, with full disgust. How could Blake turn on me like that? Maybe he had a point, we did have the money, but he did not realize the method behind my madness.

"See," I began, "He wouldn't be in this position if he just wouldn't have shot himself with heroin. And suddenly I have to pay for his mistake? For something that hurt me so bad? For what he did? You're right, you don't get it." I didn't mean to get snappy with Blake, but I couldn't help it. I was outraged. Blake sat still, pondering what I had just said.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Morgan. You included. Don't act like this is something new," He added, calmly. He was so calm and I was just so... angry.

"I paid for mine! Am I cleaning up everyone's mistakes now!" I burst, getting off the bed and standing, looking at Blake.

"You're blood related to him," Blake said and I shook my head. Now it was my turn to be disgusted.

"I don't know what hurts more," I shook my head, taking two steps away from the bed and towards the door. "The fact that they made me think that they cared about me, just to ask me for almost a quarter of a million dollars, or that you're standing with them on this." I shook my head again and turned for the door, leaving the bedroom, not looking back.

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked Paige, as she sat on her bed reading one of the People magazines I saved. Paige instantly dropped the magazine and her face softened. She knew exactly what I was talking about.

"I thought you had a little sister, I swear on my life," She crossed her heart, adding a small smile, but not quite. "But when your mom kept saying 'I can't bring her', 'Not this time,' and bullshit like that, I knew something was up. I did a little research and found out that the retirement home that they are in doesn't allow children at all. No exceptions."

I threw my hands up in frustration and rolled my eyes. "You didn't think, to you know, run it by me?"

"I did it to protect you whether you believe me or not, Morgan," Paige stated, gulping. I opened my mouth to speak, but Paige interrupted me before I could manage to speak. "Also, while doing my research I found out that your father has been to the hospital a lot recently. Georgetown in DC. My mom told me your dad was diagnosed with something and I didn't believe it. I called bullshit, you know me. Until I looked into it... did you know he has HIV?" It felt like my heart stopped pounding in my chest. Everything grew cold in the room, but I was burning hot. I felt my cheeks heat up as I swallowed saliva. Wow. I just screamed and accused my mother of trying to steal my money and lying, when she was telling the truth. I felt like the worst person in the world. I also felt bad for Blake, who knew what was right.

"He was telling the truth," I breathed, as Paige nodded. I left her bedroom, moving back down the hall, towards the room my parents were occupying. I realized it was nearing five in the morning, as I knocked on the door hesitantly. After a few moments, there wasn't an answer, thinking I made a mistake, I turned to walk back down the hall.

"Morgan," I heard a harsh whisper call, stopping me dead in my tracks. It was my father's voice. "Morgan," he repeated. I turned around, my eyes meeting his. "Is everything okay?" I shuffled over to where he stood in the door frame and did the unthinkable. I wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a hug. For the first time in my life, I gave my father a hug. I could tell it shocked him, it took him a few moments to wrap me in one as well.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered into his shoulder, my voice harsh.

"I'm so proud of the person you've become," he whispered back. I leaned out of our hug, and even in the dark I could see his eyes were brimming with tears. "I'd say it's a perfect time to make up for lost time."

"And I would agree."

I'm writing my DeAndre Jordan Fanfic as of now... and OMG, it's gonna be goooooooood, just wait😻

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